Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 9

Kapri's P.O.V.


Two weeks after the wedding, and all of our stuff is moved in. I spent my last night in the same room I had had for my whole life. Mom and Liam went on their honeymoon, and let me stay in our apartment alone for that time. And it was really lonely. I ended up coming here to check on the twins every day. Even though they have a nanny and several other people working at the mansion. Pretty sad that I have to use my two new step-siblings as an excuse to get out of the house. Still, the three of us had tons of fun.

Today is a new day though. A new day. In my new room. Of my new home. Where everything is.. new.

I wish I felt more at home here. Maybe with a bit more time I will. I still can't believe how my life has been going this summer. Mom got married. To a rich man. It's like a fairytale. Or a nightmare.

"Do you have everything you need, Kapri?"

I turned around to see Liam hovering in the doorway of my new bedroom. I've been in here for a while unpacking. It still doesn't feel like home to me though. "Yeah. The mover guys were great." I said.

Liam walked in to stand next to me. I've just been staring at the space, wondering what is missing here. What I can do to make it feel more like home. "What are we staring at?" Liam whispered loudly.

I sputtered out some laughter as I shook my head.

"I don't know. I just.. maybe I'm just trying to get used to it." I said.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Liam asked.

"I'm sure," I said, nodding. "You already got me a new bed, even though I told you not to, a desk, a new dresser, and my own personal library." I said.

Liam smiled bashfully.

"Yes, well, I have a tendency to overdo it with my children." He said. "Not that I'm saying I'm your dad or anything! Unless you want that, that is! I just mean that you deserve a few new things!" He rushed out. I laughed as I patted Liam's arm.

"It's alright. I understand what you were trying to say. I appreciate everything you've been doing for Mom and me. As much as I didn't want you to get me anything... it is really nice to have new things." I admitted. "And this room! It's huge compared to what I'm used to."

Which is true. My new bedroom is the size of our apartment living room, and my old bedroom. There is a nook with a huge window, and a bench seat under it. Perfect for reading in peace. The bookshelf Liam got me is so big that I feel like I can have a mini library in my own room. Not to mention the large desk that is definitely going to get put to good use. Don't even get me started on how comfortable the bed is.

The walls are all teal colored. It's my favorite color. I bet Mom helped with that. The carpet is fluffier than anything I've ever felt before, and is a light gray color. My new bed spread is lilac colored and looks impossibly fluffy. Which it is. I already jumped on it once. It's all strange to me to have so much new stuff. To be in a big new house. I like it, and I'm grateful, but.. I just feel so out of place.

"You're welcome." Liam said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I hope that you like the color. Maverick picked it out." He told me.

I whipped my head at him.

"Maverick? As in your son?" I asked, shocked.

Liam chuckled.

"Yeah I know. I almost didn't go through with it because I thought maybe he was trying to annoy you. Jasmyn said you would love the color though, so I decided to take a risk," he said.

Maverick... had a say in my room? Does he know my favorite color? No, impossible. He must have just guessed. Yup, that's all it was. A really good guess.

"So, do you like it?" Liam asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Teal is my favorite color."

"Good!" He said.

I smiled at Liam before walking to my bed, and plopping down.

"So, uhm, I've been meaning to have a personal talk with you," Liam said.

I groaned.

"Awh why?" I whined.

Liam chuckled.

"Uh, well, I am your stepfather now." He said.

"Yep." I said.

Liam rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"Look Kapri, I just wanted to let you know that I love your mother. I know that our marriage was very sudden and that you weren't very happy about it-"

"I don't mean to be rude and interrupt you, but do you know why I wasn't very happy about it?" I asked.

"Your mom told me about her past.. boyfriends." He said uncomfortably.

Oh my god, he's jealous. That's adorable. He really does love Mom.

"None of them were ever as nice or cool as you though." I told him with a wink.

Liam smiled at me.

"Uh, no though, that isn't what makes me the most nervous." I admitted. "I mean, yeah, at first I was worried about that. Mom doesn't have the best track record. She just wanted to fall in love and I couldn't blame her for that. All the guys she dated were jerks though, nothing like you." I said.

"So, what is your biggest concern then?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"For starters, this life.. it's different than what we are used to." I said.

"Are you worried you two won't be able to adjust well?" Liam asked.

"No" I said, shaking my head. "Mom seems to be doing well with that, and I'm too young for it really to matter anyway." I said. "It's just.. I don't want people talking about my mom. I know that they're going to say things about her being a gold digger. Mom doesn't deserve that. She's very sensitive," I said.

"And you're worried that she won't handle it well." Liam summed up.

I nodded.

"Well," Liam said. "I can't stop people from talking. That's all that rich people do is gossip," he said.


"However," Liam said. "I can be there for your mom. Support her when she wants to do anything. Hold her when she cries." He said. "No matter what anyone else has to say, we are in love and that's all that matters. I will always be there for April." I smiled up at him.

"Good. You better be." I said.

"Something tells me that there's more," Liam said.

Someone's observant.

I blew out a breath as I looked up at Liam. I should just come clean now. Get some weight off of my shoulders.

"I've had my own life planned out since I was in elementary school." I started. "Do good in school. Get into a good college, i.e. Havard. Become a famous author. Take care of Mom. That was my big plan. I was supposed to give her the life she always deserved. This life." I said, gesturing around us. "You did it all before I even got the chance," I said.

Liam gave me a tight smile.

"You never needed to support your mom, Kapri. April was more than happy living in that tiny apartment. Just the two of you. She always spoke warmly about her life. April was never envious or greedy. You know that, right? You know that she wasn't miserable?" He asked.

I nodded.

"No, I know." I said. "I just.. didn't want her to pick up extra shifts to pay the light bill. I didn't want her to worry about how she was going to buy me a birthday cake. Or if we could afford the new sneakers I needed. I didn't want Mom to have to worry ever again. I wanted to handle it all myself." I said.

Liam walked over to my bed and sat next to me.

"I might be able to provide all of that for you and your mother now, but that doesn't make you less important, Kapri. You stick to that plan. Follow your dreams. Become a famous author. Then you can buy her big gifts for Chrismtas's, you can throw her huge birthday parties, and take her on vacations. You can still do big things for her if you want, Kapri. It's just that now.. neither of you have to wait for it," he said.

I guess I never thought about it like that. I just assumed that all of my future plans had been ruined. That Mom no longer needed me if she had Liam. It was silly to think like that in the first place.

Liam is right. I can still do things. Now I shouldn't feel so pressured about getting into Harvard, though I will. I don't have to worry so much about everything.

Although, I am still. Worried that is. And I have to get into Harvard. These dreams of mine may have been to benefit Mom, but I do want to be an author.

"Thanks Liam. I really appreciate it." I said.

"Anytime," he replied.

Liam stood to his feet and turned to me.

"Well, I guess I should let you get some rest. Big day tomorrow and all." He said before walking to my doorway.

"Big day tomorrow?" I asked.

Liam turned to me and nodded.

"April didn't tell you? You're going shopping," he said.


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