Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave

Chapter 17

Morgan pov. Rain isn't home when I wake up the next morning but there's breakfast waiting for me and a lunch bag packed. I track him to find out he's at work, so I get ready for my own day. Starting the day off with a safety briefing with Luca who pretends that our conversation from last week never happened. Margot and I fight with Rames about the code he wrote that messed up the portal system to Gliss and Sinclair tries to bride, blackmail and guilt trip me into approving the expansion all in one morning. When I finally have time for coffee the break room is filled with people but I'm too tired to come back later so I just walk in and make myself a coffee, ignoring everyone else as I grab a croissant from the table. "Do you miss him?” I hear someone ask and when I look over, I see Amanda sitting with a couple of interns that I know won't get a job here when they're done. Lazy coding and a lack of work ethic won't cut it around here. "I've pretty much gotten over it. I do miss his heats though. I wish I got to spend at least a couple of more with him. He got cranky and weird the week before it, but it makes up for the two weeks of pure bliss afterward. Damn, that wolf could do things." She gushes and I pull a face, taking my coffee and leaving the room before she overshared in my presence. When I get back to my office, I pull up Rain's tracker, still finding him at work for the time being. The day ends with me barely standing on my feet and when I get home, I find Rain in the kitchen, staring out in front of him, half chopped vegetables laying in front of him on the counter. He looks up when he sees me, rumbling deep in his chest.

"I'm sorry." I tell him, wanting to fix things so we can go to bed, and I can have a proper night's rest because apparently, I can't sleep well without this wolf now. I walk around the counter and take his hands in mine. "I shouldn't have said what I said. I wasn't thinking but it doesn't excuse it." He doesn't say anything, instead removing my hands from his and taking a step backward. The action hurts me so much my chest clenches.

"I don't think it's a good idea to touch me right now." He tells me, voice quivering slightly. I stare at him for a few seconds, but he refuses to make eye contact with me.

"Okay, yeah." I nod, understanding but at the same time just wishing he would let me hug him. "I'm going to go take a shower." I mutter, stepping around him to head to my bedroom but I don't make it very far.

I find myself pinned to the counter as Rain's lips slot over mine, one of his arms coming around my waist to draw me closer to him and the other sliding into my hair as his tongue slips into my mouth. I moan into the kiss, not quite understanding but immensely relieved at his touch. He lifts me onto the counter, forcing my legs to spread apart as he steps between them, pressing my core against his very hard manhood. I grind onto him, moaning as he kisses down my neck, sucking and biting as he goes. His hands move between my legs, and he moves my panties aside, slipping a finger inside my soaked core. I fuck myself on the digit, reaching my peak very fast and slumping against him. When I look up at him his eyes are cloudy grey and I bring his face down, giving him a gentle kiss that quickly turns heated. What breaks me out of my lust filled haze is the sound of his belt being undone.

"Not here. Bedroom." I tell him but he doesn't stop, popping open his button as he kisses the side of my neck. I push him away slightly, but he pulls me against him. "Rain, no, not here." I try again, panic setting in when his hands move up my blouse and I can feel the thin fabric of our underwear separating us. I push him as hard as I can, causing him to stumble backwards and fall against the island. He looks at me in shock and I glare at him. "When I say no, I mean it!" I shout. "Get out." I mutter, walking out of the kitchen, not being able to look at him.

In my room I try to take a shower but end up just standing under the stream of the water, exhausted from the day. I recall the past two weeks, trying to find the exact moment I got here, and my mind gets stuck on one specific conversation that wasn't even mine. Heat. The word sucker punches me in my gut, and I turn off the water, grabbing a towel and drying myself on the way into my bedroom.

"Bing, when was Rain's last recorded heat cycle." I ask the computer as I rush into my clothes.

"Three months ago." Dread fills my stomach.

"When is his next cycle." I close my eyes as I ask the question, bracing myself for the answer. "He is in the end of his first phase of the heat cycle."

"Fuck!" I throw on a random pair of shoes and then pull up Rain's tracker on my watch, finding him in Teranian. I select his last portal area and open my own portal, stepping though it into a backyard of a house. It's dark, the sun having set a while ago so as I walk up to the door I don't even know if Rain is here, and I might have to go back but I take my chances anyway. Relief and sorrow are competing emotions when the door swings open and a red eyed Rain opens the door for me. I rush forward, wrapping my arms around him, breathing a sigh of relief when he hugs me close to him.

"Come inside.” His voice is horse when he speaks, and I open my mouth to apologize but he pushes a finger to my lips. He leads me inside and closes the door behind me, leading me through the kitchen into a living room that houses a small couch. "There's only one bed." He scratches the back of his neck before sighing. "Stay here." He goes back into the kitchen and moments later a large grey wolf appears, nudging me out of the way in the small space. He curls himself up in the space between the couch and the bookshelf, looking at me expectantly. When he huffs, I realize he wants me to lay down with him, so I step closer to him, carefully sitting next to him and he curls himself tighter around me. As I drift off to sleep, I know I have so much to fix tomorrow but for now, I'll sleep peacefully knowing I'm right where I want to be.

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