The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Introductions part 2

POV Rasheed:

It’s been a few days since the whole Octavia mess. Thank the goddess she hasn’t pulled any other stunt. Everyone loves Gianna, she gives off that Alpha power and it is so sexy.

“Hey baby, are you ready to go train or are you just going to stare at me?” Gianna smirks

She is standing in front of me with her training outfit and the way her yoga pants hug her bottom makes my member hard. I lick my lips and look into her eyes; then I reach out for her.

“Oh no you don’t mister, I’m still sore from last night. I want to train let’s go. Get up!” She says.

She reaches to grab me under my arm, and I pull her on the bed.

“Come on baby, just a little quickie?”

“No! We both know it will be anything but quick! Come on baby, let’s go!”’ She whines.

I groan, but give into her demands, and off we are to the training grounds.

We head up to the observation deck in the training grounds and Gianna is impressed.

“I like the idea of having the observation deck. We can see all around the arena, do you mind if I steal this for our training grounds back home?” She asks.

“You can steal anything you like my Queen; you have already stolen my heart.”

“So sappy” Gianna says.

We continue to observe from the deck. Trigger is leading the training; he motions for us to come down and join.

“I would like you all to give a warm welcome to Alpha Gianna, she has been observing us for a while now.

Making sure we are up to her standards of training.” Trigger says.

All the warrior’s nod.

“How can she watch us train and critique when we don’t know even know if she can fight.” Snorts Octavia.

“Would you like a demonstration? You can pick anyone, but make sure you pick wisely.” Gianna says.

The smirk on her face should have been a sign for Octavia to back down, but I am noticing that she is dumber than a box of rocks.

“Mighty cocky I see; well, I say you fight Jordan. Jordan is our top warrior and is the third best fighter in the pack. With the King, being the best of course.” Octavia smugly says.

Gianna shrugs her shoulders and makes her way to the mat. She wraps her hands and they both bow to each other and get into their stances. I know Gianna can fight, but Jordan is not going to take it easy on her. This is what Jordan does, fight!

They circle around each other, before Jordan lunges at Gianna, she dodges and pushes Jordans head down to the mat. Jordan pops up quickly, Gianna smirks and bounces from foot to foot. Jordan strikes again, this time with a punch combo. Gianna counters with a leg sweep, knocking Jordan down. Gianna waits for Jordan to get up, then lands a few punches to the chest and jaw. Gianna lets her guard down and looks over at me with a confused look.

“Stop playing around she wants to fight, don’t hold back.”

Before Gianna could turn around Jordan punches her in the face, splitting her lip. Blood is dripping down her chin, Gianna wipes her mouth and smiles at Jordan.

“Now the fun is starting.” she says eerily.

She lunges at Jordan and they both collide, each getting punches off. Jordan pushes Gianna back and this gave Gianna the opportunity to round house kick Jordan in the chest. Gianna put Jordan in a headlock and Jordan rolls them over. Gianna is now under Jordan, and she wraps her legs around squeezes. You can see the color drain from Jordan’s face, just before Jordan passes out one of Octavia’s she wolf bitches tries to run up on Gianna. Gianna swiftly kicks the she wolf in the stomach and sends her flying into the sitting area. Gianna still has Jordan in the sleeper hold making Jordan tap out. They both catch their breath and bow to each other.

“Care for around Octavia? Or did my skills prove my strength?” Gianna says.

The whole training arena is quite. Octavia turns and stomps, not even helping her friend, that was just flung into the sitting area.

“This was fun! Thanks for the sparring, Jordan.” Gianna says.

“Anytime Alpha Gianna.” Jordan laughs.

We are on our way back to take a shower when a pissed off Octavia comes storming our direction.

“I Octavia Dalilah Winter challenge you Gianna Antonia Federico, for title of Queen of the Werewolves and Luna of the Midnight Moon Pack.”

A ferocious growl rips though me, but I hear laughing. I look over at Gianna and she is laughing so hard she has tears running down her cheeks.

“It’s your death wish” Gianna shrugs.

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