The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 44

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 44

Walking the short distance home I caught sight of Lana at my bedroom window. My gran wasn't strict, she wasn't controlling she was actually a cool gran but when it came down to it she was hard faced when she needed to be.

This was one of those situations. I was going to get my ass chewed for no reason. I knew Lana wasn't going to get off lightly it just meant the two of us were getting an earful. Walking up the path I took a deep breath before heading inside.

"In here Leah". The good thing was George was here. Maybe she wouldn't be to hard. Kicking off my shoes I ignored the vibrations coming from my pocket. Whoever that was could wait.

Taking a seat on the arm chair I waited for what was to come. Lana was getting her ass kicked for this one. She knew better and she knew what my gran was like.

"You come in here as well Lana. I want to speak to you both". She walked in her head bowed her gaze fixed on the floor. Glancing at her she gave me a small smile.

"You're not kids anymore". My gran sighed. "But you both know my rules. They haven't changed just because we moved house". Glancing at George she took the hand he was offering. Why did I have a feeling this conversation wasn't about Lana and her having a boy here.

"What's you plans Lana? Are you staying with us permanently, are you just visiting?".

"Staying permanently". She whispered.

"Do you plan on finishing school?". She asked.

"I do Miss Wilson I'm just waiting to hear back. I will pay my way and I won't be any hassle. I am sorry about today".

"Nonsense you're family honey and well what happened today won't happen again will it?". She asked just as my phone began to vibrate again.

"It won't I promise and thank you for letting me stay". She smiled.

"My girls under one roof again". She laughed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was so cool about it all. "Leah did you invite Jake over for dinner?". She asked.

"I haven't yet but I will". Something was going on with her and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I would find out sooner or later though.

"I swear I thought she was going to give us an earful". Lana laughed as she fell onto my bed.

"Give you an earful, I wasn't the one sucking face in the living room". Checking my phone I grinned when I saw the message.

'Big bad wolf isn't that scary is he?'

"I didn't have Pete in my bed". Snapping my head up I glared at her grinning face. My gran didn't need to know that Jake had spent a few nights here. "Stop glaring your face will stay like that". She sighed. "So Pete?". I asked replying to Jakes message.

'More cuddly than scary;)'

I knew he'd hate that reply.

"He's hot". She winked. "And we get on really well. First date I've been on where I haven't phoned you for backup".

If only she knew.

"Seeing him again then?". I asked.

"Maybe. I like to keep them hanging". She smirked. "Why's Jake coming for dinner?".

"She's knows we're seeing each other". I missed out the part about her wanting to give him the third degree. I hope she was kidding. She did seem to like him and she got on well with his parents. "My girl is finally upgrading. He's fine, I bet his dicks bigger than Tommy's". She laughed.

Rolling my eyes I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. I could already feel the heat forming on my cheeks. Her and than damn mouth.

"Lana". I groaned.

"Oh come on you can't actually say the sex was good". Pulling out her phone I noticed the little smile that played on her lips.

"Lover boy?". I asked.

"Maybe but seriously I bet he's got abs for days". Chewing her bottom lip she closed her eyes and moaned. "Tell me you're screwing him?".

"Lana". I couldn't help the jealousy rising within me. I didn't like her speaking about him like that. Jake wasn't fair game.

"Hey". Snapping her fingers she caught my attention. "I'm just messing around I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable".

"I really like him". Taking a seat at my window I stared up at the sky. "Like I haven't ever felt this way before".

"Boys crazy for you. I could tell the minute I saw him with you. You've got nothing to worry about".

"You think so?". I asked. I always had this little bit of doubt in the back of my mind. What if I wasn't good enough for him?

"I know so". She smirked. "Wanna do something?". She was typing away on her phone. It wouldn't be long before she was hung up on Pete. It didn't take long for the bond to work on me. "Like what?". I still had to ask Jake to dinner. I was confident he would say yes. He loved showing off to my gran.

"We could dress up, go out just us gals?". She grinned. Her phone was vibrating like crazy.

I didn't want to go out. I had school in the morning and so did she. "We're up early tomorrow and I don't know how long dinner will take. You remember when she invited Tommy for dinner?". "That didn't end well". She made a face. "Your gran hated him”.

"I wouldn't say hate". I sighed. She just didn't get a good feeling off him. Me on the other hand. I adored the ground he walked on.

"She knew he was no good for you but good old Leah sees the good in everyone". She sighed giving me an eye roll.

"It's not a bad thing". I huffed. I wasn't quick to judge. "He was good to me".

"He was a snake that kept you all to himself, he manipulated you, he would always make you change your plans making you think it was your idea. Best thing you ever did was move away". "That's not fair Lana". My heart felt heavy. Was I to blind to see that's how our relationship was? I spent almost two years with him and no it wasn't always perfect but we did have something or at least I thought we did.

"It's maybe not fair but it's true. He was poison you just didn't see it. You loved him and that clouded your vision. Can you remember junior prom?". She asked.

I didn't want to remember it. That was our first ever fight and it was ugly. "That was a horrible night". That night he wasn't Tommy. His whole attitude changed, he was damn right nasty to me.

"He's lucky I only burst his nose. He ruined our full night, he was a bastard and he made you cry. All he cared about was winning prom king". Rolling her eyes she clenched her fists. "You should have ended it for good when he left you on your own".

"Can we not". I asked. It wasn't something I wanted to remember. In reality I buried the bad only wanting to remember the good but Lana was right, he was no good for me and now I knew that. "I'm just stating fact and I hope Jake treats you better than that wanker did".

"He does". I smiled. It was totally different with Jake. He put me first, it wasn't always about him. With Tommy it was always what he wanted to do or where he wanted to go. He was my first everything and I wanted to make him happy. I guess I was scared in case he dumped me. "But you're right". I whispered. "I thought that was normal how he treated me. He was my first boyfriend and I believed everything he said". "He-..he didn't hurt you did he?". Her eyes connected with mine her phone forgotten about.

"God no". Not physically anyway. Tommy had a way with words at times. "That was in the past I knew our relationship ended the minute I left Florida".

"You would tell me if he did though right?".

"He didn't touch me Lana. You think I would have stayed with him if he hit me?". I asked.

"Sometimes words are worse than physical pain". Getting to her feet she grabbed a hold of my hand. "But you're right that was the past. We're here now and I have a feeling I'm going to like it".

"Can I ask you something?". I asked as she let go of my hand her attention going back to her phone.

"Pete wants to take me to dinner tonight". She grinned.

"What did you say?".

"No". She smirked. "Keeping him keen. What did you want to ask?".

"Never mind". I didn't want her to hurt him but she didn't know what she was getting herself into yet. She didn't do relationships but this one she wasn't getting out of.

What if she rejected him?

"No what were you going to say?".

"How about you just give him a chance. Let him take you to dinner. You said you got on right?". For the full time we had been friends never once had Lana had a relationship. She always kept things casual and then she got bored and would move onto the next one.

"I don't do relationships remember".

"Yeah and how's that working out for you?".

"Fine, perfect actually. I don't have any ties, I don't need to think about anyone else's feelings. I can do what I want when I want. That's why I do sex with no strings. It's easy". She shrugged.

She always came back with the same answer. "Can't keep doing the sex with no strings forever. One day you'll get bit with the love bug, you'll catch feelings sooner or later".

"Don't say that word, it scares me". She smirked. "But you're right. I'll go to dinner, I'll keep my mind open and I won't sleep with him". Winking at me she fell onto my bed. "You never know you might end up liking it". I laughed at the face she pulled. "Will Jake be staying over tonight?". She asked as my phone started to vibrate. He was calling me.

He definitely would not be. My gran wouldn't allow it. Answering the call I held the phone to my ear.


"He's anything but cuddly babe". Smiling I turned my head so I could look out my window. I knew he'd get his back up with the last message I sent him.

"If you say so". I grinned.

He chuckled. "You okay though after today?". I could here the worry he was trying to hide. I surprised myself at how well I handled today. Considering I fainted the first time I saw him. I wasn't scared.

"I'm fine don't worry". Glancing at Lana she was to busy with her phone. "Are you free tonight?". I asked chewing my bottom lip.

"I'm not babe why you need me?".

I wasn't sure if I was sad or relieved that he couldn't come. I wasn't going to drag him away from whatever he was doing. "No it's okay". Dinner could happen any day of the week.

"Babe if you need me I'll be there. Anything you need princess remember that”.

"It's just my gran wanted you to come for dinner". Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I noticed Lana was staring at me. There was a pause, he wasn't saying anything. "But you're busy so dinner can happen anytime".

"I've always got time for Miss Wilson". He laughed causing me to roll my eyes. "But I can't tonight babe I left a little bit of a mess after today. I'm sorry".

"It's okay we can do it another time".

"I am sorry babe".

"It's okay it's not a big deal. I'll let you get back to taking care of the mess and I'll speak to you later bye".

"Can I see you tonight?". He asked just as I was about to hang up.

"Yes". I smiled. "Just text me before hand". Disconnecting the call I got to my feet.

"Is he coming?". Lana asked.

"He's busy but he wants to see me tonight". Looking through my closet I pulled out clean jeans and a T-shirt.

"Creeping through your bedroom window again?". She smirked.

"Shut up". I grinned. "Aren't you going to get ready for your date?".

"He cancelled". She shrugged. "He's busy apparently. I'm going to wash up for dinner". Closing my bedroom door behind her I could tell she was trying to hide her disappointment. Putting two and two together I had a feeling Pete was helping clean up the mess.

After showering and changing my clothes I brushed out my hair deciding to let it air dry. I hadn't heard from Jake since he called but I knew he would show up later tonight.

The butterflies were constant in my stomach. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to see him, be around him all the time. I was excited to see what could happen between us.

I think I was falling in love with Jake Taylor.

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