
Chapter Sold 36

Chapter 36 


upper hand “Do not spare anyone that tries to get in your way. Wipe every single one of them out like an ant. We have the tonight because this is going to be a surprise attack, hence, we can not come with nothing but victory, Alpha Luxwell said to his men and they nodded their heads in agreement. 

“Yes, Alpha. They chores. 

“You have five minutes to take whatever you might be forgetting We are leaving then and be rest assured that this victory is ours. We shall take down the mighty Alpha Xander and take over his pack, Alpha Luxwell announced with a proud smirk, as he was already thinking about how he would make Alpha Xander watch him while he took over everything that had ever mattered to him. 

The soldiers scooted around as they grabbed different weapons they would be needing for the night. Alpha Luxwell watched them with a proud grin, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on Alpha Xander’s face once he was defeated and for the first time in his life, he was going to have a taste of victory. 

The war was personal to him. Alpha Xander disrespected him publicly. He was humiliated because of a mere woman and none of that would have happened if he had gained enough power in the first place. 

“Alpha Xander looked down on me and treated me like I was nobody. It’s time to return the energy and give his medicine, Alpha Luxwell thought to himself. 

He checked the time on his watch and five minutes had passed 

“Let’s go soldiers!” He yelled as he took the lead. 

him a taste of 

Alpha Luxwell left in the middle of the night to make sure that he was going to catch everyone off guard when they least expected it. He was determined to win and he would do whatever it takes to win the war. 

Alpha Luxwell and his men soon arrived at Alpha Xander’s pack and a huge smile spread across his lips. He didn’t want to cause an alarm or attack like a rogue by setting fire everywhere. 

He tried to sneak into Alpha Xander’s mansion but the security was lost and they got inside without any issue. 

He found it a little suspicious knowing how guarded Alpha Xander usually is, there is no way he and his men would put themselves in this position. 

“Or maybe the moon goddess was just behind me, he smiled at the thought. 

He signalled his men to go inside while he stood outside with a few more soldiers. The way everywhere was dark and there. was no light since he got there, which got him a little worried. 

He knew something was off b 

“but at the same time, he has never been to the pack at this hour before so he can’t possibly know how things are being done here. 

He checked the time and his men were gone for fifteen minutes. He ought to be hearing screams by now, but there was nothing 

“What is going on? The night is too silent for my liking. He whispered to himself when the men who went in came outside with a confused look on their faces 

“Alpha everywhere is empty. Isn’t that strange? One of the soldiers said. 

Alpha Luxwell immediately knew something was not right. Everywhere cannot be empty. Even if Alpha Xander was not around, his maids and guards should be. 


Chapter an 

Something is fishy, stay at alett, he commanded and just then, the light came up at once, 

Alpha Luxwell wondered what was going on when he looked and to figure it out when Alpha Xander’s men came out of nowhere and sounded Alpha Maxwell and his men. 

Alpha Nander’s men were twice Alpha Luxwell’s men. He looked round to watch how the soldiers came out from different comers and angles and he scoffed in disbelief. 

He had come here with twenty of his men. The plan was to rate them unguarded bat now that things have changed. They would have to fight with their last neatly 

Alpha Luxwell men charged, and formed a circle, protecting the Alpha as he was kept in the middle. They were equally prepared to fight and Alpha Luxwell wondered why Alpha Xander’s men had attacked them yet. 

Just then, Alpha Xamler showed up with his dominating presence, and a smirk spread across Alpha Luxwell’s face. 

“Nice to see you again, Alpha Xander,” he chuckled. 

“The only thing that would be nice tonight is sering your head all apart from your neck, Alpha Xander said flatly and Alpha Luxwell erupted in a loud laugh. 

“My goodness, Alpha Xander. You think so highly of yourself. We came here prepared so be rest assured that I am not leaving this place without a victory, Alpha Larxwell said with an amusing smile, while Alpha Xander’s expression remained 


“I haven’t reminded anyone of how brutal I can be in a while. You are going to serve as a good lesson, and Fd be more happy to put you in your place, he hissed, 

Alpha Xander was still boiling inside from the disrespect. “How are he try to attack me? On top of that, he came with twenty men. Only I can take down the twenty men at once, not to talk of now that they are all surrounded by my guards, this idiot must really have a death wish.” 

Alpha Luxwell continued to grin at Alpha Xander. A part of him knew that there was no way they could win against Alpha Xander in this situation. Running away would be a bigger humiliation. And trying to fight them would be him begging for his death. 

Alpha Xander’s men looked just as prepared as his men and the only difference here was that he was outnumbered. 

He wondered if he should put his fate in his strength and his men and just get rid of that arrogant bastard or if he should 


But will Alpha Xander even allow me to retreat? Since we are here already, I think it’s best to just do what we came here to do, he concluded. 

Alpha Xander was staring at him the entire time when he broke the silence again. 

“The only person that would be falling off his high horse tonights you. And guess whose reputation is going to change? Mine. I’d go from being the Alpha you humiliated a couple of times to becoming the Alpha that got rid of you and took your place, Alpha Laxwell announced and Alpha Xander shook his head 

“I have never seen someone as dumb as he is, but I am putting an end to this headache right here, and right now.” Alpha Xander thought to himself. 

Their men looked at each other, challenging themselves on who would first make a move, but none of them dared to do anything, not when the Alphas hadn’t said a word. 

“You are not worth wasting my strength over, Alpha Xander announced, and Alpha Luxwell’s blood boiled with anger. 

Alpha Xander was doing it again. Belittling Alpha Luxwell and making him feel worthless. He knew all about Alpha Luxwell’s 

Sun, Aug 

Chapter 36 

insecurities, but he didn’t care one bit, instead, he only saw 

only saw it as his chance to humiliate him further. 

Alpha Luxwell shook manger for being disrespected in the presence of his men and he brought out his weapon, ready to fight when Alpha Xander spoke again. 

Look around you, Alpha Luxwell. Anyone with a head would know that they do not stand a chance. Like I said. I won’t waste strength on you, so I will give you two options, he announced. 

Alpha Luxwell glared at him but he watched him speak without interruption anyway. 

“First option, surrender and I might consider giving you an easy death. But of course, you can try to attack us like you have planned, but that will only make things worse for you. Pick your poison, but use your brain, Alpha Xander finished. 

Alpha Luxwell burst into laughter again and Alpha Xander just gave him a day’s look. 

“Go to hell. Alpha Xander. No matter how intimidating you try to be tonight, it’s not going to work. I came here prepared. and I’d never surrender to our shitty ass he hissed. 

“You really want to push your luck, huh? If that is the case, who am I to stop you?” Alpha Xander said and Alpha Luxwell grinned 

“Get off your high horse. You are not as important as you think You got your reputation because of people, not because you deserve it, and I’ll prove it to the world tonight.” 

Without another word, Alpha Luxwell signalled for his men to attack, and a war broke out. 

Alpha Luxwell attacked Alpha Xander and both of them decided to fight like a real man and fight with their fist instead of 


It was a bit heated as everywhere was in chaos. The soldiers fought with their lives and the two Alpha wasn’t ready to back down either 

They kept on throwing punches at each other, using their claws as they fought brutally. 

Alpha Luxwell didn’t plan on giving up and put in all his energy but Alpha Xander was stronger. He was beaten to a pulp and his men were now covered up in bruises just like their Alpha. 

“Why am I not surprised? You are all talk no action,” Alpha Xander spat before throwing him to the floor. “Arrest the fool for wasting my time,” Alpha Xander ordered and Alpha Luxwell clenched his fist. 

He looked around to see that almost all of his men were dead and only five were alive who were badly injured. 

He felt so irritated from how the night turned out. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be him going back home with victory. 

He coughed out blood before he could even say a word but it didn’t stop him

“You are a bastard, Xander. You are nothing but a blood–hungry killer. You killed your family and think you can suddenly rise to power by putting fear in people’s minds. You are a monster and no matter how much you try, nobody will ever accept you for who you are,” he spat our before the guards dragged him away. 



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