
Chapter Sold 88

11:31 AM

Chapter 88


I shook my head nervously from the seer’s word. She must have been mistaken. She must have thought that maybe I was still sick which was why she said I should forget the outside world, right?

No, you really don’t understand. I’m fine now. I can move around freely if my hands are not tied to the bed. I don’t have any headache anymore. I feel completely fine. There is nothing stopping me from going outside, please let me go,” I tried to explain to her so that she can understand.

The seer gave me a look that I couldn’t quite understand before turning to grab some things in the drawer.

Please listen to me! I really am fine now! There is no need to keep me in here!” I yelled to get her attention, but she wouldn’t even listen to me.

Okay, fine! You don’t have to release me yet. Can you at least untie my hands? I can’t run away. Being tied to the bed makes me feel so uncomfortable,” I pleaded with a soft voice this time, hoping that it would work on her, but I was wrong.

She kept on ignoring me and I couldn’t understand why. She seemed to be after my wellbeing when the Alpha called her to the palace. Why is she suddenly acting indifferent?

It couldn’t be Alpha Xander’s order, right? He doesn’t know that she tied me up all in the name of treating me, right?

Why isn’t he here anyway?

I sucked in a deep breath as I thought of trying another approach.

“Can you at least explain why you are being like this so that I can understand, huh?” I asked with a cracked voice, but as soon as she found what she was looking for in the drawer, a smile spread across her face. She glared at me for a second before leaving the room without giving me another look.

This cannot be happening right now.

I could feel that something was wrong in the pit of my stomach. There is no way anyone who treat me like this especially if it was Alpha Xander that brought me here.

“Am I missing something?” I thought to myself and my heart began to beat frantically.

“Let me out of here! Let me go! I swear I am completely fine now!” I yelled but it doesn’t seem like she was going to answe me neither was anyone coming to my rescue.

“Help!!! Somebody help!!! I need to

I struggled to

ut of here!” I cried.

the rope

that was tied to my

wrist but the more I struggled the harder it gets.

Why can’t I get rid of this either? I could have swore that it looked really loose earlier. Wht does it keeps getting tight as if someone was controlling


My heart raced with fear and I could he vicious thoughts that was starting to form in my head.

I need to get out of here. I must leave fight now.

“Get me out of here right now!I demanded. “You have no reason to keep me here anymore, not when I am finally fine! Let… let mego,” I coughed as my voice crackled.


I don’t even know if she was still inside or I’d she could still hear me, and now, my voice is gone because I was screaming too much.

Tears pricked in the corner of my eyes as I thought about what could be happening. This place feels so shabby that it scares me. Am I really brought here to be treated?

“How can you explain how you are suddenly fine then,my subconscious scolded.

Just then, the door cracked open and I raised my head up immediately to see who it was. Did the seer changed her mind already? Is she finally going to let me out of here?

I felt slightly relieved as I waited for her to come in, only to see that it was a maid who came in with a tray of food in her hands.

Here, have some food,she said as she placed the tray on the bed before leaving the room immediately.


Who are these people? I looked at the food on the bed and my stomach grumbled out of hunger, but I refused to eat or drink anything that was brought to me by any of those people.

For some reasons, I don’t think I can trust them and as much as I hate to admit it, I just want to return back to Alpha Xander.


Chapter 88

The seer returned a few minutes after the maid left to see the food untouched and she scoffed in disbelief.

“Why are you not eating?She asked with a frown.

“I don’t need food, I just want to get out of here,I pointed.

She chuckled at my words and I wondered what was funny before her face twitched to a frown.

“You better eat up if you don’t want to die,” the seer said without any form of sympathy in her


As much as I wanted to tell her that I’d rather die than eat anything she gives me, I know that is a big lie. I no longer have the urge to die. I want to survive at all cost and the seer looks like someone who would gladly grant my wishes if I ever told her that I wanted to die, so I kept my mouth quiet and just watched instead.

I didn’t eat the food as she had ordered and she seemed pretty angry about my stubbornness but the truth was I just wanted to leave that place and return back to Alpha Xander.

“You need to stop being stubborn or I’d be forced to put you in a deep sleep again where you will be as good as dead,” she threatened me and I swallowed the lumps in my throat.

I cannot keep sleeping for too long. I don’t know how long I was unconscious for the last time, and if I happened to be unconscious once again, it might affect the baby in my stomach.

It was true that I didn’t want the baby and if this was a few months ago, I wouldn’t have cared about what happened, but Alpha Xander has been nothing but nice to me. I need to keep the baby safe and as much as I hate to admit it, the baby is also my child.

I looked at the seer who was already watching me with an unamused look. “Did you poison the food? Why are you so eager to watch me eat?” I asked with a frown on my face.

Indeed, she is a little suspicious. Why is she threatening me to eat? What if she was doing this to kill me? I don’t know but for some reasons, I really can’t bring myself to trust her.

“If that is what you are worried about then eat. We cannot kill you yet, not when you will still be needful to us,” she said, leaving me confused.

“Us? Who are you working with? Who are you? Did you lie to Alpha Xander? Why would you do that?” I asked suspiciously because it is clear now that whatever she said to Alpha Xander was a lie.

Alpha Xander is too protective of me because of his child, of course, to send me away like that. She must have lied that she wanted to treat me to get him to agree to it.

“It is true that I lied to him to get him out of his possession. Why? The answer is simple,” she shrugged. “We need you, hence, we came for you,” she said, leaving me even more confused.

“You crazy witch! How can you do that to him? How can you make use of his vulnerability to deceive him?! Let me go this instant! I don’t want to be here, let me go!” I yelled out and she only laughed at me.

You can scream all you want, but you will never be able to get out of here. I mean, why bother when you will end up dead anyway?” She asked with a smug smile and my heart skipped a beat.

You can’t do this to me! Alpha Xander would not spare you! Let me go this instant!” I yelled and she only stared at me.

Okay, fine. I promise I won’t go back to him. He doesn’t have to know where I am. Just release me and let me go,” I begged but no matter how hard I pleaded, she would never listen to me.

I watched her leave the room and I screamed out of frustration.

Ugh!!!I screamed out of frustration as tears streamed out of my face.

How can I keep going through the same circle? What did I ever do wrong? If this is a curse, moon goddess, isn’t it about time you forgive me? Ever since I was born, it has been either one problem or the other. I have been facing challenges and just when I thought everything was about to end I got myself into a bigger problem?

I barely enjoy life for a week before another attack comes. It was as if the universe had something against me.

What did I ever do wrong?

I wondered if Alpha Xander is even aware of everything going on or if I am in this alone. Does he think he is helping me by sending me away? Will he come to save me? What if it had already gotten too late when he arrived?

I sighed for the umpteenth time as I cried by myself.

Just then, two maids came in and the seer gave them a sign to force me to eat before walking out.


Chapter 88

The maids forced food down my

throat as more tears flowed down

my cheeks.

I hate this life SO much. I really do.

I hope


f here.

Alpha Xander gets a hint of everything soon and comes to save survive by myself


because 1

don’t know how


longer I could






withstand all of this. I


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