Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave

Chapter 16

Rain pov.

When I've ran as far as I dare before I enter troll terrain I turn back and head back home, figuring I've licked my wounds for long enough. The back door is open when I get there, and a change of clothes has been left out for me, so I know River is waiting for me. I quickly shift back and find myself naked and hurry to get dressed, walking into the kitchen to find River sitting at the kitchen table.

"You reek of a human." She turns her nose up at me and I growl a little. "I meant no offense. It's just you..." She shakes her head, finally looking up from her books, her dark eyes showing clear disappointment in them.

"She's not like the rest. She's kind." Dangerous and cunning but River doesn't need to know that. "I'm here because of her." I tell my sister who raises her eyebrow at me.

"So, she slaps a fancy tracker on your wrist and suddenly she's your best friend?" I can't tell my sister that Morgan is a little more than a friend, so I just shrug my shoulders. "Why are you here anyway? She let you come back for your heat?" I stay quite and she scoffs.

"I haven't told her." I explain to the judgmental dark-haired girl.

"Are you insane? You need to tell her so she can let you come home." Again, I say nothing. "You're coming home. Right?" I look away, not knowing what to say. There is a logical side of me that knows I should just tell Morgan about my heat and ride it out here for two weeks but another, totally insane side me of, wants to spend my heat with Morgan. "Rain! Heats are meant for mated wolves. You're not going to discard everything our parents taught us because you spent some time in the Bio-Glaze." It's not a question, it's a statement, an order and it makes the hair at the back of my neck rise.

"Know your place, River." I warn the hot-headed teenager. She glares at me and stands up from her seat.

"No, you don't get to go all Alpha on me. You haven't been here; I don't submit to you." She's pushed back into corner behind her faster than she can blink, neck bared to me as I tower over her. She whimpers, pathetic sounds as I keep her there for long enough to get my message across and a little extra time.

"I'm the one who takes care of you. You've managed to stay in this house, go to your fancy school and live here, free from all responsibility because of me. I will not tolerate your disrespect." She nods, letting out another whimper and I release her, walking outside to take a breath before returning inside. "I came here to see you. To clear my head and tell you I'm doing well. What I do with my human is my choice and you do not have any say in the matter. You don't know the world outside Teranian, River. You've lived a measly forty years. Don't think because I haven't assigned anyone over you that you're grown. You're a pup and until you start acting like you have some sense to be a grown wolf that is exactly how I will treat you. Now, since you clearly don't want me, I will go back. I have to get to work anyway. I'll send you some coins in a few days." I walk outside and open the portal, stepping into the alley behind the restaurant and slipping inside to the changing rooms.

"Tough day?" Shelby, a bubbly Fairie asks when I take a towel from my locker and head to the showers.

"Something like it." I mutter, closing the stall door behind me and turning the water cold, not that it helps much, my pending heat spiking my core temperature. I make quick of work of getting myself ready. On any other day I dislike the sheer tank tops Bubbles makes us wear but tonight I'm thankful for it and the cool air conditioning of the place as I run around, making sure my tables get everything they need. Soon I lose myself in my shift, forgetting about my troubles until I step into the back alley for a breather and smell Morgan's scent everywhere.


Morgan pov.

Both Luca and Benjamin's warnings are doing summersaults in my head as Margot leads me into the restaurant, we're supposed to be team building at. It's pointless and I have a giant headache, so I step out halfway through the dinner, despite complaints that I'm going to miss the best part of the night. Apparently, some genius managed to convince two beast men for a live sex show and I'm far from interested in watching other people fuck. I made that mistake once in my life and that's not a part of my life I want to revisit.

As I step outside into an alley someone rushes by, grabbing my purse in the process, but I won't run after him for an empty bag. With a sigh I head back to the restaurant but instead of going inside I just lean against the wall outside. Heavy breathing in front of me causes me to open my eyes that I hadn't even realized fell shut and I frown when I see a very sweaty Rain towering over me. The side of his lip split and there's blood on the very sheer thank top he's wearing. My eyes take in tight pants, suspenders and shiny shoes and I push myself up from the wall.

"What the fuck are you wearing? Did I not tell you I don't like sharing what's mine?" He looks at me in confusion, handing me my purse that I rip from his hands. "I don't want the damn bag, Rain. I want to know why the hell you're dressed like a whore when I told you you're mine. You accuse me of teasing, but this is what you've been doing? Parading yourself around in the Red-Light District for some coins?" He opens his mouth a couple of times before he looks away from me and starts walking away. I let him go before deciding that I'm not done yelling at him yet and start following after him just as he rounds the corner. I follow him until he reaches another restaurant and disappears inside.

"Table for one?" A pink haired woman asks when I enter the place, looking around to see the very large place very packed with people. Eating.

"I'd like to talk to the person in charge." I tell her and she smiles.

"That would be me." I look over the bubbly person and slowly nod.

"Does Rain work here?" Her eyes light up in recognition and joy and she nods.

"Yes! He's my best waiter. Always friendly. Everyone comes to ask for his section but you're lucky. I think he might have a table open." She motions for me to follow her, but I shake my head.

"No, no thank you. Just a word of advice though. You might want to change your uniforms. Your waiters look like whores, doesn't really fit the image of this place." I turn on my heel and leave the shocked woman behind. As I order a cab I think of all the ways this day has gone to absolute shit and it's not even over yet.

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