Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 4

Maverick's P.O.V.


I watched as Kapri walked out of the house. That girl gets on my damn last nerve. Been that way since we were little.

However, I guess Kapri and I were friends for a while.

I shook my head so the memories didn't surface. I turned on my heel and went in search of something to help distract me. Then I found her. Savannah Devett.

I walked up to Savannah, and twirled a lock of her bleached blonde hair around my finger.

"Hey there Savannah." I said with a smirk.

"What do you want Mav?" She asked, annoyed.

Savannah may have rolled her eyes, but there was a huge grin spread across her face.

"I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go upstairs," I said.

Savannah scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why would I do that? We aren't even allowed up there." She said.

I leaned my face closer to hers.

"Doesn't that just make it more fun?" I teased.

Savannah narrowed her eyes.

"I thought hook ups just happened on the first floor here." She said.

My smirk deepened.

"Oh, but we are going to be busy for the rest of the night," I said lowly.

Savannah's body shivered. I already knew what would happen the moment I walked over here. Savannah is predictable. Just like all the girls here. All I had to do was say that I wanted her, and she would be willing. "Okay, let's go." She said.

Savannah grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stairs. I smiled smugly over the fact that I was right. Easy as pie.

Now, to forget about my little encounter with that nerd.


I woke up the next morning bright and freaking early. I never sleep past 7 a.m. Don't know why, but just once I'd love to sleep in. Still, it keeps me fit, I guess.

Do you really work out every morning before school?

My eyes snapped open. I flung the blanket from my body, along with the arm that was over my torso. I rubbed my face before standing up. I gathered my clothes as I walked to the bathroom. I did my morning business, pulled on my briefs, and then my pants. I walked down the stairs, and went straight to the kitchen.

"What the hell are you three doing up?" I asked.

Brooke, Megan, and our friend Trevor are all sitting around the kitchen island.

"Well, I never went to sleep." Brooke said. "You know I have insomnia."

"I had to get my friend home early. I just got back from taking her." Megan said.

"Megan woke me up when she left because she's a loud a.sshole, and I couldn't fall back asleep." Tevor said.

Megan's eyes snapped at him and she glared.

"I wasn't loud." She said.

I turned them out as they started to bicker. The two are always like that. Like an old married couple.

I walked to the counter, and Brooke set down a mug of coffee in front of me.

"Put a damn shirt on," she said.

I tossed my shirt over my head before getting my coffee. I hopped onto the bar stool next to Megan. She and Trevor are finally done arguing. I looked out of the window behind Brooke at the beauty of her backyard with the morning sun shining brightly over it. This really is a beautiful place.

"Hey Mav, why'd you have to take Savannah upstairs last night?" Megan complained.

"Yeah, couldn't you have picked somebody else?" Tevor grumbled.

I rolled my eyes.

"She was just an easy target," I said flatly.

Brooke gave me a pointed look.

"I officially personally ban Savannah Devett from spending the night here." She said.

"It will be the last time. Jeez." I promised.

None of my friends like Savannah. Honestly, I don't like Savannah. No one who actually knows Savannah and has a sense of dignity in them likes Savannah. She's just easy, and passed the time. I probably only chose her because I could never have real feelings for someone like her.

"I still don't understand why you always chose her." Megan complained. "You could have anyone, and there are literally girls lining up to have a shot with you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Like literally every single straight girl, and all of the gay guys," Brooke added.

I smiled as I shook my head.

"You're being ridiculous," I muttered.

"Yeah, we all know there's at least one straight girl that would rather chew off her own leg than spend a second alone with Mav." Trevor teased.

I gripped my mug tighter at his words. Brooke gave him a pointed look. Megan slapped his chest.

"Oww." Trevor whined.

"You know how he is over her," Brooke said gently.

I stood up.

"It does't matter. I don't care what that nerd thinks of me," I said.

"Sure." Megan muttered sarcastically.

"She's probably going to be a virgin for the rest of her life, anyway," I added.

Trevor scoffed.

"Yeah, because you-"

"Could you just, like, read the fu.cking room Trev." Brooke interrupted him.

I gave Trevor a death glare, and he gave me an apologetic shrug. I rolled my eyes at him, and then shook off the anger. I turned my eyes back to Brooke. "Thanks for yesterday. See you later." I told her before heading to the exit.

"Wait!" Megan called out.

"Yes, yes, good bye to you two as well." I called back.

"Not that you dillhole." She stated. "You gotta get rid of that leech first." She said, worried.

"Ugh, wow. That's rich coming from a girl like you." Savannah said as she came waltzing into the room and right up to me.

I internally groaned and Savannah wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Take me home?" She asked.

I grabbed her arms, and unwrapped them from around me.

"No." I stated before walking to the door.

"No? How am I supposed to get home?" Savannah practically screeched.

"Sounds like your problem," I said.

I put my hand on the door, and turned my head to her.

"And you have to leave, you aren't welcome here."

With that, I walked out. I hopped on my bike, kicked it to start up, and drove home.


I parked my bike in the driveway, and walked inside. My little ten-year-old twin brother and sister are sitting on the steps right inside the entryway. They both gave me identical worried looks. "Why do the two of you look so sad? It's summer. Shouldn't you be outside playing or something?" I asked them.

"Jesse had his piano lesson," Jasmyn told me.

"And Jas had her violin lesson." Jesse added.

"That doesn't explain why the two of you are in here looking so upset," I said as I crouched down to their level.

The two shared a look.

"Where were you last night?" Jesse asked me.

"My friends threw me a party for my birthday." I told them.

Jasmyn scowled at me.

"You forgot, didn't you?" She asked.

"Forgot what?" I asked.

Neither of them had an event. I would have remembered that. No one is more important to me than my twin siblings. After Mom died, I was the only one to attend their events. Whether it be school, or a recital. Dad is always too busy with business. So, I would never forget something that was theirs. "Dad wanted us to have dinner together. Remember? To meet his new girlfriend," Jesse said.

Now I remember. I specifically made sure not to be here for that. Dad hasn't dated anyone since our mother died. I thought that it would stay that way at least until we were out of the house.

I sighed before heading out to find Dad. A few minutes of searching, and I found him in his study. I knocked on the open door and walked in.

"I see you're back," Dad stated without looking at me.

I blew out a breath.

"How did your dinner go? The twins like your new gold digger?" I asked snidely.

Honestly, it's not that I don't want Dad to be happy. I do. I want my father to fall in love and remarry, but I don't trust people so easily. Dad is a sucker for love, even if he hasn't really dated in the last six years. I've still witnessed several women try to get with him for his money. I won't let that happen.

Dad sighed as he sat back in his chair.

"I'm getting married," he stated.

My eyes bulged.

"Married?" I asked incredulously.

"That's right." Dad said with a nod.

"Wh-what? To who?" I asked.

"You would know that if you attended dinner last night," he said.

"I don't come to one dinner, so you get married?" I asked.

Dad gave me a bored look.

"We decided before introducing each other to our kids," he said.

"She has kids? How many?" I asked.

"Just one," Dad replied.

"Who is she? Where did you two even meet? How long have you been seeing each other?" I shot out question after question.

"Her name is April. We have actually known each other since high school, but I married your mom, and April moved away for a few years after high school. She's been back for almost 14 years now though, but it wasn't until about 6 months ago that we started seeing each other." Dad told me.

Six months ago?

"You're dating the bimbo that hit your car?" I asked incredulously.

Dad sighed.

"Six months and you're getting married. This has gold digger written all over it." I said.

"Maverick, enough." Dad said angrily. "I love her, we are getting married, get over it."

This can't be happening.

"You know her daughter as well," he added.

"Who?" I asked.

"Kapri Lanza," Dad said.

My blood ran cold.

"You're marrying Kapri Lanza's mom?! Dad, you can't do that! You-"

"I already told you, Maverick. It's happening. Get over it. And play nice. Apparently, the girl already doesn't like you," Dad said.

I just stared at him, wondering what I could say to change his mind.

"You may go now." Dad said.

I turned and walked into the hallway. Great. Just fu.cking great.

My dad is marrying Kapri's mom. Kapri. She's going to be living here.

The girl I've been in love with since I was five is going to be my step-sister.

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