Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 16

Kapri's P.O.V.

Josh is hands down the most annoying person I know. Don't get me wrong, Maverick is pretty goddamn annoying himself, but Josh.. The guy doesn't care about anyone else. He's loud and overbearing. And a downright jacka.ss. "Oh, didn't realize you were on a little date." Josh said as he came around the table.

Josh looked me up and down. I scowled at him in response. Does he not know I'm Maverick's stepsister?

"Oh please, that's just his stepsister. No one important."

I groaned loudly and dramatically at the sound of Savannah's voice.

Josh laughed at my over-dramatic response to Savannah. He looked me up and down with interest. I squirmed under his gaze. What a creepy look.

Savannah scoffed as she pushed Josh out of the way to get to Maverick. She pushed Maverick back and moved his arms. Then she plopped down in his lap. Maverick rolled his eyes at her before looking at me. His eyes are hard, almost like he's struggling not to react.

I'm confused about that. If Maverick doesn't like Savannah, why does he let her do that kind of stuff? Why not just react the way he wants to?

Whatever, it's none of my business.

"Mav, you're so sweet taking pity on your new lame stepsister," Savannah said.

"Yeah, Maverick's all about charity. That's why he hangs around you two all the time." I said sweetly.

Maverick snorted and tried to cover it up. Savannah glared at me, and I narrowed my eyes right back at her. Josh chuckled as he sat down on the seat next to me.

"Mouthy girls are so hot," Josh said.

I turned my head to give him a disgusted look. All Josh did was wink at me. Then Maverick kicked me under the table.

"Ow!" I complained.

"Sorry, I was aiming for someone else." Mavrick gritted out as he glared at Josh.

I shook my head and stood up.

"Well, this was fun," I said sarcastically. "Thanks for bringing me this far, Maverick. I think I can walk from here," I said.

"Kapri wait." Maverick rushed out.

I didn't plan to. I was trying to scurry out of there as fast as I could. Only, Josh grabbed my arm and yanked me back into my seat. I would have fallen off the side of my chair if Josh didn't wrap his arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him with a scowl as he looked at his friends.

"Why don't ya stay? Hang out with us for a bit?" Josh asked..

"Why?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Savannah echoed.

"I think they heard me, thanks." I said, annoyed.

Josh chuckled as he turned his head back to me. Wow, he's really close. I can smell his breath. Thankfully, it's minty fresh.

"Maybe I want to get to know you better." He teased while smirking.

I raised a brow at him.

"Who said I wanted you to?" I said as I unwrapped Josh's arm from around my shoulders.

"Yeah Josh, back off." Maverick warned.

I frowned at Maverick. Not that he noticed. He's too busy glaring daggers at Josh. Josh is too busy smiling all goofy-like at me to notice Maverick.

I shook my head again.

"I'm leaving," I said.

Then I turned to Josh.

"Do not touch me again without my consent. Got it?" I stated sternly.

Josh threw his hands up in surrender.

"Got it. I'll wait for you to ask next time." He said with another wink.

Ask? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Surly this goon doesn't think I would ever ask him to touch me.

"Yeah, okay. Bye now." I said as I stood up.

"Wait, let me take you home." Maverick said.

"She can handle herself," Savannah said.

I looked at her hen back to Maverick.

"I'll be fine. It's right down the-"

"I'll take her." Josh announced, standing.

"I don't get into cars with strangers," I said.

Josh laughed.

"I'm hardly a stranger. I'm your brother's best friend," he said.

"I'd rather walk," I said.

"Then I'll walk with you." Josh stated.

I opened my mouth to complain again, but I didn't get the chance.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you guys were gonna be here."

I turned around at the sound of Megan's voice. Her, Molly, and Brooke all just walked in. Molly beamed at me while Brooke looked at everyone behind me. Megan did as well, her face falling when she looked at Savannah. "You okay?" Megan asked me casually.

Oh, how I appreicate her. It's no secret that Savannah hates my guts. Why? I'm not sure I'll ever know.

"I am. Thanks," I said.

"Yeah, I was just about to walk her home." Josh said as he threw his arm over my shoulders again.

All three of my friends looked at Josh's arm around me, then at the people behind me. They probably think we're on some kind of double date. One I desperately need to escape from.

"I said I could handle it." I grumbled.

This guy just doesn't even listen.

"I can't let a pretty girl like you walk home all alone," Josh replied.

Megan's eyebrows shot up. Molly giggled. Brooke shook her head.

"God forbid I run into another person who refuses to listen to me." I said sarcastically.

Brooke snorted at that.

"Don't be upset with me. I'm just trying to make sure you get home safe, uh..." Josh trailed off awkwardly.

I crossed my arms and gave him a bored look.

"You don't even know my name," I stated.

"We can get to know each other on the walk." Josh offered with a wide grin.

I looked back at my friends, begging them for help with my eyes. Molly looks like she's ready to agree with Josh. Megan is biting her bottom lip trying not to laugh. Brooke glanced behind us before rolling her eyes. "We'll take her home," Brooke said.

"Really?" I squeaked out.

"Yeah, really?" Molly whined.

"Sorry Joshyboy. Looks like you're sh.it out of luck." Megan said as she looped her arm through mine and pulled me away.

I sighed in relief. Just before we were about to walk out, I turned around. Josh gave me a hopeful smile. I ignored him and looked at Maverick. Savannah is still sitting on top of him, but now he looks really angry. I wonder what his problem is.

"Thanks for the ride and the ice cream." I called out and then walked out the door.

"Wow. Josh Harrington huh?" Molly gushed the moment we were outside.

I gave her a flat look before turning to our friends.

"I'm sorry you guys had to save me. Do you want me to wait out here while you go back in to get your ice cream?" I asked.

They both shook their heads.

"Nah, that's alright." Brooke said.

"Maybe you guys can stay for dinner? I bet I could convince Liam to get pizza?" I asked.

Brooke groaned as Megan squealed happily.

"A sleep over!" Megan said excitedly.


When I came home and asked Mom if I could have a sleep over, I didn't think she would be this excited. I know that Molly has pretty much been my only friend my whole life, but this is a bit overboard. Mom had someone pull out an extra mattress and put it in my room. She ordered us pizza and three different genres of movies. Then she brought up a whole bin of snacks.

"April is so awesome and thoughtful," Megan said as she dug through the bin.

"Yeah, Mom has always been like that," I said. "Although, this is way too much. She's acting like I've never had friends before."

Molly laughed.

"Well, you've only ever had me." She said.

"Yeah, but it's still embarrassing," I grumbled.

The girls laughed at me as Brooke started the last movie, a scary one.

"I bet Josh felt embarrassed by you blowing him off." Molly said.

"I did not blow him off." I replied. "He was being totally weird."

"How so?" Molly asked.

"He was.. looking me up and down all creepy like, and wouldn't stop touching me. And he wouldn't take no as an answer. Like, why was he even pushing that hard?" I complained.

Megan and Molly started laughing. Brooke shook her head at them before looking at me. I frowned at the two laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, offended.

"Ignore them." Brooke said.

"It's just.." Molly trailed off.

"He was hitting on you obviously," Megan finished.

"Uh... what?" I asked.

Molly rolled her eyes as Megan fell into another fit of laughter.

"He was flirting and knowing you.. You were probably playing hard to get." Molly said. "Which most likely made him even more interested."

I thought about what Molly said for a moment. I guess that makes sense. Sort of.

"Why though?" I asked, confused.

Megan lightly punched my shoulder.

"What do you mean why? Because you're a total hottie," she said.

I gave her a bored look.

"No I'm not," I said.

If I were, people would have hit on me before. I know that I'm a total nerd and all, but still. Not one person has ever shown interest in me. Josh and I have had classes together before and he's never even looked my way. I blame these clothes. "Yes you are," Molly declared.

"Yeah, you're a total catch. Right Brooke?" Megan asked.

Brooke looked at me and nodded.

"I'd fu.ck you if you were into girls." She said.

I just blinked at her as Megan laughed again.

"Well.. Why now?" I asked.

Molly shrugged.

"Boys are dumb, especially Josh. He's probably never noticed you because some thirsty girls were all over him distracting him." Megan said.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

"Look, I thought you said that you were going to try to open up." Molly complained.

"I mean.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Ya know, Josh will be there Friday." Megan added.

All three girls looked at me. I sighed, feeling defeated. Megan and Molly squealed as Brooke chuckled.

I guess we'll just see what Friday brings.

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