The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 65

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 65

Pushing open the school doors I walked down the steps towards his car. Opening the door I dumped my bag on the back seat. "Why do I need to leave early?". I sighed closing the door and putting my seatbelt


I had texted Ryan letting him know I had left and that he didn't need to take me home. "I'm busy baby. I've been stuck in pack meetings all day. This rogue problem isn't going away". Placing his hand on my knee he squeezed. "And I had to leave school because you're busy?". I didn't understand. I had a lift home. He didn't need to come for me.

"I needed to see you".

"You couldn't have waited until I finished?". I asked. He removed his hand placing it back on the steering wheel. "I can't really afford to be skipping school Jake". At this rate I wouldn't graduate at all. "Like I said I'm busy".

"And I'm not?". He wasn't to busy to be messaging Jessica though.

"You know what I mean".

"Well actually I don't because you never tell me anything. If you're going back into another pack meeting then drop me off home". At least I wouldn't be on my own there. Lana hadn't went to school yet again. "Don't be like that Leah". His grip tightened, his knuckles turning white.

"Id rather be in my own home than be judged by people that don't know me". Crossing my arms over my chest I turned away from him.

"I might have to go away for a bit".

"Why?". I knew something was going on. I had no idea why he was keeping me in the dark about it.

"I have to visit our neighbouring pack. They're having the same issue. We think it may be related".

"How long?".

"I'm not sure yet".

"A few days, weeks, a month?". I asked. I was trying not to lose my head. He was leaving and the full moon was fast approaching.

"Come with me"...

"How long?". I asked again.

"A good few weeks".

"Okay. Drop me off at home please". I didn't want to talk about this. He was leaving and I didn't know if he would be back in time. "Babe I need to-...."

"Yeah you need to go I get it". I couldn't look at him. What happened to us having to mate when the full moon rises? Was that bullshit? Another lie?

As he stopped in front of my house I got out slamming the door shut behind me.

"Leah will you-... wait a damn minute". Grabbing my arm he pulled me to a stop.

"What?". Pulling my arm back I moved away from him. "You pulled me out of school early just to tell me you're going away for a few weeks. What happened to having to mate on the full moon?". My voice was raised, my breathing heavy.

If it was so important why was he leaving?

"I'll be back before then". As he took a step closer to me I held up my hand. I wasn't convinced he would be back on time. "Don't do that". He snapped pulling me against his chest. "Calm the fuck down and let me explain".

Taking a deep breath I bit my bottom lip hard. My body relaxed but I could taste the blood on my tongue.

"I'm sorry". I sighed. I was already starting to feel the effects and I still had over 2 weeks before it happened.

"Come with me". He whispered his hand rubbing the bottom of my back.

"Don't go". Surely he could send Jack in his place or better yet his dad?

"I have to babe". Brushing his nose against mine I closed my eyes.

"When do you leave?". I asked. His body tensed and I knew I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Tomorrow morning. Please come with me?".

"You know I can't do that". I couldn't keep skipping school. My attendance was already slipping.

"Then at least spend the night at mine. We'll get take out, watch another rubbish horror. Just let me spend the night with you". "Okay". There wasn't anything I could do and I was wasting my time kicking off about it. If he had to go then he had to go. There was nothing I could do or say to stop him.

"I'll come by and pick you up later. Pack a bag". Placing a kiss on my lips something inside me ignited. Shivers spread throughout my full body and it took all of my will power not to moan out loud. Oh yes the full moon was getting closer with everyday that passed.

My gran wasn't home but I got her note that was stuck to the fridge. She was spending the night with George. Lana wasn't home. I had messaged her but she had yet to reply.

I had packed a bag as soon as I got in. Took a shower and was currently lying on my bed in a towel. I was trying to keep myself awake but was struggling.

If we didn't complete the mating bond when the full moon rises what would happen? Would I still go into heat? My mind was working overtime about this. "Fuck this". Getting off my bed I dropped the towel from my body putting on some clean clothes. He obviously wasn't that bothered about it so why should I. Hearing my phone vibrate I answered the call putting it on loudspeaker.

"You ready?". Alanna asked.

"Ready for what?".

"Am I not meant to take you to the gas station?".

"I didn't realise that was still happening". Placing my phone of my bed I went about fixing my hair, a messy bun would do.

"Unless you don't want to". "Where's Carter?". I asked. Taking my contacts out I gave my eyes a good rub.

Something had been irritating them all day. Putting my glasses on I picked up my phone and went downstairs.

"He's with Jake".

"Is he going with him?".

"Yeah they leave tomorrow morning".

"I know". I sighed.

"I'll toot when I'm outside".

The line went dead. Slipping my feet into my sneakers I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went outside to wait. Walking down my driveway I could see her coming. "Hey girl".

"Hey". I smiled clipping my seatbelt in. "Have you seen Lana? I haven't heard from her all day".

"You don't know?". She asked sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

"Know what?". I frowned.

"She knows".

"She knows wh-...Oh".

"Pete told her last night. He probably has he tied to his bed". She laughed.

"So she's mated already?". I asked.

"It's the first thing we do". She winked. "I'm surprised she lasted this long to be fair".

Wait a minute.....

"Shit". She groaned.

The penny had dropped.

"I don't even care. He won't be back for it anyway". I shrugged turning my head so I could look out the window.

It was always one thing after another with this lot. Even Lana had completed the mating bond and yet I had to wait for the full moon.

"It's different because Jake is Alpha". She whispered.

"Hm". I replied because I didn't want to talk about it. I would keep all my questions for him tonight.

"Your heat lasts longer than ours because you're our Luna. You carry the heir, the future Alpha". "Okay". I shrugged.


"And what happens if he isn't back for the full moon? Does it just skip me, we'll get you next month". I laughed sarcastically.

"It doesn't skip". She frowned.

Oh she thought I was being serious. "So I'll go through this all on my own. The excruciating pain, the hallucinations and for what, to go through the exact same thing the next time there's a full moon?". I was beginning to understand it more.

The internet helped. It was also full of shit but it helped.

"He'll be back Leah. He won't let you go through that on your own". She made a face.

"It's bad isn't it?". I sighed.

"Yeah". She whispered. "But please don't worry about it".

"Will it be worse for me?". I asked as she pulled up outside the gas station.

"I'm not sure but you're strong, you'll get through it. Come inside we need to be back for 7".

"Okay". I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I wanted to go home, binge watch a box set and eat some junk food.

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