The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 64

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 64

I was half way through my second period. For the life of me I couldn't concentrate. I hadn't seen Ryan yet but I knew he was here after speaking with Abby in English.

They had been hanging out a lot but didn't have a title yet. Mr Gallagher had been on at me about Yale again, I still hadn't submitted my application. The due date was in less than a week. Did I really want to go there?

Was I even smart enough to go there?

Interviews weren't my strong point.

Alanna dropped me off at school this morning but was ditching. Something to do with a shopping trip with Carter and a dress. Lacey who I hadn't seen for days was housebound with the flu. I didn't think werewolf's got the flu.

I hadn't seen Carter in a few days either. He wasn't staying with us but personally I think he was avoiding gran. We hadn't all been in the house together at the same time yet. Maths was almost over but I had completed my work ages ago. It's one subject I knew I could ace. I hadn't heard from Jake since the morning. I woke up to a cute little message. He was still focused on finding the rogue wolfs. Packing away my stuff I couldn't wait to get some coffee. I didn't have time to get any this morning. As the bell rang signalling class was over I slipped my bag over my shoulder. I had a free period next and chemistry before lunch.

I didn't see him until I was knocked on my ass, my phone slipping out my hand. I was lucky I didn't fall on my broken hand.

"Shit beautiful I didn't see you". As he helped me to my feet I frowned. I hadn't seen him before. "Ah fuck". He sighed holding my phone.

Please don't be broke.

"Kidding". He winked handing it to me.

"Are you new?". I asked as I started walking towards the cafeteria to get some coffee. "Is it that obvious?". He smirked. "Names Rocco". He sure did have a cocky attitude. He gave off the bad boy vibe. Walking about with the leather jacket and sunglasses covering his eyes.

It was heavy rain outside. I bet he had a motorcycle.

"First day?". I asked pushing the door open. I remember my first day well.

"You still haven't told me your name".

"Leah". Putting some money in the machine I waited for my coffee to brew before adding some milk and one sugar. "Haven't you got class?". I asked stirring once and putting a lid on.

"Haven't you got class?". He smirked as I started walking towards the library. "Free period". Making a face I pushed the door open to the library and went inside. I was hoping to get some studying in before chemistry. I would rather do it alone but it didn't look like Rocco was going anywhere soon.

He took the seat across from me as I pulled out my books. "Do you have your schedule?".

"Nah". He yawned scratching the back of his head. "Not meant to pick it up till tomorrow. Thought I'd scope out the place first".

"Shouldn't you be doing that then?". Opening my note book I continued with the questions from my last class.

"Nah schools school I mean-...."

"Really Rocco. Hiding in the library". A girl stopped by the table. I could tell the were related. They had the same eyes. "Come on we have to go". Glancing at me her grip on her bag tightened before her gaze fell to the floor.

"Guess I'll see you tomorrow beautiful". Winking at me he got to his feet and left with who I presumed was his sister.


Taking a sip of my coffee hands covered my eyes causing me to jump. "I hope you're not cheating". Swatting his hands away I grinned as he grabbed my note pad. "You do these?". He asked. Chewing the end of my pencil I watched as his eyes scanned over the page. I had become quite good at writing with my left hand.

"How'd I do?". I asked as he sat beside me.

"Looks like your brain is taking something in from class". He grinned.

"Very funny". Taking my notebook from him I slipped it into my bag. "So when are you asking Abby to be your girlfriend?".

"I don't do girlfriend shorty. Got any sweets?". Searching my bag be pulled out my twizzlers.

He didn't do girlfriends?

"Does she know that? And don't eat them all".

"It's all good Leah". He smiled.

Something was off. "She put the breaks on didn't she?".

"Apparently we're moving to fast, wants to slow down a bit. So I agreed with her and backed off".

"Ryan". I really thought something more was going to happen between them.

"Didn't even get into her panties". He smirked.

"You're a dog". I laughed.

"I'm kidding".....

"Plenty of more fish in the sea".

"Can I be in your sea?". He winked.

Oh god!

"Never gonna happen". Ryan and I were friends and that's all we will ever be.

"Still hanging around with Jake?". He asked.

"We're not talking about me".

"How am I meant to shoot my shot if I don't know if you're single?".

"You're not shooting anything". I grinned. "He would kill you". Jake was jealous and very protective of what was his.

"I could take him". He smirked.

If only he knew.

"I met a new student today".

"Is she hot?".

Wow this boy moved fast.

"She is a he". I laughed when his smile fell.

"Another dude". He huffed shoving the last of his twizzler in his mouth.

"Pretty sure his sister has started as well". I winked as the bell rang signalling it was time for our next class.

We both left the library and headed for chemistry. I hoped Mr Robinson gave us a task and let us get on with it. I couldn't be bothered with a full vocal lesson.

"You feeding me tomorrow when I come over?". He slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to lunch.

"Always thinking about your gut but yes I'll order pizza. I'll get a table you get lunch".

Dumping my bag on the chair next to me I took out my phone. I had a text from Jake. 'You alright? Can you skip?'

'What's going on?'

After texting him I waited anxiously for a reply. Why did he want me to skip?

"Got you a chicken wrap and some Cheetos". Dumping my lunch in front of me he pulled a bottle of coke from his bag. "You can have that".

"Thanks". My stomach was in knots. He wasn't replying fast enough. My phone vibrated and I almost broke a nail picking it up.

'Just checking in princess. Try and skip last period. I need to pick you up early' Really?!

'Stop asking me to skip. I CANT!!!'

So much for taking me to the gas station after school. He probably forgot anyway.

"Boyfriend?". Ryan smirked.

"Shut up and eat your food". Now I knew nothing was wrong my stomach settled and I tucked into my wrap.

"So what's the new girl like?". He asked.

"I don't know I didn't speak to her". She was pretty, came off as a little nervous but that was normal starting a new school.

"Well her brother then?".

"Cocky! You'll get on like a house on fire". I smirked opening my Cheetos.

"Rude". He frowned. "Is Jake picking you up after school?". My phone vibrated again.

'I've got business to take care of! Skip the last period. I'm not asking'

Now he was just being an ass. I didn't bother replying.

"Apparently he is. I've to skip last period". At this rate I would end up suspended. I had never missed as many days of school.

Yes my own fault but still he shouldn't be asking me to skip.

"What class is it?".


"Oh Ms Graham. She's an old witch. I was 10 minutes late to her class one day and she made me stand outside for the full lesson". "Could you drop me home instead of me having to skip. I could be doing without the detention".

"What's in it for me?". He smirked.

"How about I don't give you a sore face". I smiled sweetly at him.

"You'd really hit the money maker?". He laughed pointing to his face. "Of course I'll drop you off".

"Good answer". I winked. Now I just had to let Jake know he didn't need to pick me up.

'Ryan is going to drop me home so you don't have to'

As soon as I sent it he was replying straight away. The three little bubbles were moving on my screen.

'Fine! Get him to drop you at the gas station. Alanna will meet you' That wasn't the reply I thought I would get. But it tells me he likes Ryan.

"What's lover boy saying?".

"Nothing". As the bell rang I groaned before stuffing the rest of my wrap in my mouth. Social studies wasn't bad I just couldn't be bothered. Me Ellis let you do whatever you wanted as long as the work was getting done.

"I'll meet you out front at the end of the day. Bye shorty".

Another class I had to go through on my own. Holly and Jessica were in this class. Can you see why I couldn't be bothered?

Stopping by my locker I looked out some cash for the vending machine. I was going to need something chocolaty if I was getting through her high pitch squeal. The girl didn't shut up ever. Entering the class I took my seat. Holly smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes. I hadn't forgotten the chat I overheard in the toilets at the nightclub. She was just as bad as Jessica. Taking out my books and my note pad I placed my phone on the table. Mr Ellis didn't mind it being there. Like I said you could do what you want as long as the work was done. "This party on Friday is going to be epic. I wonder if he'll show up". I could feel her staring but chose to ignore her. I wasn't rising to her little foolish games.

"Of course he will. Beach parties always end at his house. We'll still be parting at 6 in the morning". Holly giggled.

There was a beach party this Friday? How come I didn't know about this?

"Wait until you see what I'm wearing". Jessica added.

Zoning out I messed around on my phone for a little bit. Her high pitched voice was starting to give me a headache. Taking out the bar of chocolate I opened it sticking a piece in my mouth.

"I think I'll give him a message after school. We've been messaging back and forth for days". I knew she was trying to get me to bite but it wasn't happening today. I knew I had nothing to worry about with Jake.

He wasn't interested in her or anyone else. My phone vibrated diverting my attention.

'Change of plan. Leave school just now. I'm outside' Was he being serious?

'I can't you know this'

'Don't make me come get you Leah. You know I will'

After sending him the middle finger emoji I packed my stuff away. He better have a damn good reason as to why I need to cut school short.

Leaving my seat I managed to sneak out without Mr Ellis noticing. That didn't surprise me. The old man just wanted an easy life.

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