The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 61

Tuesday 23rd January

Star’s POV

After an amazing, relaxing morning, my dad’s phone signals its time to get serious.

While he is talking to one of his witch friends, we contact everyone to meet us in the triplets’ office. Wait, our office, I need to get used to that.

I wave to dad, and he gives me a cute thumbs up.

Everyone looks pretty good considering Aiden is still limping slightly, but considering what Ace said, he looks good.

When Dad arrives, he is smiling. He takes a seat and grabs a cookie from the table.

“Ok, so I have an idea, but it’s going to mean that you trust me completely, I have just Spoken to my friend Mary-Beth, she is the coven mother of the Hosey Hill witches, She and another coven mother Anne-Marie, have offered to join our fight, they also have information for us.”

We all look at him expectantly. This all sounds like good news. I don’t see where trust comes in.

“And now for the trusting me bit, they both want to come here, they can open a portal right here, but that will need your permission to do it, I would trust these women with my life, you just need to trust me.”

He is looking at Andrew and Amanda.

They both look at me and the triplets. Andrew sighs. “this is a decision that you four need to make. We trust your judgment.”

Great thanks Alpha, I turn to the boys and Ace speaks for us all, “we have no trust issues with you Liam, so please invite them to come visit.”

After shooting off a text, he stands and waits. It’s like all the air is sucked out of the room. Saffy soothes me, “it’s ok sweetpea, it’s supposed to feel like this.”

Just when I feel like my lungs might explode, a ball of light appears in front of us. The ball grows and grows until it is big enough for a person to walk through. A future walks through, closely followed by another, then the light is gone.

Dad and Cam walk over and embrace both women. One of them cups dad’s face and studies him. “nothing too serious, mmmm? You are still a sexy man, Liam Danvers.” Cam growls at her, causing both women to giggle. It’s ok Campbell, we think you’re sexy too, although there are a lot of younger models in this room.

Her eyes travel over all the men in the room. I notice Nat and Sofia move closer to their mates, then her eyes meet mine before turning her violet eyes on the triplets. She licks her lips before glancing back at me.

I feel Saffy pushing forward slightly, so I smile at our new guest, letting my aura out a little and making my eyes flash yellow, “if you think you have a chance dear, then you are welcome to try.”

“Well f**k me, Liam, you said she had her mother’s gifts, but Thalia had nowhere near your daughter’s power. I have never met a wolf with power to match mine before, and I know I haven’t seen everything yet.”

Mary-Beth and Anne-Marie take a seat,

“Ok, after you spoke to us the other night, we did a little digging. The pack you are looking for is the Hollow Moon Pack. Now they have a long history of being a bunch of nasty assholes.”

I really like these women.

“Star, we know your family’s story, and I am afraid that your mother had reason to fear being taken because it happened before.”

OK, that gets everyone’s opinion.

“The story was much like Thalias starts in Paxos, 36 years ago, The Alpha at the time, Atlas Papadakis, had two sons and one infant daughter, the story goes that one day he was out walking and found a dead woman clutching a baby in her arms. He took the body and the baby girl home with him and he raised the child as his own.”

Mary-Beth looks at her friend to continue the story.

“He named the child Persephone. The four children never knew that the youngest was not from their b***d. When Persephone had just turned 17, the Pack was attacked by rogues, the three older siblings were separated from Persephone, and while she was searching for them, she was taken.”

“She was brought to England and forcibly mated to Alpha Jax Miller, she became Pregnant, and had fraternal twins, he was furious but knew he couldn’t get her pregnant again because when she came of age and had her first shift it would kill the baby, so he waited, but when she turned 18 and got her wolf, it was a normal werewolf, no special powers.”

“He killed her, furious he had been brought the wrong daughter. He went back, but the other daughter had been mated and died in childbirth. Not wanting another infant to bring up, so he decided to wait.”

“He raised his sons on the legend of the powerful she-wolves, planning for the day when his sons would steal the girl and he would finally get his hands on the power.”

“But he had raised his sons in his image, so as soon as they came of age they killed him, the eldest Jax striking the fatal blow, making him Alpha, the brothers plan was to take the girl and then take turns in impregnating her, they would then both have a powerful daughter.”

“Jax remained at the pack and his brother Barton, the man you have been told is called Alpha Jessop, took the army of Rogues his father had collected and went to Paxos. They attacked, but took heavy damage. Barton search for the girl, but the girl was already gone. The girls step mother, a witch, cast a spell on the land, creating a barrier that could only be brought down by the chosen one, the girl with the Silver wolf,”

I gasped, making Amanda jump out of her skin, and everyone looked at me, “sorry Luna.”

“Frightened the s**t out of me, girl.”

A few giggles spread around the room, but once everyone calmed down, Mary-Beth continued.

“The brothers bided their time, re-building their rogue army, and then they got wind of an Alpha trying to find a cure for his Luna, noticed odd weather anomalies and followed, when the body of the Luna was found, they did not believe that the child had died, so they waited, and watched both the area, and the weather.”

I finish for her, “then ten days ago, there was a very weird storm in the middle of the night.”

She nods at me. “Yes sweetheart, he knows who you are, he also knows the only way to claim you would be to remove your mate marks. There is dark magic that could do that, but as you have three, the easiest way is to kill your mates.”

I look at my boys worry etched across my face, Ace cups my face, “they can f*****g try.”

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