Chapter sorry 40

Chapter 40. Another Attack

Noah POV

Briana is avoiding me.

It was so very obvious.

Every time we crossed paths at the party, she would eventually turn the other way or pretend to pick up a call or a message.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Hunter. May I get you a drink?” I pulled my eyes out of following Briana and shifted it to Marcus Ford, who was eyeing me with venom in his eyes.

“No. Thanks, I am fine.” I told him, wanting to maintain a clear head, when I finally cornered Briana, but she was elusive.

I craned my neck because she already left the last couple I saw her joined from afar, wanting to know where she would go next.

“Are you looking for something, Mr. Hunter, or someone?” This time, I hear a warning. in Marcus Ford’s voice.

I pulled myself to my full height, not wanting to be cowered. He is a Ford, but I am a Hunter. I make things happen.

“I am looking for my….” My voice trailed off when I caught myself. I was about to blurt it out to her husband’s face that Briana is my wife.

I cleared my throat and continued. “I was looking for Briana.”

I looked Marcus Ford in the eye.

“What for? You are divorced. You have nothing to talk about.” Marcus Ford


“Well, I wanted to remind her she has something of mine,” I told him enigmatically before I pulled away.

It was that, or I might start something I might regret later.

The guy is pissing me off big time. I craved to smash his face with my fists and wipe. the smile off his face, but I thought it would upset Briana very much.”

I walked around the venue with Chris a few steps behind, trying to cool my head off.

At the same time, it would afford me to sneak through Briana unawares.

Despite receiving ugly looks from the Fords, joined every group Briana engaged in.

Unfortunately, she was always one step ahead of me.

When she spots me approaching, she immediately says her goodbyes while throwing me disdainful looks.

1 already disposed of Britney at the entrance What more does she want?

“Uncle Matt told me to escort you to the party.” She explained when I not so gently shoved her hand away. Seeing Briana has caught me off guard that I failed to see Britney’s approach.

“Well, I didn’t. So, you better go and stop making a fool of yourself.” I told her as I became increasingly frustrated as the night wore on.

Everything was so clear in my head. I already laid out the plan.

I will start my move on Briana, but the minute I stepped into the hotel, everything had gone haywire.

Briana was like a wily fish, slipping away from me every time I tried to get near.

I saw her leave the venue and started following her until I lost her. She turned around the corridor, but all I saw was a vast garden.

I thought she was there, but she wasn’t.

With mounting frustration, I took my cigarette out, lighted it, and took a huge puff.

“What are you doing here, Hunter?” I whipped my body around to see the eldest of the Ford brothers looking menacingly at me.

“Smoking,” I said.

To compound my claim, I raised the hand that held the cigarette in place.

“Liar!” He hissed before punching my jaw.

I staggered backward but was able to hold my ground.

Angrily, I threw my cigarette away and was about to retaliate when I heard children’s hushed voices.

“Come on. Mommy’s gone.” One of the triplets said to his brothers, and I heard

watings of leaves in the background

Chat Font pulled away from me to walk in the nearby mini garden. His figure got

st in the lange esame pots that decorated one side of the garden.

When be emerged, he already had the three children by the armpits.

Ay pets were scoring like kittens under his lockhold

They were grumbling, kicking, and failing their arms to escape Charles‘ grasp, all to

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When I saw them, my breath hitched.

My kids I watched them while they struggled from the confines of Charles’s hold.

When Charles released them, they attempted to sprint free from him, but Charles was faster. He grabbed the two and embraced them. One escaped, and he ran past

I stretched my arms to serve as a deterrent and pulled him toward me. I grabbed him and enfolded him in my embrace.

That was when I felt an unfamiliar sense of peace.

I closed my eyes, but it was only momentary because the next moment, I felt the other two children attacking me. Charles Ford let them loose to attack me!

“Stop it!”

“No! You are bad.” One of them shouted while kicking me.

He hit the back of my knees, and I dropped down on the mossy grass.

“Let’s finish him.” I heard one shout, but before they could start hitting me, Briana and two other Fords came swooping down on the kids.

They took the kids and ran away from an obviously fuming Briana, leaving us alone in that semi–dark mini garden.

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