Chapter sorry 80

Chapter 80. Confused

Briana POV

I shook my head, still unwilling to capitulate.

This is about my children and me.

When kids are thrown into the mix, everything becomes complicated.

“Marcus, the children are too young to understand things like mergers. They had only known their father recently. I don’t think it’s the right time to introduce another man into their lives. It would confuse them.” I tried to be honest and hoped my brother would see it my way.

“Their father may or may not be a permanent fixture in their lives. Noah can leave anytime. He has a fiancée. The children need permanence. They need a constant presence in their lives.” Marcus shut me up.

Noah said he wanted the kids. But what if he and Britney had their own family? Would he cast my children off?

“Briana, you also have to think about yourself. You are not getting any younger. You need a man by your side. Luke Bennett is the right man for you.” Marcus tried to convince me.

But I don’t see any reason to rush things.

“And how sure are you that he is the right man for me?” I countered.

I never thought any of my brothers would suggest I marry for business.

“He likes you. Given a chance, I think you would like him, too.”

He has a point, but it is still debatable.

I could not risk my life and the children’s happiness on my brother’s hunch.

Liking a person and committing yourself to that person have opposite dynamics.

There is too much at stake.

“Can I think about this?” I asked Marcus, who sat straighter in his chair.

He placed his linked hands on the table and looked straight into my eyes.

“No. We don’t have time for that. You have to date Luke Bennett ASAP because


Britney White is targeting you. I just got a heads up from a friend that she had an interview and named you as a relationship wrecker.

That did not come as a surprise to me.

Somehow, at the back of my head, I knew Britney would res to this.

“She warned me against Noah.”

“And you did not listen.” Marcus pointed out.

I shrugged.

“You know I don’t like people telling me what to do. Besides, should I ban Noah from getting to know his children? That would be preposterous.”

Marcus shook his head.

“But I have seen you buckling under him. You still have feelings for the man.” My brother pointed out.

That shut me up.

“Noah has a fiancee. You can’t stop people from talking. Even if he made it clear to everyone that he and Britney White had broken up, people will always tag you as the third party behind their breakup.”

I pondered over what Marcus said,

Despite seeing his point, something inside me does not agree.

Marcus misinterpreted my silence as an agreement.

“Date Luke Bennett. Who knows, you might find that you like the man and forget all about Noah Hunter.”

What my brother said was true. Noah’s still engaged to Britney.

That thought left a gaping hole in my heart.

I left the study and returned to the children’s bedroom in a daze.

Without thinking, I called on my best friend, Hanna.

When she picked up, I started ranting about what my brother and I discussed in the study.

“He told me to forget about Noah Hunter. How could I do that? He’s my children’s


biological father. Every time I look into my children’s faces, I see him. “I said.

My chest heaves at the intensity of my feelings.

Marcus had a point, but why does my mind rebel at the idea? I can’t date another


“So, what do you intend to do?” She asked quietly.

We both saw the interview where Britney White cryingly told everyone how I ruined her relationship with Noah Hunter. She painted me as a calculating woman who had set her eyes on her fiancé and wreaked havoc on their relationship.

“Have you talked about this to your PR team? Maybe they’ll think of something to counter this attack on your character.” Hanna suggested.

I sighed before blurting out.

“Marcus wanted me to date Luke Bennett. He thinks it’s the best solution to counter Britney’s claim. He’s also proposing a marriage merger with the Bennett Group of Companies.”

“That bad, huh?”

There was a gap after that.

“What about Noah? Have you talked to him about this?”

Noah confuses me. One minute Noah is all over me smothering me with his kisses. The next, he was teasing me to admit my feelings for him. He said he wanted the kids but never said about how he felt for me.”

“And you still love him?”

I grimaced, though Hanna couldn’t see me.

“I never loved any other man except him. In the last five years, all I ever thought about were my kids. I did not let any man get close to us except my brothers.”

“That did not answer my question.” Hanna challenged.

Her words had me stupefied as I stared off into space.

“I don’t know. Noah Hunter is confusing. He confuses me.” I added morosely.


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