Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 5

Kapri's P.O.V.


Two Weeks Later ~


"Do we really have to do this Mom?" I groaned.

Mom put her car in park, and turned to me.

"Yes Kapri. Do you not want to meet my fiance until he's your stepfather?" She asked sarcastically.

"I have already met him. I think that was a big enough step for now," I said. Mom gave me a pointed look.

"First of all, he barely introduced himself. I've given you two weeks to get over things, honey. This wedding is happening fast, and I want you all to get to know each other as much as you can before we move in." She told me. My eyes bluged.

"We're moving in with them?!" I shouted.

In hindsight, I should have seen this coming. If they get married, of course we would all live together. I just.. honestly didn't think about it until now.

Over the last two weeks, I have been in denial. Honestly, it's been exhausting. I haven't even been able to sleep. Forget about working on my essay.

I told Molly about what was going on. All she did was practically jump for joy. She went on and on about how we could all be friends now. Apparently, Maverick is best friends with Brooke and Megan. How did I not know that before? I really need to pay more attention.

"Kapri, I know this is hard on you. I know I haven't.. given you the best impression of what dating should be like. I just.. never had the best luck with that." Mom said. "Liam makes me happy though. I really do love him. I've never felt this way before." Mom smiled brighter than I'd seen her in a while. It melted all of my resolve. What if this really is love? I can't break my mother's happiness.

"Okay Mom." I said as I opened my door. "But I can't promise I'll be nice."

"Well, I'm so glad you made it, Kapri," Liam said.

We are all seated at a table inside of a fancy restaurant. Mom, me, Liam, his twin children Jasmyn and Jesse, who I didn't know about, and of course, Maverick. All of us. Sitting like a family.

If family glares at each other.

What is Maverick's problem? It's not like I want to be here. He can glare at his father like that. How dare he ask my mother to marry him?

And this place! What the hell? Mom and I have never been to a place this nice.

I wish someone would have told me about this. I would have dressed better. Or at least wear something other than a plain black T-shirt and jean shorts. I probably look so embarrassing in a place like this.

I turned to Mom and looked her up and down with a frown. She's wearing a nice yellow sundress that looks amazing on her. Nice lacey sandals on her feet. Honestly, Mom looks the same. She's always dressed to impress, but I'm still mad. Mom could have told me to dress better, warned me at least.

"Kapri, Liam was talking to you." Mom said.

"Yeah, I heard him." I grumbled. "Sorry I haven't made it any other time."

Then I turned to Mom.

"Why didn't you tell me to dress better?" I seethed lowly.

"If I would have, you would have run away again." Mom said.

Uh, yeah, so, I ran away the last time she tried to get us all together. Mom may have said she gave me two weeks, but she's been trying to make this dinner happen this whole time. After my excuses of being sick, having cramps, or flat out denying them ran out... I bolted. Ran right passed Mom outside. Straight to Molly's house. I got my a.ss right out of there.

So, how can I blame the woman?

"You could have brought something. I look ridiculous in a place like this." I said, annoyed.

"Yeah you do." Someone said scoffing.


"My god, your voice just gets more annoying the more I hear it. Eventually, I'll start bleeding from my ears." I replied to him.

"Kapri." Mom scolded.

"Maverick," Liam warned.

"Jasmyn." Jesse said sternly.

"Jesse." She replied with the same tone.

I looked at the two of them as Mom glared daggers at me. Laughter slowly started to bubble in me. Up until I was full on laughing. Loud and proud, as Mom would say.

I saw a few heads turn to me, but I didn't care. These people can think what they want. All they do is gossip anyway. I say let them. The only opinion that matters is mine, and I want to laugh.

"People are staring." Jasmyn said with her face scrunched.

"Probably because they heard a donkey," Maverick said.

I had another fit of laughter at that.

"Who knew you were funny?" I said between fits. "I guess you had to make up for... all of that." I said, guestering to all of him.

Maverick frowned.

"Why are you so annoying?" He asked angrily.

"Because it's so fun to watch you get mad." I teased.

I wiped the corners of my eyes as my laughter died down. Wow, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I looked back at the twins. Jasmyn looks most displeased with me. Jesse had a huge smile on his face, as if my laughter was contagious. "You two are really funny," I told them.

"Clearly," Jasmyn grumbled.

"Awh, I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I just wanted to have a little fun," I told her.

"Everyone looked at us." She complained.

"Because they were jealous," I said.

Jasmyn gave me an incredulous look. Then her face slowly fell. She's probably wondering if I was right.

"I never heard people laugh like that." She whispered to herself.

I snorted at her.

"Okay, maybe there is hope for some of your offspring." I told Laim.

Liam chuckled at me as Maverick let out an annoyed grunt. Such a cave man. It's disgusting.

"I am sorry, by the way," I said to Liam. "About not coming sooner. I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around everything," I admitted.

"Aren't we all?" Maverick muttered.

Liam gave him a pointed look. Mom rubbed Liam's shoulder. The twins look like someone just killed their puppy.

Yup, things are going great!


Well, dinner didn't go that badly. Liam and Mom managed to keep the conversation going for the most part. Maverick refused to say anything really, which just made me feel kind of bad. So I tried to get to know Liam and the twins the best I could. I couldn't care less about Maverick.

I only have to spend one year with them. Then I go to college. And get a good job. Now I don't have to worry about supporting Mom. This is good. Really good.

So why do I feel so weird about this?

I shook my head as I finished washing my hands. I walked out of the bathroom, and right into the chest of somebody else. I let out a 'umph' as I bounced off of the rock-hard muscle. What the fu.ck?

"Watch where you're going." I said, rubbing my head.

"Shut up nerd."

I groaned at the sound of Maverick's voice.

"What do you want? Trying to annoy me a bit more before I leave with my mom?" I asked.

Maverick gave me a sarcastic smile.

"I wish," he said. "They're going to ask you to come back to the house to watch a movie. Tell them yes." He practically ordered.

"Uh, do I look like a slave to you, a.sshole? You can't order me around." I replied.

Maverick rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm going to leave for the night so that you can. Just tell them yes. Get to know my dad. He isn't a bad guy." He mumbled.

I squinted my eyes at him.

"You.. want them to get married?" I asked.

Maverick shrugged.

"I want my dad to be happy. Your Mom is the first person he's dated in a really long time. Plus, their adults. I guess we should let them do what they want," he said. Does.. Maverick really care? That's.. kind of sweet. I've never heard of Maverick being sweet.

"So just listen for once, nerd," he said.

And that was the end of that.

"Why do you have to leave though? Don't you want to get to know my mom?" I asked.

"Your mom has been over a lot recently. I know all I can handle right now. Plus, you should get to know my siblings as well," he said.

Then Maverick looked me up and down.

"Too bad you don't have a twin sister. You're kinda hot for a geek, but virgins aren't my thing." He said, smirking.

My jaw dropped.

"Who said I was a virgin?" I asked.

I am, just so we're clear.

Maverick sputtered out laughter. I frowned at him as his laughter grew. What a di.ck.

"You are a virgin nerd. No one has ever touched you. I'd know about it." He said.

What the hell does that mean?

"You wouldn't know. Anyone I would be with would know how not to kiss and tell." I said, crossing my arms.

Maverick chuckled as he leaned in closer to me.

"No one around here would ever dare to touch you nerd." He whispered.

A shiver ran through my body. Why is he saying that? Because no one would ever touch a nerd?

"Maybe it was no one around here," I shot back.

Yeah, how about that?

Maverick's eyes went hard. His nostrils flared, and his hands balled into fists. Oh sh.it, did I make him mad? What'd I do?

Maverick took a step toward me, pinning me to the bathroom door.

"Who exactly have you been with Kapri?" He asked.

I shoved on Maverick's chest, making him stumble back. No man, or anyone for that matter, is going to intimidate me. I have a shank on my keychain. "Whoever I decide to be with will be my choice. Thank you very much. Don't be a psycho Maverick, we're about to be step siblings." I said.

Maverick raised a brow at me. I turned away from him and marched right back to the table. I can't freaking believe that jerk.

"So Kapri," Liam said. "Would you like to come see our house?"

"Yeah, I'd love to," I told him.

And I'm putting itching powder in your son's underwear while I'm there!

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