
Chapter Sold 41

Chapter 41 


Prince Kane fixed his trousers and stood up angrily. His face was glinting with anger as he glared at Lucas. 

“What did I just hear you say?” He asked with a sharp gaze, darin Lucas to repeat himself. 

“What? Are you offended because I called you an illegitimate child in front of your whore? I thought it was not a secret,” he smirked, challenging Prince Kane too. 

Prince Kane inhaled sharply, trying to control his anger because he did something he would regret, but Prince Lucas was keen to push him to the edge. 

“Why are you suddenly quiet? Are you ashamed of yourself?” A smile spread across his lips as he watched Raya even though she was trying to hide behind Prince Kane 

His eyes scanned her body and Prince Kane felt disrespected from the way he was staring at his woman. His breath hitched. He wanted to slap the stupid grin off his face when Prince Lucas broke the silence. 

“I’m shocked you didn’t hesitate to replace your sister’s position, he mocked and Raya flared up. 

If there was anything she hated the most, it had to be anyone comparing her to Maliya or referring to Maliya ax her sister. 

“Step Sister, she corrected with a glare. She was still embarrassed from how he barged inside and saw her in that position and if he wasn’t a prince, she knew exactly what she would have said it did, but she knew better.. 

“Since you are a free giver, do you mind warming my bed too?” He mocked and Prince Kane charged at him. 

Mind your words,” he warned. 

“Or what?” Prince Lucas chucked “What are you going to do? Best me, huh?” He grinned. “That sounds like what a lowlife would do anyway. Like mother like son, Prince Lucas said with a smug and Prince Kane punched his face, bursting his lips in the process. 

“You fucking bastard Prince Lucas fought back, and both men were soon engaged in a fist fight. 

Prince Kane poured out his anger and frustration into the fight end kept on punching him until Prince Lucas could no longer defend himself. 

“How dare you?!” He groaned and Prince Lucas chuckled, as he wiped the blood on his lips. 

“I don’t expect anything less from you Kane, you are a lowlife whose mother slept with the Alpha to change her story and now, you are doing the exact thing, rubbing your misfortune around the palace, he mocked him and Prince Kane grew even angrier. 

He pounced on Prince Lucas and hit him nonstop on his face. 

Despite the fact that he couldn’t fight back or get him off himself, Prince Lucas kept on getting on his nerves by saying hurtful things to him, calling him a bastard and Prince Kane lost it completely. 

“You need to stop! What if someone walks in and sees you? Control yourself, Kane!” Raya screamed. 

She tried to pull Prince Kane away and stop the fight but she was no match for Prince Kane

“You will only get into more trouble. He is doing this on purpose You need to control your angert” Raya continued to yell, but it all fell on his deaf ears. 


Chapter 41 

“I’m going to teach hima lesson, he hissed as his fist connected with Prince Lucas jaws. 

“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here? The Alph walked in and met his sons fighting like a slave, and his eyes flashed with anger. 

Prince Kane stood frozen in his position and Prince Lacas took as his opportunity to push him off 

He winced in pain as he struggled to stand up and the Alpha’s anger skyrocketed. 

“I asked a question. I said, “What the hell is going on?!” He snapped. His voice was cold and alarming and Prince Kane could already tell that he was in trouble. 

F–father, Prince Lucas tried to talk but ended up coughing out blood. 

He looked between his son in disgust as his body shook with anger. 

“Meet me in my room now!” He commanded before storming off angrily. 

Prince Lucas burst out laughing as soon as the Alpha left and Prince Kane glared at him. 

“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” He hissed. 

“What did I do? Father sent me to call you over, and that was exactly what I did, he chuckled. “Do you think I didn’t fight back because I was weak? You seem to have forgotten that I have better training than you do,” he laughed out. 

“I simply let you have the moment, knowing I’d have the last laugh. Now wait and enjoy what is going to happen next,” he grinned before leaving the room. 

Raya rushed over to his side to see how he was doing as she broke down in panic. “I told you to control yourself! I knew it was a trap! Why do you always act on impulse! Now, the Alpha is going to punish you,” she groaned before reaching for his hands to see his wounds but he yanked it away from her angrily. 

“Be gone before I return,” he said coldly before storming off 

He knew he had fucked up, and there was no way he would be able to avoid the Alpha’s wrath. 

“That fucking bastard,” he cussed under his breath. 

He went into the Alpha chamber and his eyes widened when he saw the Luna and his mother in the room. 

He thought the Alpha would merely punish him but seeing how his mother was present, he could tell that it wouldn’t end 


He bowed to show his respect but everyone ignored him. Prince Lucas has a sly smile plastered on his face, while his mother shakes nervously, unable to meet with his eyes. 

He also saw the proud smirk on Luna’s face and the sharp gaze coming from the Alpha. The room suddenly felt small and the air felt stiff. He kept on looking at his mother but she wouldn’t even spare him a glance. 

“Explain what just happened,” Alpha commanded. 

Prince Kane parted his lips to speak, but before he could even say a word, Prince Lucas beat him to it. 

“I went into his room to call him like you had ordered, Prince Lucas said with a pained expression, trying to make his story believable. 

“When I entered. I caught him having sex with Raya and he flared up. He threw different words at me for not knocking before coming in as if sleeping with his mate’s sister wasn’t shameful enough, Prince Lucas winced in pain before he continued. 


Chapter 41 

‘1 tried to tell him that few sheer because you sent for 

as be pertended to be in pain 

The Alph’s chest rose and fell angrily as he listed in Price List Printed en g his father would take side with him. 

Prince Kane knew this too and tried to defend himself, bu 

Father. I promise, that is not what happened. I was 

“You were what? Is it true that you are derging with your up vider now? $d wherether to that why you be yo brother up The Alpha asked with a frown but Prince Kab 

I was He 

selt a questions, neither did the Alpha expert him to defend himself. P fair. It has always been like that 

the cold work the the ne 

“Don’t keep quiet when I ask you a question. Kane is the food you are seeping with your mate’s our other way yo bear your brother up He snapped and Prince Kane inhaled sharply 

Prince Kane’s eyes yell on Prince Locat 

ground and be closed 

Before he could frash bos words, the Alpha few arrow the road punched ham hard on his face, making him fall to the ground from the sudden pressure 

Everyone’s eyes widened in shock in 

Alpha would ever bay a finger on a Dropine all his kart 

and punishment, he had never touched him before, whach wreed everyone 

“How dare your 

Price Locas and Luna watched the scene with an amusing smile on the faces, while France Kane wight of the band dripping out of his nose, well in stock 

How dare you beat up your brother? He slapped him with his feet again leaving the imprice of his her on Prater Lac face as be witoed from the past. 

“Who the hell do you thank you a 

Prince Kane remained in the same spot feeling humiliated as Prince Lucas kept on smiling 

“I am going to kill you by myself” the Alpha brought our a blade from his pecker and comped out Peter Kate with r But before he could, his mother stopped him 

She bugged the Alpha from behind with tears on her face 

Please don’t hun him anymore. He a will your won the cred and be stranded to push her off 

berat but she would let 

The Alpha got more raged and pushed her of forcefully, cutting her hands in the process as she fell to the foot in pat 


Prince Kane rushed over to his mother the Alpha did looksmordid, not even in the digest way. 

To believe I have to 

Chapter 41 

“What was Trapecting from a slave anyway? Of course, you will only give birth to the likes of you, he turned to Prince Com and watched him in disgust. 

“I should have never accepted you. How can you embarrass me very time? Why do you keep embarrassing the royal family fan’t it enough that people have to gossip that an illegitiate son is walking freely around! Must you disgrace me 

This better be the last time this happens, or I won’t hesitate to tip you off your title and turn you into a slave you should have been from the get go,” he spat out and Prince Kane clenched his fist as he tended to his mother. 

“Get that trash out of my room. The Alpha spat before leaving the room himself. 


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