The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 91

I felt weird.

I wasn't sick, didn't have any symptoms of being sick but I felt off. It was like a itch I couldn't scratch. Even my coffee tasted funny.

Alanna had texted this morning confirming that she was definitely coming in today. I was early so I decided to wait in the car park for her.

I hadn't heard from Jake since last night, could say I was expecting it. Glancing at my wrist I ran a finger over where he cut me.

It amazed me that it healed so fast.

I heard Alanna before I saw her. Music blaring, windows down. Bare in mind it was dull and raining. Shaking my head I laughed as she pulled in next to me.

We still had 20 minutes before school started and I wasn't going in early. As she cut her engine I unlocked my door so she could get in.

"He's in the biggest mood ever. Have you spoke to him?". She grabbed my coffee from my hand taking a sip.

"Not since last night".

"I've been on morning patrol for the last few days. I'm knackered". She groaned.

"I'm guessing that's why you haven't been in for the last few days". I took my coffee back. It tasted weird but I couldn't function without my morning coffee. "He's killing me and I've hardly seen Carter because he's on late patrol".

"He'll come out his mood the way he went in it". I took a sip of my coffee a laugh falling from her lips.

"You sound like my mom".

Making a face I rolled my eyes. "I can't control his mood so". I shrugged.

"You can, just flash him the girls or shake your little ass for him. Please Leah I literally can't take another 4am rise with school on top of it".

"Right now I don't even think that would work. Not after last night".

"Well someone needs to control him and no one can do that better than you. Can I finish that?". I didn't get the chance to answer as she ripped the coffee from my hand. "Doubt that". I snorted. "He went full on Alpha last night".

"Did he do the thing?". She glared.

"Why do you think you found me sitting on your moms kitchen floor".

"What an asshole". She huffed. "But please try I'm begging you. All you have to do is let him stay over".

"Have you seen him this morning?". I asked.

"Who do you think I was patrolling with". She sighed.

"I don't know how I'm going to turn his mood around. It's not like I can tempt him with sex". We still had a few days left to wait.

"No but you can tease him". She grinned. "He'll be like putty in your hand especially with it being this close to the full moon".

"I don't even know if he's talking to me".

"Trust me if you ask him to come over he'll come over". The first bell went giving us a warning to get our asses to first class. "Do it now".

Shaking my head I quickly texted him asking if he was busy tonight. Putting my phone away I grabbed my bag. "I'm not doing this for you. I actually have to talk to him".

"You're the best". She smiled.

"Let's go before we're late".

"It's only chemistry and we're nearly done with this place for good". We both made our way inside walking to Mr Robinson class.

"This is the one I struggle with most. I've got better but I'm still scared of failing".

"I thought Ryan was tutoring you?".

"Yeah that never happened". Reaching our class I frowned when I noticed his seat was empty.

"He'll be at football practice or something. I hate to admit it but it's not as if he needs to be here. The boy is smart".

She didn't need to tell me. I already knew Ryan had the brains. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I dumped my bag on the table.

My stomach knotted. I had the fear of dread because I wasn't sure what he was going to say.

'At the training ground most of the day! Why?'

Yup he was most definitely still in a mood. Rolling my eyes I stared at the message way to long. Do I reply or just forget about it?

"Phone Miss Wilson". Mr Robinson sighed.

"Sorry sir I'll put it away". I glanced at Alanna before hiding it under my text book.

"I see it again and it's mine. Now settle down everyone. Today I want you to focus on pages 230-240. I want the equation's finished by the end of the class. If you don't get them finished you take them home. Got it?".

Great just what I needed.

I didn't bring my phone back out until Mr Robison left the classroom.

"What did he say?". Alanna asked.

"Oh he's still in a mood. He's at the training ground most of the day".

"Persuade him please". She begged.

"I'll try". I sighed.

"Will you be there all night?".

Sending the message I put my phone in my pocket and it was staying there until this class was over. I couldn't risk Mr Robinson taking it when my gran wasn't here to get it back.

Phone forgotten about I opened my notebook and got to work on the equations. I found that the more time I spent on them the easier they became.

I didn't rush, didn't get stressed and I didn't give up. By the time class finished I still had 4 to do but I would do them when I got home or maybe Mr Gallagher would let me finish them in detention. "Remember if you haven't finished I want them on my desk tomorrow".

"Did you finish?". Alanna asked.

Class was almost over. 5 minutes and the bell would be ringing. I hadn't checked my phone so I wasn't sure if he replied or not.

"4 left to do but I'm okay with that". I packed my books away. I had come a long way and I was quite proud of myself. I was straight up failing when I came here and now not so much.

It was becoming easier, clearer to me and I was finally getting it. My brain was finally taking it in.

"That's not bad. Did he message back?".

I'll tell you something she wasn't half eager to get out of morning patrols. "Not yet but I'm sure he will". I wasn't convinced but he could come out his mood when he was ready.

I'd rather not deal with the Jake I got last night.

"What class have you got now?".

"English then free period. You?".

"Maths". She sighed as the bell went. "Text me and keep me posted".

"I will".

In this school there was always a warning bell before the actual bell. One for you to get to class and the other one for class to start.

5 minutes in between. That was enough time to grab a coffee and a snack right?

Regardless I was heading for coffee.

I still felt off, my belly was filled with nerves. Or at least that's what they felt like. I was anxious as hell like I was waiting for something to happen.

I pushed for a cappuccino and grabbed a bag of hot Cheetos out the vending machine. Just as I out the lid on my coffee the second bell went.

Oh well.

I didn't rush, I didn't panic because quite frankly I wasn't bothered. My mood was different, I felt different and although I needed to stick out the last few weeks I really didn't want to.

And that wasn't the attitude I needed to have. Although I wasn't going to Yale it didn't mean I still couldn't study here.

I still needed to graduate here with high marks.

Reaching his classroom I mentally cursed. His door was closed which meant he had already began his lesson.

Another detention was probably heading my way.

Go Leah!

Coffee in hand I took a deep breath before opening the door. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, music playing from someone's phone, people not sitting where they should be. What was going on and where was Mr Gallagher?

Making my way to my seat I dumped my bag on the ground. At least I know I wasn't getting another detention.

"Free period". Abby grinned as she turned her seat.

"Where's Mr Gallagher?". I asked.

"He wasn't here when I arrived and then the second bell went".

"So we're all just waiting for someone to realise we don't have a teacher?".

"Pretty much". She shrugged.

"Weird". I frowned.

"Shame this isn't last period". She laughed.

"It could be". I smirked.

"I've never skipped before". The smile slipped from her face.


She shook her head. "My mom would kill me if she found out. She's working so hard to pay for college. She would literally hand me my ass on a plate".

"Well school is almost over for good". I'm not sure if I was trying to convince Abby or myself. "And my gran is out of town so-.....".

"You know what fuck it let's go".

"I feel like I'm doing something wrong". I had just left the school grounds. "My stomach is in knots Leah".

"Do you want me to go back?".

"How can you be so cool about skipping school?".

I wish I could tell her the truth. Me graduating didn't matter, I had no fancy school to get into. Yes I had got into Yale but we weren't talking about that.

My life was here. I was to play wife to the Alpha wolf. I rolled my eyes at that ridiculous thought. I knew I was more than that but sometimes it didn't feel like it. "Guess I'm used to it by now". Back in Florida I never missed a day unless I was ill to the point where I couldn't get out of bed.

Life was so different back then. Even though it wasn't that long ago it felt like a life time.

"I can take you back if you want me to". I didn't want her to worry.

"Will you please?".

"Yeah of course". Turning my car around I drove the short distance back to school.

"Should I just say you're sick?". She asked.

Skipping was easy, it was the easy option for me. I didn't need to be here. In my head I couldn't help but think what was the point.

What was the point in finishing. What was the point in graduating.

"Yeah go with that".

"See you tomorrow?".

"Maybe". I grinned.

I had been sat outside the school for at least 29 minutes. Jake messaged me back and I had been staring at the message ever since.

'Probably why?'

When he was like this it was probably best that we don't see each other. Nobody could get through to him, nobody could talk to him.

He wouldn't listen, didn't care what anyone had to say. We would probably argue or nothing, argue over everything.

Still I told Alanna I would try. So I sent the text.

'Was going to see if you wanted to come stay the night but if you're too busy.....'

Could say I expected his reply.


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