Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 10

Kapri's P.O.V.

It's after midnight the night before our first day of school. Mom did force me to go shopping for back to school clothes. I hated every second of it, but Mom did invite Molly to go with us. So I guess it wasn't that bad. Don't tell anyone, but I actually really did like a lot of the stuff I got.

We've never had the money for me to really go shopping before. Most of the clothes I had came from thrift stores or garage sales, or Molly giving me stuff she no longer wanted to wear. I was always completely fine with that, but it was nice to pick out things I really liked and not worry about whether I could ask for them or not.

I thanked Liam by cooking dinner that night. Although, I still feel like that isn't enough. We spent over $3,000 just on clothes for crying out loud.

Is this what it's always going to be like?

Mom and I have been living in the Penton house for two weeks now. Not one time have I seen Maverick in that amount of time. I'm not sure why I'm worried about him anyway. Stupid jerk is a whole a.ss adult. What's he need my worry for?

I sighed as I looked down at the notebook in my lap. I told myself that my essay would be done by the first day of school. Then Mom told me she was getting married and my whole life flipped upside down. Even now that I'm mostly used to the fact, I can't focus. I have no idea what sets me apart from the status quo. No matter how much I think about it, there's nothing special about me. Coming from a broken home doesn't make me feel special. Being given this new life doesn't make me feel special. Probably because I'm


I'm just a normal girl, trying to have a normal life. I want to be successful as an adult. I want to live comfortably doing what I love. Writing. None of that makes me more special than the next person.

I blew out a breath as I looked back out my window. This bench seat has got to be my favorite thing about my new room. I can see the lights from town from here. It looks so calm outside. Probably because most people are asleep right now.

I sighed again as I turned back for my paper. There's no way I'm going to finish it all tonight. Not when I don't even know what to say still. I should just put it up for now.

Just before I was about to get up to go to bed, a motorcycle pulled up in the driveway. I frowned as Maverick kicked down his kickstand, and took his helmet off. He put his helmet on the handle bar and pinched the bridge of his nose. What does he have to be so stressed about?

As if Maverick could feel my eyes on him, his head snapped up. Honey brown connected with light green. I feel frozen in my spot. Which seems to always happen to me when Maverick looks at me.

Maverick smirked at me. He kept his eyes on me as he hopped off of his bike. Then he leaned against it, and beckoned me to him with his fingers.

I pointed at myself and Maverick nodded amused. I beamed at him, causing his smile to grow wider. I didn't know that Maverick had a dimple on his left cheek. Just one?

Maverick raised a brow at me as if asking 'are ya coming?. I smiled sweetly again. Then I flipped Maverick off and closed my curtains.

Ha! Take that! Making me worry about you for nothing you tool.

Poor Liam. He probably worries about his son all the time. Maverick is never here, and when he does come home, it's at all hours of the night. It's like he'd rather be anywhere but with his family. What an a.ss! Jasmyn and Jesse are always worried about him. Sometimes I catch Jasmyn with someone's phone calling her brother. Jesse is always shaking his head in disappointment.

Maybe I should shift my concerns to the twins. They act much too grown for their age. They should be worrying about school projects and science fairs. Not about what other people think or their older brother.

I shook my head as I walked to my bed. Maybe tomorrow after school I can help them with their homework. I suspect that their maturity has a lot to do with the fact that they are being raised by nanny's. Not that Mom won't change that. She loves kids. I was just about to crawl into my bed when my bedroom door burst open. I jumped a foot in the air as my hand clung to my chest. Maverick kicked my door shut as he waltzed into my room.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I seethed.

Maverick shrugged.

"I came up here to punish you for flipping me off." He said casually.

I gave him a bored look as I pulled back my covers.

"I flipped you off because your face is annoying. If you want to punish someone, it should be yourself." I said.

"Trust me, this will be punishment enough for me." He mumbled.

"Huh?" I asked.

I turned around to face Maverick again, and jumped back when I realized how close he was to me. Goddamn, he's quiet as a mouse. I scowled at him as he stepped closer to me. "Just go away, Maverick. I'm tired." I said.

"Why aren't you asleep? We have school tomorrow," he said.

"Oh, so you did remember. I wasn't sure if you would get all of the voicemails Jasmyn left you today." I said sarcastically.

Maverick's smile fell from his face.

"They miss you Maverick. You should make more time for them," I said.

"Yeah, well, I'm usually around more." He said.

I scrunched up my face.

"Are you saying it's my fault that you've been absent in your brother and sister's lives?" I asked accusingly.

"What? No," Maverick said.

"That's what it sounded like," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.


Maverick's eyes flickered down to my arms, then back to my eyes. Oh, am I intimidating him now? Don't like my body language, Maverick Penton?

"I do stay away from here because of you. We don't like each other. All we do is fight when we're around each other. I was staying away for everyone's sake," he said.

"You could just.. ya know.. not be an a.ss to me." I said.

Maverick rolled his eyes.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day, geek." He told me.

I blinked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah? What are you going to do, Maverick? Hit me or something?" I asked.

Maverick chuckled lowly.

"There's nothing I'd love more. You do deserve a few spankings." He teased.

My cheeks heated.

"Why? Are you offering? Is the little nerd curious about a few things?" Maverick continued to tease.

"We're siblings now, Maverick.. You can't joke about those things," I said.

Why do I feel so hot? Why are my legs shaking? And why is Maverick getting closer to me?

Maverick moved his hand to the back of my head, and grabbed a handful of my hair. I stood frozen in place as he pulled my head back. He's only inches from my face. I can feel his hot breath fan my lips. He smells so good too. "You and I will never be siblings. You got that Kapri? Never." He said.

I knitted my eyebrows together.

"So, what?" I asked. "You're just not going to let me be a part of this family?"

Why does that hurt? I didn't even want to be here anyway. I didn't want my mom to marry his dad. I didn't want to move here.

So why do Maverick's words hurt my feelings?

"That's right geek. I don't want you here. Your mom can stay, but I'll be counting down the days until you leave for college." He stated.

My bottom lip trembled as I looked into Maverick's eyes. Mom can stay.. but not me.. I don't fit in. Even Mom fits in a little bit. I don't. I'm just the nerdy poor girl who's own dad didn't stick around for her. "Kapri.." Maverick said my name softly.

Maverick brought his other hand up to swipe away a stray tear that had fallen from my eye. I pushed his chest before more could fall down. Maverick let me go as he stumbled back.

"Don't worry Maverick. I'll be counting down the days too." I seethed right back.

"Kapri, I didn't-"

"Go away. Leave me alone." I interrupted.


"Just leave!" I yelled.

Maverick gave me a hard expression. He stood there unmoving for a moment. I held his gaze as I willed the tears to stay back.

"It's probably best," he muttered.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Maverick turned around and walked to my bedroom door. My jaw dropped as I watched him go. He's really going to just leave? Without an apology?

"Yeah! It probably is best!" I shouted as I followed him to my door. "And stay out of my room!"

Then I slammed the door shut. I walked back to my bed and crawled under the covers. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I begged darkness to take me. Stupid Maverick. Who said I wanted to be here anyway? To be a part of this family?

But I don't want to be all alone..

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