Chapter sorry 79

Chapter 79. Date Luke Bennett

Briana POV

After Noah left, I prepared to get on the bed, but someone knocked softly on my door.

I opened it and saw Marcus.

“You need anything?” I asked my brother.

“We need to talk.”

The confusion caused a crease to form on my forehead.

“About what?” I asked, frowning.

In response, Marcus turned around to walk to the study. Left without a choice, I followed him, closing the door gently behind me.

Marcus sat on his desk.

“What is this about?” I asked, more curious than confused.

I angled my head to the side, prying for his reaction.

Marcus always calls me in the study when he wants to discuss something or if he needs someone to talk to because a particular girl – namely my assistant Martina – p *ssed him off.

But he does not look p*ss right now. Marcus looked brooding. It was like he had something in his mind that he wanted to consult with me.

But that was rare. Marcus never consults me, especially if it concerns the business.

“Come on. We don’t have it all night. I am sleepy.” I told him, yawning.

Marcus cleared his throat.

“How do you find the idea of merging with the Bennetts?” He asked out of the blue.

The frown on my forehead deepened.

“Are we lacking in funds, or do you have any investments in the offing that necessitates the influx of new investors?”

“You are not getting me. I am not talking about investors. I am only talking about one. Luke Bennett. How do you feel about him?”



“He’s a good businessman, I guess. He took charge of the Bennett Group of Companies at an early age. Quite a feat for a man.” I told my brother, not comprehending what he wanted from me.

Marcus must have sensed that I didn’t understand what he was hinting at and clarified to get me out of my confusion.

What do you think about a merger between our companies?”

“Would that be wise?” I asked skeptically.

Marcus nodded. “Of course.”

“This is not an ordinary merger, sis. It is going to be a marriage–merger.”

The idea stunned me.

I often heard of this type of merger in our circle but never thought it would happen to

  1. me.

“I don’t understand.” I hedged to stall for time because my head felt like drowning

with too much information.

“You wanted me to marry Luke Bennett? But I do not even know the man!” I sputtered, clearly opposed to the idea.

Marcus laughed.

“You are not going to be married right away. You have to date the guy first.”

Marcus must have sensed my reluctance and tried to sell Luke Bennett to me.

“You know I never date. The first and last date I had was with Goldstone, and we all know it ended in disaster.” I confided, trying to steer him off whatever he was planning for me.

*Try dating Luke Bennett. You might find that he’s quite a good catch. Not only is he good–looking, but he is also an astute businessman. He was never married, never engaged, and I heard he takes a fancy to you.” My brother said, extolling the man’s qualities.

“And who told you about him liking me?” I countered testily.

“Luke himself.” My brother bragged.

“We met this afternoon, talked about business and you,” Marcus admitted.

That my Me That was me biformes

*am a divorces with three children. Do you honestly think it would be fair for anyone to take on someone like me? I voiced my dubte

My brother stretched in his chai

“Why not? You are beautiful and intelligent. Any man would want to get you to his

I shook my head

I don’t have any reservations about my looks or my capabilities. I am capable and attractive. I also have the backing of Ford Empire that I can use at my disposal.

“I don’t doubt my qualifications as a woman and a partner, but what about my children? It takes a special person to be willing to take on three little children who are not his own.” I pointed out.

Those three boys matter to me the most. Their well–being will always come first.

“Exactly what you needed. Luke is the man. He knew about the triplets and was willing to take them on.”

Today’s Bonus Offer

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