The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter A challenge

POV Gianna:

“I Octavia Dalilah Winter challenge you Gianna Antonia Federico, for title of Queen of the Werewolves and Luna of the Midnight Moon Pack.”

I instantly start laughing, I hear Rasheed growl menacingly, but I continue to laugh. She must want to die; did she not just see me play with their top warrior? I stop laughing and turn serious.

“It’s your death wish.”

Rasheed is now pissed, I accepted the challenge, not that I could refuse it anyway. All challenges are accepted unless a werewolf is trying to challenge a werewolf who has not shifted.

“It will be death only, when, and where?” Octavia says with a smirk.

“Right now!”

Octavia’s face turns white as a sheet of paper.

“I need time to warm up, allow me an hour.” She says.

“No, a warrior is always ready for a fight, we will do this right now! You challenged me; you should have been prepared. Now let’s go.”

Octavia bows her head and starts to walk towards the arena.

“Gianna! I will not have you fight, what if she hurts you badly?” Rasheed asks.

“Ha-ha your funny my love, hurt me? Do you want me to end it quickly? I can if you like.”

“Gianna come on now love stop playing around.” Rasheed says.

“I don’t play around when someone tries to come for me.”

I stomp away and head right back into the training arena. I just want to get this done and over with, I have the new bottle of Hennessy eclipse waiting for me in our room.

I’m not sure If I am more annoyed that she challenged me or that Rasheed thinks she is going to hurt me, either way I am not going to let it get to me. I walk into the training room and Octavia is wrapping her hands.

“Ah human form it is, I knew you weren’t too stupid to fight in wolf form, that would put you in even more of a humility state.”

“You are one cocky bitch” Octavia spits.

“It’s not cockiness when you already know the outcome. I hope you said your goodbyes.”

My voice was dripping with venom. To my surprise Octavia did not like that and she lunges at me. I dodge and she falls right into a chair.

Laughter erupts throughout the training arena. Octavia gets up and she is pissed. I just laugh at her and make my way to the sparring area.

“Let’s get this over with, I’m bored already.”

Octavia makes her way to me, and Rasheed tells us the rules.

“As this is a rank fight, no one shall interfere. Anyone that goes against these rules will be severely disciplined. No weapons are to be used, in the fight, human or wolf form. If you shift, you must give your opponent the opportunity to shift. This is a fight to death; the winner will be given the title of Queen Luna of Werewolves. Do you both agree to these arrangements?” Rasheed asks.


“Yes” Octavia says.

“Okay, please get into your positions. The fight will begin in Three, Two, One Fight.” Rasheed says.

I grab him after he says fight and give him a kiss, through my peripheral I see Octavia rushing at me and I bring my leg up and connect it with her chest she goes flying.

“Sorry baby, I’ll be back in a few”

I smirk and peck his lips again. I hear him growl, and I can tell he is trying to mind link me. Annoyed with my silliness.

“Stop playing around and take this serious” he says.

Before I can mind link him back, I feel Octavia’s fist against my jaw. It doesn’t hurt, but I can feel some blood seep out.

“Who’s cocky now bitch” Octavia smirks.

I let out a laugh and wipe the blood off the corner of my mouth.

“That will be the only hit you will get off” I sneer.

I rush towards her and throw multiple combos at her face and upper chest. She doesn’t stand a chance with me. I kick her in the knee, and she drops down. I smirk at her as I step closer to her. I grab her head with both hands and whisper.

“I’m still the cocky one, bitch.”

Then I snap her neck. Her body goes limp and the whole arena is quiet. I saunter back over to Rasheed and give a gently peck on the cheek.

“I told you I would be back in a few darling”.

He smirks and grabs me by my ass and pulls me close to him.

“It is my greatest pleasure to introduce the winner, my mate and your future Queen Luna Gianna Antonia Federico.” Rasheed booms out.

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