Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 155 What Jealousy Does

As if throwing gas into their ablaze bodies, Doris fell face flat on Jay, meeting his mouth with hers. And the moment their lips touched together, waves of electric shock surged into their core, firing up the heat they had been trying to conceal.

Anybody who would see them now would think they were a couple caught in an intimate moment.

The moist warm air and Doris' familiar sweet smell wafted into Jay's nose. Suddenly, his heart sank, and his mind swayed in a daze, obviously bewitched at the effect of this woman.

By instinct, he wrapped his hands around her neck, and twitched his lips, kissing her even harder.

"Hmm..." Doris tried to utter something, struggling to break free. However, Jay locked her tightly in an embrace, disenabling her to move at all.

Even if she tried to press her lips into a thin line, she was too weak to do so. Jay was so engaged in devouring her lips like a depraved predator.

Meanwhile, Doris seemed like a rabbit trapped in an airtight net-she couldn't breathe, and her body felt jelly with his touch. Even if she wanted to escape, there was no way out.

Jay held her tighter as if he was swaddling her with vines, ultimately suffocating Doris.

Obviously, he couldn't stop himself, especially when the softness of her skin brushed against his. Maybe it was because of his primitive desire, but he greedily sucked the life out of her mouth.

Her lips were so swollen and painful that she bit him hard when he attacked her mouth again.

The sudden pain seethed through his tongue, causing him to almost push her out the couch.

"Doris! Are you out of your mind?!" Jay growled. How dare this woman bite him in the middle of their kiss?

"You are crazy! I know you asked me to sleep here because you want to do something bad to me. And now you just revealed your true colors, huh!" Although she tried to sound mad, Doris was trying her best to conceal her nervousness and his effect on her.

Perhaps lashing out on him would work best to distract him.

However, Doris seemed to have ignored one thing.

Jay was the powerful and decisive young master of the Fang family!

Her small tricks could never go unnoticed under his presence.

Out of instinct, he ruffled his hair and pressed both hands on the sofa, fearing of hurting her more.

"Go ahead, Doris. What were you thinking of doing to me, huh?" This girl was still wide awake even past midnight. More than that, she was standing right in front of him, whispering to him.

"Nothing. I just wanted to go to the bathroom, but I accidentally fell on you. Why would I do something to you?" Doris responded defensively, but her quivering lips almost gave her away. "Really? But just now, you whispered in my ear and asked me if I really liked you?" As he teased her, Jay intently stared at Doris with a pair of eyes glittering in the dark.

"Humph! I was just talking in my sleep! Forget it!" Doris scrambled to come up with an excuse.

"If you want to touch me, just say it to my face. Don't try to sneak around like that ever again."

"It was really just an accident! My god!" Her face turned red as she retorted.

"Good. It was also an accident when I kissed you, but I have to say, I'm impressed." Jay continued teasing her before pulling her into his arms again.

"What are you doing?"

"I want it!"

And with that, the two continued to blow off the steam in their system.

Meanwhile, Winnie pressed her ear against the door, trying to hear whatever was going on in that room.

Unfortunately for her, she could only hear Doris from time to time.

And the more she was deprived of information, the more anxious and desperate she grew.

She wasn't stupid enough not to know what might be happening in those four corners. The two were spending the night all by themselves, and it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were up


Winnie was so angry that she wanted to rush in at once. However, she couldn't do that now that she had pissed Jay for inflicting injury on Doris.

Helpless, she bit her lip angrily and went back to her room quietly. Then, she took out her phone and sent a message to Jay's mother, Jennie. "Aunt, I am currently in Jay's villa. But your son doesn't seem to like me anymore. He is spending the night with another woman in his room!"

From the sound of it, Winnie was trying hard to gain Jennie's favor. And although she wasn't sure if the woman liked her, she was confident that Jennie would never let Jay sleep around with some random


So all throughout the night, jealous crept onto Winnie's bed, depriving her of sleep. And when dawn came seeping in, she got out of bed and knocked on Jay's room.

"Who is it so early?" Doris's lazy voice blared from inside.

"Have some breakfast, Jay!" Winnie shouted while trying to stay patient, ignoring her question.

However, to her dismay, Jay didn't respond.

In a daze, Doris opened her eyes, and the images of what they did all night came flashing through. At first, she tried to shove off his face away from hers. But she eventually, to the least of her knowledge, responded to his blazing kisses.

Taking a deep breath, Doris turned her head to the other side only to find the bed vacated by Jay.

Immediately, she got off, took her crutch, limped towards the door. When she opened it, Winnie rushed in from the outside without saying any other word.

The latter had obviously been waiting outside for a long time, sticking her head on the door obviously to eavesdrop. Unexpectedly, Doris suddenly opened it while Winnie's head still glued on it. So caught off guard, she fell on the floor face flat.

"Go to hell, Doris!" she shouted furiously. Then, as she stood up from the ground, her eyes widened at the sight of a hickey on her neck. "What is that? Did you seduce Jay?! Shame on you!" she shouted, pointing at the red mark.

Doris was confused, wondering what made her so vicious. But she just laughed it off awkwardly and said, "Miss Wang, you're clearly mistaken. I didn't seduce Jay; he seduced me! I didn't want to sleep here, but that guy told me to."

"Humph! Stop with your nonsense excuse! Jay is just playing with you. Even if he proposes to marry you, his mother will never agree to it. So stop dreaming, woman!

"I have never thought of marrying him. Perhaps it's you who is wishing that to happen!"

Winnie had always been spoiled since she was a child, so she had never been cursed by anyone. But now, Doris just belittled her straight in her face, angering her more than she already was.

"Jay and I grew up together. We're practically childhood sweethearts. So you have no place in his heart! And if you want to live peacefully, I suggest you leave this place now!" Winnie threatened, rolling up her sleeves on purpose as if she was going to fight with her.

"Aren't you being too arrogant? This is not your home either, so why should I leave?" Doris, who never liked to be threatened, fought back, staring down right at Winnie with a pair of sharp eyes. Now even more furious, Winnie lifted her foot and kicked Doris right at her injured leg.

The latter dodged the attack instinctively, but because her leg was injured, she tripped over her crutch and fell sideways.

"Ah!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. 'If this leg gets injured again, I will end up a cripple for the rest of my life,' she gravely thought.

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