Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter Epilogue

- Around 9 Months Later ~

Kapri's P.O.V


"You got this baby." Maverick said as he kissed my head.

"Alright, one more push." The doctor said.

I shook my head.

"No.. No I can't." I said as I sobbed.

"Yes you can, baby. You got this. One more push, okay?" Maverick said.

I nodded, and squeezed his hand tighter. I let out a battle cry as I pushed with all of my might. I pushed until I couldn't push anymore. And then the most amazing thing happened. I heard the baby cry.

Maverick let go of my hand. I tried to look as Maverick cut the umbilical cord.

"Congratulations momma." The doctor said as he wrapped our baby up. "It's a girl."

"A girl?" I asked as tears streamed down my face.

The doctor handed me my beautiful baby girl. I looked down at her little face covered in all kinds of stuff. She scrunched up her nose, and squeaked out a noise.

Maverick and I did conceive on our wedding night. With how much se.x we had I'm not surprised. Not to mention how much we did it on our honeymoon. However, I didn't want to know the se.x. I wanted to be surprised.

"I knew it." Maverick said as he leaned down to look at our daughter.

"Okay, I'm going to take baby to get washed up." My nurse said as she took my daughter. "Have you guys thought of a name yet?"

I looked up at Maverick. We talked about several names we liked, but I knew what I would name this baby if it were a girl. I didn't tell Maverick though.

"Seraphine Darby Penton," I said. "That's her name."

Maverick stared at me with wide eyes.

"R-really?" He asked.

"Is that okay?" I asked.

Maverick nodded.

"That.. means a lot to me baby." He said, and then kissed my head.

"Awh, is that a family name?" The nurse asked.

Maverick beamed at me.

"Yeah," he said without taking his eyes off of me. "Seraphine was my mother's name."

- Six Years Later ~



I sighed as I leaned back on the couch.

"Mommy, can we watch this one?" Seraphine asked me.

I looked at my daughter, and smiled.

"What did your brothers say?" I asked her.

Seraphine stuck her nose in the air.

"They want to watch something scary." She stated, upset.

"Scary?" I asked.

Seraphine nodded.

"No," I said. "This movie is fine, sweetheart."

"Yes!" Seraphine shouted.

"Phiney, come help me carry this popcorn." Maverick shouted from the kitchen.

Seraphine jumped to attention at the sound of her father's voice. I giggled as I watched my daughter rush to help her father.

We call Seraphine, Phiney. Something Maverick has done since day one, and it stuck. Phiney looks just like me. A spitting image. She has long curly black hair, and bright green eyes. However, she has Maverick's nose and his dimples. Maverick was thrilled that our first baby looked like me. The way that he coddled her.. It was so cute. Still is. Phiney is Maverick's little partner in crime.

"Mooom! Are you rweally gonna make us watch a Bawbie mobie?" Asher asked me.

I shook my head at his pouting face.

"You two are five years old, you are not watching a scary movie." I said to the two of them.

"No faiw!" Felix declared.

"How about you two get to pick the next movie? We promised two for the four of you tonight." I said.

"Scawy?" Felix asked happily.

"No." I said with a laugh.

"Fine." Asher grumbled.

Asher grabbed his brother's hand, and pulled him to the movie case in our house. I chuckled at them as they looked over the movies.

We had Asher and Felix almost right after Phiney. Of course, Maverick and I couldn't wait the six weeks after I gave birth to have se.x. So, I got knocked up right away.

Our twin boys look like a perfect mix of Maverick and I. Well, Asher looks just like me, and Felix looks just like his dad. They look nothing like each other. You can tell they're related, but not twins.

Asher was born first. He has black hair like mine, but the texture is all his father's. He has light green eyes that match his older sister and me. And freckles that dot all over his little face.

Felix was born three minutes later. He has dark brown hair like his dad, but with my curls. His honey brown eyes look just like Maverick's. And don't get me started on his adorable dimples. "Momma, Rory is crying." Phiney told me as she handed me a huge bowl of popcorn.

"Oh," I said as I moved to stand up.

"You just sit your pretty b**t down." Maverick said as he walked up to me. "I'll go get her."

"I can get-"

"No you can't." Maverick interrupted me. "You're on bed rest, and can't lift more than ten pounds right now. Rory weighs like 20 with her little chubby self. So, you just sit right there. Phiney, put your movie in. Boys, get your mom a blanket. I'll be right back." he said. "Yes Daddy!" Phiney replied happily.

All of our children did exactly as their dad told them to. Phiney snuggled with me on the couch while the boys sat in front of me on the floor. I smiled at all of them, and kissed Phiney's head.

I'm pregnant again, which is why I'm on bed rest. Twins again. This time one girl and one boy. I'm due in three weeks, but I'm pretty sure they're going to come before then. This pregnancy has been my hardest, and I think it will be my last. Six kids is plenty, right? Maverick came out of the hallway carrying our 18-month-old baby girl. She's still screaming and crying. The moment Rory saw me, she wailed and nearly lept from Maverick's arms to get to me.

Maverick set Rory down, and the little girl ran over to me.

"Momma!" She sobbed

"Awh, what's wrong Ror?" I asked her.

Rory babbled as she crawled into my lap. She snuggled into me as much as she could. I patted her back as I looked up at Maverick. Who rolled his eyes.

Rory is a total momma's girl. She hates everyone aside from me, including her father. Which is funny to me because they're twins. Rory looks more like her dad than any of our other children. Her dark brown straight hair, her honey brown eyes, those adorable dimpes. Rory even acts like her father. A total brat.

Maverick grumbled under his breath as he sat on the other side of me. He slung his arm over my shoulder, and I leaned into him. I looked down to see Rory asleep again. I kissed the top of her head as Maverick started the movie.

I can't believe this is how my life turned out.

Maverick and I are still completely in love. No matter how much time passes, how many ups and downs we have, we're just as in love as we were when we were teenagers. Maybe even more in love now.

I remember telling myself that being in love with Maverick was surreal. That it was crazy to think there was a time when I hated his guts. Now though..

Now it's even crazier to think about how our lives turned out. All of these years later, and we're still together, still hopelessly in love. We're almost six kids in. We have our own house, our own careers, our own family.

"Who would have ever pictured Maverick Penton as a family man?" I muttered teasingly.

"Who would have ever pictured that Kapri, the world's biggest nerd, would have ended up a Penton herself." Maverick replied.

I chuckled at him. Maverick turned to kiss my lips. The boys ew'ed us, making us chuckle. I turned back to the TV.

I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

"I love you, Maverick Penton," I whispered.

"I love you too, Kapri Penton."

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