The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 43

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 43

Once Jake had dropped me off I showered and changed into comfy clothing. I had yet to wash his hoodie.

"You're quiet". My gran said. She still seemed to be in a mood. You should have seen her face when she saw I had hurt my other hand. Pissed off was an understatement.

"Just thinking". Finishing off my breakfast I pushed my plate to the side.

"Back to school tomorrow and then your appointments on Friday yes?".

"Yes is everything okay?". I asked. She just didn't seem herself since she got back. If I didn't know any better I'd say she didn't want to be here.

"Sorry honey I've been a right moody cow". She sighed taking a seat next to me. "But I'm okay, don't you worry about me. Are you okay?".

"Yeah I am actually". For the first time ever this was beginning to feel like home. This was my home.

"So you and Jake". She grinned. "I told you he was good for you".

"It just happened". I smiled. “But we're taking it slow like really slow".

"Great invite him over for dinner tonight. I'll make steak. I'll see if I can still catch George while he's at the store. I hope he's ready for the third degree". She laughed as she danced her way out of the kitchen. I wasn't sure I was ready for what ever she was going to give him. She didn't like Tommy and she made that very clear but with Jake I got a different feeling. She liked him, she liked him for me. Slipping my feet into my sneakers I wrote my gran a note sticking it to the fridge. I wanted to see Charlotte. I didn't like how Jake left things with her. He would be busy for a good bit of the day so I had plenty of time to find out what I wanted to know.

Bringing my hand up I was ready to knock when the door was pulled open. "I was hoping you'd come back". She smiled. "Come on in". Following her through to the kitchen I took a seat at the table. "I'll fix us some hot drinks and then we can take this into the lounge. Is that okay?". She asked.

"Yeah sure". I wasn't nervous maybe a little sceptical but I knew she wouldn't hold back. I didn't know for sure but I had put it down to him behind scared. He was scared to tell me in case I ran. "Okay sweetheart". Passing me a mug I got to my feet and followed her. "It's more private in here as well. No one else can hear what you say".

"When you say hear what I say what do you mean?". I asked closing the door behind me.

"Werewolf hearing is very sensitive. We can hear any conversation if we set our mind to it. Take a seat". She gestured to the armchair by the open fire.

It was nice in here. It felt homey, comfortable and it was toasty. "But he can't read my mind right?". I asked causing her to laugh.

I felt embarrassed asking.

"No honey he can't but we do have a mind link that is open within our pack. I can communicate with Jacob when I need to".

"I-I can't with Jake".

"Not yet but once you are mated your link will open". Okay mind blown. I was going to be able to talk to him without actually talking to him. That was crazy. "Anytime I want?". I asked.

"Anytime you want but you can also block him out when you need to". She winked. "My son has a temper Leah and he can be a right, excuse my language, but he can be a right nasty bastard". Chewing the inside of my cheek I stared at the floor. I had experienced a little of how nasty he could be. It's the reason I was sat with a broken hand.

"But I know you're just what he needs. I'm glad it was you". She smiled.

"What were you going to say before?". I asked. She gave me a knowing look. I didn't want her to be the one to tell me but I needed to know.

"Jake isn't playing fair sweetheart. He wants to keep you all wrapped up when in reality you need to know what's coming and what lies ahead".

"He's afraid". I shrugged giving her a small smile. "He's doing it for my benefit because he thinks I'm not ready".

"He's afraid he'll scare you off. You are the reason he breaths Leah. Once you find that one person you're meant to be with nothing else matters. He didn't prepare for a human mate sweetheart. He's afraid you won't fully accept the bond".

"Fully accept it?". I whispered.

"I can't tell you everything it wouldn't be fair on Jake. He should be the one telling you this". Taking a sip of her coffee she made a face, her full expression changed. She looked worried. As I watched the cup fall from her hands I got to my feet.

"Charlotte what's-..."

"There's been an attack". She whispered. "Jake won't change back. One of the wolfs-

"Is he hurt?".

"No sweetheart but he's killing anything that gets in his way".

"Has his wolf took over?". I asked my heart hammering in my chest. I had only ever seen Jake in his wolf form once and it terrified me.

"I'm not sure. Jacob is trying to calm him but it's not working. You need to bring him back". "". I didn't know what to do or say. How could I make him change back? And then I heard it. Glancing at Charlotte I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. This was a

situation I didn't know how to handle. A scream fell from my lips with the force behind the front door. "Is-..he's here?". I whispered.

"He knows you're here. He can smell you. I have to let him in before-...". He burst through the door, the door flying right off its hinges.

"Stay very still". Jacob's voice knocked me out of my thoughts, it was very calming. "He won't hurt you".

He was pacing in circles around me snarls and growls falling from his lips. He was being territorial, possessive.

"Show him that you aren't afraid". Charlotte whispered.

Okay I could do this. He would never hurt me I knew that. Shakily moving my hand towards him I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. It was the first time I noticed the blood mixed with his fur. "It's okay Leah you can do this". Jacob said.

When my hand connected with his side he snarled turning so fast he knocked me off my feet. Hitting the wooden floor with a thud I held my hand up signalling that I was okay.

He wouldn't hurt me.

My eyes connected with the black ones of his wolf. My heart was hammering in my chest but I wasn't afraid. Raising my hand again I slowly moved it towards his face stopping when I felt the hot breath from his mouth.

He howled, it was low more like a whine. Moving his head forward he hit my hand his eyes closing. Running my hand through his fur I laughed as he fell onto his side in front of me resting his weight against my legs.

I couldn't believe this was happening but I was going with it. I had a werewolf resting against my legs. The guy I liked was a werewolf. This was in fact real. Nudging my hand with his head my eyes connected with his. Jake was in there I could tell. His wolf hadn't fully taken over.

"You're really heavy". I huffed.

Both his parents laughed and I suddenly felt stupid for talking to him. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Was this dumb?

"He can hear every word". His mom smiled attempting to take a step forward. Jake growled, he didn't like that.

"Jacob". His dad's voice was stern as he took a step forward. "I am still your Alpha, remember that". Jake whined his tongue lapping from his mouth touching my hand.

I laughed burying my hand in the fur at the nape of his neck. I was handling this better than I thought. I had never seen anything like it but for whatever reason I felt comfortable around his wolf. "Change back. We need to discuss the mess you've left near the training ground". A pair of shorts were thrown in front of us. "Now Jake". A growl tore from his mouth before he lifted himself off me. "Leah honey why don't you come with me. We'll let him change back and he'll come find you when he's finished". Charlotte didn't move, her eyes fixated on Jake. I didn't want to move in case it caused him to do something.

"He's fully functional Leah. His wolf is tucked away. You can leave with Charlotte he won't do anything". Jacob held power, the tone of his voice, his stance. He was the true Alpha here. Nodding my head I followed Charlotte throughout the house until we got to the kitchen. "You hungry honey, I could make you a sandwich?". She switched the kettle on fixing two cups. "No thanks coffee is fine". I smiled as my phone vibrated. Taking it out I had a text from my gran and Lana.

'Lana is here?? Come home sweetheart. We have a lot to talk about'

'Almost gave your gran a heart attack! Can you come home please! I don't know if she's happy or angry that I'm here :/.'

She wouldn't be angry maybe surprised but definitely not angry. I didn't want to be rude and leave after she'd just made coffee.

"How are you feeling after that?". She asked placing the steaming hot mug in front of me.

"Honestly I'm okay". It went better than expected. "At least I didn't pass out this time". I grinned just as my phone started to vibrate. "Sorry it's my gran".

"Take it honey, don't mind me". Accepting the call I brought the phone to my ear.

"Where are you?". She asked. "I'm at Charlotte's but I'm heading home now". Slipping off the chair I got to my feet. She sounded pissed.

"When did Lana get here?".

Making a face I glanced at Charlotte before walking a few steps away from her. I didn't need for her to hear how pissed my gran sounded. "Are you even listening to me?".

"She arrived a few days ago but only came here yesterday". I sighed.

"I have no issues with her being here but what I won't tolerate is coming home to her kissing a boy I don't know in the living room. I won't allow that in my house Leah".

She didn't.

Running a hand over my face I shook my head. I couldn't believe she did that. My gran was old fashioned. I could just see her face now when she got home.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be there in 5". Ending the call I walked back over to where Charlotte was sitting. "I have to go home".

"Go sweetheart. I'll let Jake know you went home". Pulling me in for a hug she squeezed tight. "I'm so glad it's you". Hugging her back I smiled.

"See you soon".

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