The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 90

Okay so I didn't exactly go straight to his moms. I stopped off at the coffee shop for something sweet and a cappuccino.

Rocco's sister was working, and the devil himself was sat at the counter. He smirked as soon as he saw me.

"Finally out of detention then?".

I sat on the seat beside him placing my bag on the counter."A lot quicker thanks to you". I grinned. "What were you doing in the library after school anyway?".

"Miss Young is hot". He grinned.

"You're disgusting". His sister glared. "What can I get for you Leah?".

A laugh fell from my lips. "Can I get a cappuccino and chocolate brownie to go please". I felt bad that I didn't even know her name.

"Sure thing". She smiled.

"What's your sisters name?". I whispered.

"Reign, her name is Reign".

"I like it". I smiled. "Rocco and Reign".

"Aye alright". He rolled his eyes. "You got detention tomorrow?".

"For the next two weeks". I sighed.

"Oh bummer".

"Yeah! Two weeks with Mr Gallagher".

"What's his deal?".

"What do you mean?".

"There's something about him. I noticed the way he was looking at you today".

"Don't you start". I made a face.

"So I'm not the only one that's noticed". He smirked. "Jake know?".

"There's nothing Jake needs to know. You just need to get your mind out the gutter".

"Who else has noticed?". He asked.

A sigh fell from my lips. "Jake's sister". I don't even know why I was telling him this. For some reason it was easy to talk to him.



"Looks like I'm not the one Jake should be worried about". He winked.

"Oh shut up". I grinned mgrabbing some money from my pocket and putting it on the counter. "And why are you so concerned about Jake all of a sudden?". "Because he's my new soon to be Alpha". He grinned.


"His dad said we could stay, invited us to join the pack".

"He did?".

How come I was just finding this out?

"Looks like you're my new Luna". He winked.

"Rocco". He sister glared. "We've just been accepted into her pack, don't ruin it already". Reign placed my coffee and brownie on the counter.

"I'm just playing". He smirked.

"I'm really happy for you guys". They finally had a place to call home. They could stop running, settle down, build a life. "But I have to go". I checked the time on my phone. "Like now". I grabbed my things. "You think he'll accept us?". Rocco asked as he walked me to my car.

"You just said you've been asked to stay?". I frowned.

"Jake doesn't like me or the remainder of my pack. We've been accepted by Jacob and Charlotte".

"So you're telling me Jake doesn't know?".

"Not really sure". He smirked.

"You're kidding right?".

"I wouldn't joke about this". He opened my car door for me.

"Great". I sighed. "Just what I need". An angry Alpha this close to the full moon. "I have to go".

"See you tomorrow?". He asked.

"Yeah if I'm not chained in the basement".

He threw his head back a hearty laugh falling from his lips. "Didn't know you liked that sort of thing". He winked.

"Fuck off". Rolling my eyes I put my seatbelt on, turned my key and left.

Maybe this was the reason I was to go to his moms.

It was quiet when I pulled up. Turning off my engine I got out making my way up his parents drive. I still couldn't get over the size of their house.

Biggest on the street. My favourite part still being the floor length windows looking out onto the back garden. I couldn't wait to experience it in winter with snow on the ground.

I could here music but it wasn't loud enough for me to freak out. I didn't want to walk into a party I knew nothing about. I also didn't notice that it was only Jake's truck parked outside.

Just as I was about to knock the door was pulled open and I was being pulled through it.

"What the hell?". I yelled falling against his chest.

"Where the fuck have you been?". He growled his grip tightening.

He knew, he knew about Rocco.

"You're hurting me".

"Were you with him?". He snarled his canines extending, the colour of his eyes darkening.

A hiss fell from my lips, my eyes being drawn to the pain, blood. His claws were fully extended, one catching the inside of my wrist. "You're hurting me". I whimpered.

A growl tore from his mouth as he let me go. "You're seriously testing my fucking patience Leah. I told you not to go near him and what do you do. You go get fucking coffee with him". He was pacing the hallway and I couldn't hide my fear.

He was scaring me, the recklessness, he couldn't be tamed when he was like this.

"I didn't go for coffee with him". I couldn't believe how weak my voice sounded. My insides shaking with fear. I didn't like how small he made me feel.

"Don't fucking lie to me". He snarled causing a cry to fall from my lips. I couldn't control it, I fell to my knees my head bowed.

I couldn't help but submit. His wolf was present and he was making damn sure I knew my place. I could feel the sob trying to burst its way through. My body trembling, my wrist throbbing, my blood everywhere. Pressing firmly against my wound a hiss fell from my lips at the stinging sensation. I couldn't look at him, my head still bowed, my eyes focused on my now soaked red sleeve.

Tears fell from my eyes, if this was what he was going to be like when he lost control then I didn't want to be apart of it.

I didn't deserve to be treated like this. He couldn't get away with treating me like this. He was dangerous, his wolf was worse but surely he could control it better.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood when I saw the paw in front of me. He had shifted. A whine fell from his lips as he circled me.

I couldn't stop my body from shaking.

I was terrified.

Another whine left his mouth as he nudged me with the side of his body. Did he want me to look at him, did he want me to get up. Regardless I couldn't move.

I don't know how long I sat there. Could have been hours, all I could focus on was the huge beast laying beside me licking my wound.

He wouldn't change back. I wasn't even sure if he could. Every time I moved a growl fell from his lips. I was tired, hungry and wanted nothing more than to go home.

This wasn't how I thought tonight was going to end up. Couldn't blame me for wanting to get through a day with no drama.

I didn't expect to be trapped in his parents kitchen by a 6 foot feral wolf. Surely someone would be coming home soon?

He nudged my hand with his head before another whine fell from his lips. "I don't talk wolf Jake". I knew he could hear me, I knew he was present. "You have to let me up". I groaned. I was sore from sitting in the same position for so long.

A sigh of relief left my mouth when I heard the front door open. He pounced to his feet standing over me.

Already he was growling.

"M-mom". Alanna stuttered. "We have a problem". As she took a step towards me he snapped at her. Oh shit. He wasn't playing around.

"Hey". She glared. "I'm your sister. I'm not a threat". She took a step back. "Leah are you okay?". "Just peachy". I was past bothered. I had been sat here that long all my rage had disappeared.

A laugh fell from her lips. "I know I shouldn't be laughing but-...but you're tiny compared to him". That wasn't funny in the slightest.

"Oh Jesus". Charlotte gasped. "What in that blood?".

My wound had maliciously healed. The blood she was talking about was soaked into my sleeve.

"Jacob Taylor I've just about had enough of you". She yelled. "Sweetheart, are you hurt?". She couldn't get close enough to check.

"It's dry blood". You wouldn't even know I had a cut in the first place, it was completely gone.

"Did he hurt you?". She asked.

A growl tore from his mouth as he blocked her view of me. I could hear her sigh before I heard her high heeled shoes on the kitchen floor.

"Alanna is away to get you clothes". As she walked to the patio doors she pulled it open. It took me a second to realise she wasn't talking to me. "You can get up honey, he won't hurt you". And just like that Jake bolted for the back door.

I was numb, my legs, my bum. A groan fell from my lips as I got myself to my feet. I couldn't wait to get to bed tonight. She closed the patio doors before looking at me.

"I sometimes wonder where that boy gets his temper from because it's certainly not his father. He's out of control".

That's something I didn't want to hear. Especially not from his own mom. How could I control him when he's like that?

"Where did the blood come from?". She flicked the switch on the kettle fixing two cups.

"His claw". I took a seat at the table. "It was an accident. This is not how I thought today was going to go".

"He should mellow out once you are mated. Not long now". She smiled. "How are you feeling?".

"Scared as hell". If he brought his wolf to the table I was a goner. "He scared me tonight and what made it worse was I had no control. I was completely submissive, the control he has over me terrifies me". "That's normal sweetheart. It used to drive me insane when Jacob played that card. It won't always be like that though". She filled our cups passing me one.

"Thank you". I brought the cup to my lips taking a sip.

"I'm worried about him". She frowned. "Jake's always been Jake but the way he's been acting is out of sort. Maybe we shouldn't have allowed those wolfs to join our pack".

"But they aren't here to harm anyone. They just want another chance". Rocco and his family shouldn't have to suffer because Jake was jealous.

"I know but I'm scared someone is going to get hurt".

"I left his clothes on the back porch but he's no where to be seen". Alanna joined us. "He's out of control Mom". She took the seat next to me.

"He's jealous". Both of them looked at me. "He's letting the jealousy control him. He thinks Rocco is going to steal me. Sees him as a threat". It was ridiculous really. I didn't see Rocco in that way.

"He sees everyone as a threat". Alanna said. "But yeah more so Rocco because he's a wolf".

"Despite everything that he does and how he reacts I can't stop the way I feel about him. Doesn't he know that I'm falling in love with him?". Shit did I just say that part out loud.

"Maybe you should tell him that sweetheart. Girls I'm heading to bed. Leah are you staying?".

"No I'm going to head home". I needed a little me time.

"Okay honey we'll speak soon. Alanna you better be at school tomorrow. I had Mr Gregg on the phone today". Her eyes narrowed.

"Yeah yeah I'll be there the rest of the week". She smiled.

I showered quickly and couldn't wait to get into bed. I couldn't wait for today to be over and done with. I just hope he was in a better mood tomorrow.

After showering and brushing my teeth I turned off all the lights before going into my room.

He was sat on the edge of my bed.

"You really need to stop breaking into my house". Could say I was used to it by now.

"You should start locking your doors".

"Or you could try coming over at a reasonable time". I took a seat at the top end of my bed making sure there was some distance between us.

"It's not late princess".

"Why are you here?". I asked.

"Wanted to make sure you were okay". He turned slightly his eyes locking with mine.

"I'm fine".

"I don't want to scare you".

"You don't-...".

"I heard you talking to my mom and Alanna".

Well damn.

"You shouldn't be scared of me. I would never intentionally hurt you Leah".

"I know that but you scared me tonight. I-I don't want to feel that way especially with you". He was meant to protect me, make me feel safe. Not do the complete opposite.

"I lost most of my control tonight but I managed to get it back the minute I shifted".

"We can't keep going on like this". I whispered.

"You're right". He moved closer but still leaving a small gap. Taking my hand he turned it over examining my wrist.

"Nobody is going to take me away from you". I brushed my fingers against his.

"You knew about Rocco didn't you?". He asked.

"He told me before I came here. He didn't know that you weren't aware. He's really not a bad person".

His eyes locked with mine.

"When it comes to you baby I have to protect what's mine. He's a strong wolf, maybe a beta, I have to show that you are mine. I have to make sure he knows that".

"I'm pretty sure he knows that. They don't want no trouble Jake and if you actually take the time to get to know them you'll see that".

"Aye babe I wish it was that simple".

"Why isn't it that simple?". It wasn't a competition, Rocco wasn't asking for a fight. He wanted a place to call home.

"I better let you get some sleep". He let go of my hand as he got to his feet.

I guess that was the end of the conversation.

"Bye". I turned my attention away from him. I wasn't asking for the world. I was asking him to try and be reasonable.

"I'll try Leah but I'm not making any promises". He kissed the top of my head before he left.

It took me a while to fall asleep but the last thing I heard before he did was a howl.

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