Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 96


Kapri's P.O.V.



I grabbed the door handle, and flung the door open. Without hesitation, I jumped. I rolled onto the pavement as cars drove by honking at me.

Good, hopefully that'll cause a commotion enough for the police to get called.

Dale had made it several more feet before the car screeched to a stop. My entire body aches. I can feel cuts and bruises all over my body. That was way more painful than I thought it would be.

I struggled to stand back up. I think I might have broken my wrist, and possibly a few ribs. It's harder to breathe, but I have to keep moving.

I looked back at the car long enough to memorize the license plate. Then I turned in the direction we had come from, and I ran. I know that I usually run faster than this, so I tried to push myself harder. I ran right in the middle of the road, hoping that cars would stop to help me. They only honked at me.

"Get your ass back here! You stupid bit.ch!" I heard Dale shout.

Tears stung my eyes as I forced my body to keep going. I have to make it. For Darby. For my baby. I have no idea what will happen to us if Dale gets his hands on me again.

A sharp pain shot through my stomach, making me double over. I think I got more hurt than I realized when I jumped out of that car. I gritted my teeth, and pushed through the pain.

I have to get somewhere safe. I have to get somewhere safe. I have to get somewhere safe.

Finally, the gas station came into view. Hope sparked in my chest, and it caused adrenaline to pump through me. I ran faster than I had been.

I didn't dare look back as I ran to the gas station. There are people outside, some smoking, some pumping gas. I started screaming as soon as I got close enough for someone to hear.

"Please! Someone help me! Help me please!" I shouted.

Several people's heads snapped toward me, but I didn't stop running.

"Please! Call the police! My name is Kapri Lanza! I was kidnapped! Please help me!" I continued to shout.

I didn't stop shouting and running until I was inside the gas station. Several people followed me in. All of them asked me if I was okay, and tried to check my injuries. I slumped to the ground as the gravity of what just happened finally hit me.

I can feel the pain from my injuries more now that I'm not as panicked. My stomach hurts so badly. It's even more difficult to breathe.

"I called the police. Someone is on their way." A random man said.

"Everyone back away!" A woman shouted. "I'm a doctor. Everyone give her some space."

The woman bent down to look me over. Her eyes hesitated on the lower part of my body. I looked down to see that my jeans were covered in blood in the crotch area. Pure panic started to rush through me.

The panic made everything worse. It was harder to pull air into my lungs. I winced at the pain in my ribs and my wrist.

W-what's happening? Why is there so much blood there?" I asked the doctor.

"I don't know honey. We need to get you to a hospital," she said.

"N-no.. I.. My sister. He still has my sister. Please," I said.

I can hear the sirens in the background just as my vision started to tunnel. Oh no. Am I going to pass out?

"I....." I tried to speak.

"Hey, don't fall asleep, okay? Stay with me." The woman said.

"T-tell them.. when they.. get here.." I said weakly.

"Tell them yourself." She replied as she started to slap my face.

I shook my head weakly.

"2.. 1.. 5.. B-Boy.. Ge-George.. 2.." I struggled to get out.

"What?" The doctor asked.

"Tell.. the.. cops.." I said.

And then everything went black.

Maverick's P.O.V.


"Kapri is smart." Elliot, my dad's cop friend said.

"Yeah she is." I said.

We've been tracking Dale's whereabouts since we ran the plate. Unfortunately, the plate only got us so far. We put out a report all over the news about the car, the three of them, and to contact the police. Kapri has been smart enough to look at every single public camera she has come across.

WE might not have been able to capture them yet, but we have figured out where they're headed. Canada.

Elliot had called the border to let them know what was going on. There are more police officers there waiting too.

Still, it's been two days. None of us know how Kapri is doing. In the cameras that caught her, she doesn't look like she's been hit or anything like that. That doesn't make any of this easier at all.

April is a complete wreck. Dad has had to sedate her pretty much this entire time. Even Jasmyn and Jesse can tell that something is very wrong.

The only good thing that has happened over these last two days.. Is that Grandpa is most likely never getting out of jail. No one was there to post bail for him. Since he was arrested, all of his assets have been turned over to Dad. No one is there to help that old fu.cker anymore.

I ran a hand through my hair as Stone's phone rang.

"Stone," he answered.

Stone's body stiffened. His eyes flickered to me and Dad. Which made us stand to attention.

"What hospital?" He asked. "Alright, we're on our way right now."

Then he hung up, and turned to us.

"Guess Kapri is even smarter and braver than any of us thought."


All of us rushed through the hospital until we got to Kapri's room.

There she is. My nerd. Laying unconscious in the hospital bed. Machines are hooked up to her and beeping. At least she's breathing.

April rushed right in, and grabbed her daughter's hand. Dad and I hesitated outside of the room.

Stone was told that Kapri made quite the scene. There were several 911 calls about a young girl who jumped out of a car in the middle of a highway. Hours away from us.

There were even more calls about a young girl covered in blood running down the middle of the road. And several more from the people in the gas station that she made it to.

Kapri really did it. She did what she had to to get out of there. She even told someone the license plate number before she passed out.

"Are you here for Kapri Lanza?"

Dad and I turned our heads to see a female doctor next to us.

"Yes," Dad said.

"Are you the father?" She asked.

Kapri is 18. Why does she need to know-

Oh no.

"Uh, I'm her stepfather." He said.

The doctor's eyes snapped up from the clipboard in her hands. She looked between the two of us.

"Are one of you the father of the fetus?" She asked.

"Fetus?" Dad asked.

"Yes. That's me." I said.

Dad's head snapped to me.

"Are they okay? The both of them?" I asked, ignoring Dad's glare.

The doctor sighed.

"Kapri is going to be fine. She broke her left wrist and four ribs. She fractured her right ankle, and will need to wear a boot for a few weeks. Kapri also suffered a miscarriage. She lost a lot of blood due to that, but she will recover. We performed D&C while she was passed out. We thought it wasn't smart to wait." She said.

A.. miscarriage?

Dad put his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed.

Kapri.. lost the baby. Right after, she found out. She didn't even get the chance to tell me yet. Brooke said that she.. was excited to tell me.

"Does she know?" I asked.

"No." The doctor said. "She hasn't woken up yet to be told."

I looked back at Kapri, unconscious in the hospital bed.

"I can tell Kapri about the miscarriage if you want, but.. This type of news usually comes better from someone that they know.. With everything Kapri has been through.. You might be able to break this more gently than a complete stranger like I could." She said. "I'll tell her." I said.

Kapri is going to be heart broken. How am I even supposed to tell her?

"I was there when she came running into the gas station." The doctor said. "Kapri is an insanely strong young woman. You should be proud of her."

"Thank you Doctor." Dad said.

The doctor nodded, and Dad pulled her aside. I moved closer to Kapri's room. She has cuts and bruises all over her face.

Is that from when she jumped out of a moving car? Did that bas.tard hit her? Did he do something worse?

I guess I won't be getting any answers until she wakes up.

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