Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 100 No Problem

The dean of the sanatorium cleared his throat, "Mr. Fu, don't worry. I'll get to its bottom as soon as possible. I felt immensely sorry to hear that Jade went through something this terrible."

Charles mustered a hard expression on his face as he gazed at the dean. This was a serious situation and he was extremely worried for her. "Who visited her today?" he asked with clenched jaws while a clear disappointment crossed his face.

"I do not know for now but have ordered my staff already to review the surveillance video and give me a proper report." The dean pulled out his handkerchief with a trembling hand and wiped away his sweat. He was quite nervous under Charles's unrelenting gaze.

An uncomfortable silence ensued between the two men as they waited for the findings. Charles had personally sent Jade here. It was because of him Jade was now stuck in this difficult situation.

At the moment Jay walked in. "I think I have figured out what might have happened. Clark came here tonight Jill and Fannie, and Jade got hurt right after that. It must have something to do with Jill and Fannie. These two women are absolutely vicious, I'm telling you. Must be due to them," Jay expressed his contemplation.

"Fannie? Not that woman again!" Charles huffed annoyingly at the mention of Fannie while clenching his fist to keep his cool.

"If you ask me Charles, it's not even that surprising. We all are well aware of Fannie's desperate attitude. Good this is we know and that is why we won't let her have her success. Literally, I feel sorry for her desperation, but it is of no use." Jay snorted. He got nothing except resent forthat vile selfish woman.

"In that case, I want you to handle this matter, Jay," Charles ordered.

Jay shrugged at that. "Don't worry, Charles. I'm on it. Besides, I'm not even busy these days which got me pretty much bored. So dealing with the Ning Family would be a good distraction for me."

Their conversation died down after that. They waited for the operation to get over which eventually did a couple of hours later. When the red-light went off they stood up hastily, eagerly waiting for the doctor to come out.

A while later the doors swung open as the team of doctors emerged from inside the OT, pushing a hospital bed along with them, Jade's unconscious body on top of it. She looked so pale and uncomfortably unwell.

Nancy was also present there. She was standing at a corner remarkably quiet. She was frightened and looked terribly pale and weak.

"How's the patient's condition, doctor?" Charles was the first one to approach the doctor as he asked in a worried voice.

"The patient has suffered a brain hemorrhage. I'm afraid that some of her nerves are damaged, but you should not worry about that. It is not something serious and can be treated to be healthy eventually. However, I should alert you of some complications here. She had been ill before this accident occurred. So it will probably take more time for her to recover from this," the doctor cautiously explained her condition.

"Please Doctor, do your best to cure her back to health," Charles requested the doctor earnestly with pleading eyes.

"Mr. Fu, we will do our best. Have a little more patience," the doctor ensured him humbly then instructed others to move Jade to her allotted ward.

They went away with Jade. Nancy wanted to know more about Jade's condition but before she could, a weakness took over her. Her legs trembled and vision turned blurry. All the voices around her bombarded her consciousness as her legs buckled and everything blacked out before her eyes.

"Nancy! Are you okay?" Jay was the first one to notice Nancy. As soon he saw she was falling, he ran towards her hurriedly.

Jay's scream caught Charles's attention quickly. He averted his eyes and saw her as well. He rushed to her side and caught her in his arms before she could hit the ground.

A nearby doctor came to her aid and checked on her pulse before she said, "Dr. Nancy must have been over fatigued as she has stood for too long. She will be alright after taking a few minutes of rest." "Yes, let's go." Charles gathered Nancy in his arms and stood up.

"Hey, Charles. Do you mind if I carry her instead? You got your leg injured," Jay offered, expressing his concern for Charles's hurt leg.

"No it's alright Jay. I'm fine. I can carry her. You better take care of Nadia instead." Charles's eyes fell on Nancy's unconscious face as his heart twisted in a pang. He sympathized with her.

"Okay, if you say so." Jay shrugged. Charles was suffering from a broken leg, but even so he insisted on carrying Nancy. Jay wondered whether it was only because of his high endurance of pain. Normally, men did have high endurance however, in Charles's case, it wasn't limited to that. He was doing it out of his immense care and love for Nancy.

Jay only hoped, this time he wouldn't get hurt all over again.

Charles's injury wasn't completely healed, but at that moment, he cared least about his own injury. He was more worried for Nancy's health than his own pain.

They went to an empty spare room as he gently laid her down on the bed. Then he covered her with a blanket with extra care.

After he straightened he focused his attention on Jay. "I want a favor from you, Jay. Will you take care of Nadia for a few days while Nancy recovers?1 Charles asked him hopefully, then added, "Nancy has been too busy looking after Jade these days. She barely gets time for herself and Nadia."

Charles in fact wanted to bring Nadia home with him. However, he was concerned for his mother as well, who was already occupied with taking care of Bobby all by herself. Charles worried that adding one more kid to look after would do nothing but trouble her more.

So it would be a better idea if Jay took care of the little girl.

Jay looked at Charles, flabbergasted. "Me? Uh- Charles, I'm afraid that'd be a good idea. I barely can handle myself and here you are asking me to take care of a toddler? I fear that I won't be able to look after Nadia all by myself." Jay pinched the bridge of his nose nervously and let out an awkward airy laugh. When it came in terms of taking care of a toddler, he wasn't at all confident that he could do that.

However, Charles just dismissed Jay's disagreement. "That I already know Jay. You're unable to do it all by yourself. But maybe Doris can help you. You can ask her. Besides, it would be a good opportunity to get close to her," Charles pointed out at the end before opening the door for Jay.

Jay frowned at Charles's suggestion. "Drop it, it's a bad idea. I don't want to get on that woman's nerves!" Jay scoffed and cut the conversation with a bitter dejected look on his face. He picked Nadia up in his arms then walked out of the hospital.

Charles closed the door after Jay left then went to get a glass of water and then returned to sit beside Nancy's bed.

He checked if the water was at the right temperature while whispering, "Oh Nancy, you always put others before yourself. Now let me take care of you." He put the glass on her mouth.

Although Nancy still felt lightheaded and her eyes were closed, she heard a muffled voice. She had the faintest of belief that the sweet, low voice belonged to Charles.

She yearned to open her eyes and take a look at him with gratitude and convey her thanks.

She struggled to open her eyes, then blinked several times to adjust her vision before she caught a glimpse of Charles before her. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. She was secretly relieved to see him before her.

In Nancy's eyes, Charles was her knight in shining armor, a person who gave hope in her desolate life. He was the light in his darkness.

Whenever she was in need of support and comfort, Charles always lent her a helping hand without her asking. He always seemed to know when she wanted help.

Nancy noticed the glass of water he was holding for her. She took a sip from it carefully. The water cooled her throat providing her with instant nourishment.

She felt revived finding the cool water pleasant to her throat.

She kept drinking the water while looking at Charles. He also held her eyes while she drank.

After Nancy drank the water, Charles comforted her, carefully choosing his words, "Good girl! You'll feel better now. You don't have to worry Nancy, I'm here. Your mother is getting better and will be healthy in no time. We'll get through this difficult time together, right?

You are a strong woman, so be one and relax. Okay?" His tender and soothing voice brought a great deal of comfort to her. She nodded slowly, acknowledging his words.

While Charles continued, "About Nadia, I asked Jay to take care of her. He's very good with children, so don't worry. She will be just fine with Jay. Yeah, he may sometimes seem to have dominance over women, but it's only his facade. Truth is, he's tame as a puppy in front of Doris. Everyone has their own weaknesses and to be honest with you, for Jay, it happened to be Doris. She always has the upper hand." Charles let out an airy laugh at what he just said.

Then he grazed his hand through her hair and said softly, "Nancy, sleep well for now. Your tiredness will get away. Just know it for sure, I'll always be there for you and Jade no matter what. Everything will be alright, okay? I won't let anything happen to you. Sleep, Nancy. I'm here and when you'll wake up tomorrow, I'll be here as well. Also to remind you, you owe me breakfast." He chuckled softly at that, and then added, "You know, when I carried you into the room, you felt lighter than before, Nancy. Haven't you been eating well? You need to eat well, Nancy. You don't need to lose too much weight because I prefer chubby women."

Nancy did not need to respond to him. She felt delighted and comforted only by listening to Charles's chatter. She felt at ease with Charles around her.

Meanwhile, Fannie's mind was stuck on the thought of having her shares from Jade. She ceaselessly desired to get the shares from Jade and always thought about the various ways she could persuade Jade to give up.

Even she dreamed of it and the fantasy of owning those shares made her ecstatic with joy and laughter.

It didn't differ tonight as well. She woke up in the middle of the night with a hysteric giggle having a similar dream.

Caspar, who was sleeping beside Fannie, woke up hearing her odd laugh.

It was annoying him. He turned to her and murmured irritatingly, "Fannie, why are you laughing at this hour? Look at the time! It's past midnight."

Fannie leaned over to him and said with an evil tone, "Caspar, I've got a nice surprise for you. But since you came home late last night, I fell asleep. Don't you want to hear about it?"

"No, not at all, Fannie. Not at this hour!" Caspar turned away from her and covered his ear with a pillow. He was extremely tired right now and wanted nothing but to sleep.

However, Fannie wasn't someone to back off easily. 'TH tell you anyway. Even if you don't want to hear it, you have to. Caspar, we got hold of the shares from Jade." Fannie laughed aloud as she informed Casper.

Caspar woke up with a start when he heard that and frantically sat up.

"Did I hear you correctly? You got her shares?" he asked dumbfounded.

"You heard it right, honey! Now tell me, what's my reward?" Fannie shifted closer to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

But Caspar was in no mood for whatever her intention was. He shoved her away swiftly and demanded, "Tell me the details. How did you get the shares?"

"What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?" Fannie wasn't expecting his rejection of her advancement. "Why are you so mad right now?" She asked before coldly explaining, "I simply asked Jade to leave her fingerprint on a transfer sheet, and it worked. Do you know how useful those things are?" She threw him a huffy look as she rubbed her arm.

Casper's jaws clenched as he looked at her with enraged eyes. "I did not expect you to be this stupid,

Fannie. I always doubted that you were kicked by a donkey in your head. That's why your brain doesn't work properly. Everyone knows the relationship between Nancy and Charles. Why do you always find a way to provoke her?"

"And why do you care about them so much? Everybody knows that Dorothy is back now and evidently Nancy will have to step back as an ex-lover of Charles. Everything's falling into place and don't you ruin it with a silly fight!" Fannie warned him with a sinister smile on her face.

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