Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 95

Kapri's P.O.V.

Darby and I stayed up together all night. She told me that our father's name is Dale, but that he always forced her to call him Daddy. Darby told me how Dale had her help him kidnap women. She told me that Dale was delusional when it came to her and even me. Apparently, Dale enjoyed raping and killing women, but when it came to his precious daughters.. Well, it was like he wanted us to be like him. To enjoy helping him t*****e these poor women. She told me that things were always easier if she just did as he said. Which gave me an idea.

They say in situations like this, it's best to make your captor think that you want to be with them. Flirt with them, give them what they want, and they give you a little more freedom. That's all I need. Just a sliver of freedom to get us out of here. Darby and I were forming a plan when Dale came back to the motel. He was way more drunk than he was when he left. His clothes were a mess, and his jeans were undone. Darby and I shared a look. Clearly, there was another victim that night. Dale told us to wake him up at 5 am sharp. Then he ploped down on the bed, and passed out immediately.

It honestly surprises me how trusting Dale is with Darby. If she was just a bit more confident.. We could have gotten away that day. Unfortunately, Darby is too scared, and I'm chained up. Neither of us knew where the keys to my chains were either. All we could do was wait.


The next day we traveled from 5 am, until after midnight. Dale and Darby took turns driving and sleeping. We stopped at a few gas stations for food, drinks, and gas. Every time we stopped, Darby rolled my window down, and I made sure to look into any and every camera I found. I really don't know how far Maverick and Liam's money can reach, but.. If they're able to access local cameras.. Maybe they can find me.

I spent the car ride trying to make conversation with Dale. I couldn't bring myself to call him Daddy though, and i think that irritated him some. Sometimes he would reply to me, and other times he would just tell me to shut the hell up.

I have no idea if I'm getting anywhere with him. I need him to untie my ankles and wrists if I'm going to get out of here. I need just a little bit of freedom.

We spent the night in another random motel. This time, Dale let me go with him to check in. There was a TV playing in the background. The news was on. With our faces plastered all over it.

The old man behind the desk didn't even look at us. If he had.. he would have recognized us. I guess I couldn't have been that lucky.

"A-aren't you scared that he might be able to tell that that was us?" I asked Dale as we marched to our room.

Dale laughed.

"People who run places like this.. They don't care, sweetheart," He told me.

That must be true. I mean, the last motel Dale dragged me into with me all tied up. Any person with morals would have called the police if they saw that. It wasn't like Dale was trying to hide it that well. Dale pushed me into the room. He locked the door, and peeked out of the window. Just like last time.

"Is someone following us... Daddy?" I asked.

Ugh, that tasted nasty coming out of my mouth.

Dale turned his head to me. He stared at me expressionless for a minute. I just held his gaze, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Teaching her the ropes, I see," he said to Darby.

"I'm trying Daddy." Darby said meekly.

Dale smirked.

"You're doing good darlin'." He said as he caressed Darby's cheek.

Darby stiffened. I think that Dale found it amusing. The creepy smile that spread across his face sent a chill down my spine. I haven't seen him look at Darby like that once. There's.. hunger in his eyes. "Sweetheart, why don't you-" Dale started, but I was too afraid to hear what he was going to say.

"Daddy, I'm starving. Do you think we could get pizza?" I asked happily.

My goal is to make myself as kid-like as I possibly can. Dale doesn't have a thing for kids, but women. The more innocent I seem to him, the more trusting he'll be towards me.

Dale turned his head to look at me. I gave him a bright smile. Pretending like I have no idea what's really going on is harder than I thought. I'm begging my body not to tremble. "Pizza, huh?" He asked.

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Ah fu.ck." Dale said as he ran a hand through his hair. "You girls are my everything ya know that?" He asked.

My eyes flickered at Darby for just a moment.

"Yeah Daddy. We know that. That's why you came for me, right? So that we can make up for all that lost time?" I replied.

Dale grinned from ear to ear.

"That's right princess," he said.

I smiled back at him.

"Alright, I'll go get you some pizza from the gas station. You two wait here." He said.

Dale left the room, and Darby let out the breath that she had been holding. Her tears broke free, and within seconds, she was sobbing. I moved on the bed to wrap my arms around her. Darby clung to me as she sobbed. "It's okay Darby. It's going to be okay." I repeated, trying to soothe her.

I hope everything is going to be okay.

Dale had brought us back pizza. Apparently, he found a bar on his way, and decided to go there for the night. Darby and I were relieved in a way, and guilty in another.

The last time Dale went out for the night.. He came back looking like he had just raped another woman. Of course, we had tried to convince ourselves that maybe whatever Dale did, it was consensual.

We know that that is most likely not true though.

The closer to the Canadian boarder we get, the more I notice Darby becoming unhinged. She was getting more and more scared as the hours went by. Sometimes she shakes so badly that she can't even drive. She hasn't slept at all since I was kidnapped. I would know, since I haven't slept at all either.

I hope that Maverick and Liam are out there looking for me. I have no idea if they have any clues as to where I am, or where we're going. All I can do right now is hope and pray.

We got going on the road at 5 am sharp. Darby took the first shift driving while Dale got some more sleep. We drove for over six hours before we had to stop for gas. We pulled over into a gas station. Dale turned in his seat to face me. "You know the drill princess," he said.

"D-do you think that maybe I could.. not get tied up this time Daddy?" I asked.

Dale's eyes hardened.

"I-it's just that the tape h-hurt really bad." I rushed out. "I-I promise to be good Daddy. I won't make a peep, and I'll stay right here." I said. Dale sighed after a moment.

"If you do anything stupid, I'm killing your sister first." He said dangerously.

I gulped, and nodded to him. Dale got out of the car, and walked into the gas station. Darby started to cry again.

"It's going to be okay Darby." I told her.

"You keep saying that, but.. You don't know him the way I do. He's.. insane. We're never going to get away from him." She said.

Sh.it, now she's really starting to lose it. I turned my head just as Dale came out of the gas station.

"Just stay calm, okay?" I said.

Dale pumped the gas, and opened the driver-side door. Darby jumped, a little too hard. Which irritated Dale.

"What the hell is your problem sweetheart?" He asked, annoyed.

Darby couldn't even get words out.

"I think she's just tired, Daddy. Darby doesn't like the beds at the motels. She hasn't been sleeping." I rushed out. Dale grunted.

"Get out, I'll drive for a while." He said. "Princess, you get in the front. Sweetheart here can sleep in the back."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"O-okay Daddy." I said.

I got in the front seat, and we were soon on our way. I didn't put my seatbelt on, and Dale didn't seem to notice at all.

For the first time I'm not tied up. If I act fast.. I can jump out of the car and run to the gas station. The police will come, and Darby and I will be safe.

Can I really do that though? The car is moving really fast. I could get really hurt.

If I don't take this chance though.. When will I get another one? After Dale rapes Darby again? After we're in Canada? How many more women are going to get raped in that time?

Dale started to hum along to the radio. I slowly moved my hand to unlock the door. I looked at Dale from the corner of my eye. He didn't notice.

This is my chance. I have to take it. No matter what happens after this, this is the right thing to do. I took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

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