
Chapter Sold 31

Chapter 31 


“Alpha, you have a visitor,” a maid came to announce while I was busy working in my study room. I won’t expecting to see anvone, which made me confined 

“Who is it?” I frowned. If there was anything I hated, it had to be having people interrupt my day, especially when I was not expecting them 

“He claimed to be Alpha Maxwell, sir. Should I let him in?” She biked and I nodded. 

The maid left the room immediately and Alpha Maxwell came in with a smile on his face. 

“Alpha Xander, I’m sorry to trouble you without any prior notice hope you don’t mind?” He said with a smile as he took his 

“Will you leave if I said I do? I frowned at the hypocrisy and he cleared his throat. He was here on his own accord so why bother to ask if it was okay when he was already interrupting my day

Would anyone be okay with an unnecessary interruption when they are in the middle of something? I don’t like people who pretend. I wasn’t one with such an attitude and I won’t condone it 

Just then, a maid came in and brought a tray with her that contained two cups of tea. She served Alpha Maxwell and I before disappearing again. I bet he was here to talk about the business idea he wanted to tell me at the party before things ended the way they did. 

“First. I’d like to apologize once again for what happened at my birthday party. I was the one who invited everyone over. 1 should have ensured that my guests were all protected,” he said and I grunted in response. 

“Maybe you should. I mean, you did invite a fool to your party, Isnarled and he cleared his throat.. 

“I’m sorry. I hope you can forget what happened, Alpha Maxwell pleaded. 

I can forgive anything, but this isn’t one of them. Alpha Luxwell crossed the line. He tried to force his way on the woman who was carrying my child. As if that wasn’t enough, he still couldn’t bring himself to apologize for what he did when I clearly told him to stay away from her. Of course, I cannot forgive such an attitude. 

He is going to pay for it. By now, I believe everyone already knows that I do not have a forgiving heart. 

Alpha Xander, Alpha Maxwell called again and I snapped at him. 

“Why do you care whether I forgive him or not? This has nothing to do with you.” 

“I feel partly at fault for what happened and it would only be fair if I apologize for how the party went down.” 

“If what you are worried about was me attacking your pack alongside his, then I have no plan on doing such. I don’t fight. without a reason. 

“Even if that is the case- 

“This is between Alpha Luxwell and me. Did you see him here begging for my mercy? No. Do you know why? Because he believes he can fight me man to man so let us deal with it. This is none 

of your business.” 

I was starting to get mad from the way kept on trying to prolong the conversation. This is not up for discussion and I’d appreciate it if he just kept his mouth shut. 

“I know you are pretty angry about what happened, but Alpha Laxwell is my friend. I know there is no excuse for what 



16:26 Sun, Aug 4 GG. 

Chapter 31 

happened that night, bm Lagi begging you to forgive him and put everything behind us 



He takes a sip out of his tea and could feel a rise of anger inside me I never understand why anyone would take their precious time to beg for a man like Luxwell. Even if they are friends like he claimed, Luxwell has nothing to do with me hence, nothing would stop me from ruining him when the time comes 

No one crosses me and gets away with it. I believe that is something everyone is now aware of 

“No amount of pleading would change my mind. Do you want to talk about something else? I furrowed an eyebrow and he seemed to consider his options before he spoke again. 

“This is the first time I’d be asking you for anything Can’t you at least out of respect pardon Alpha Luxwell?” 

My stomach churned at his words and 1 scoffed in disbelief. This is exactly why I do not entertain anyone in my pack. Once you welcome them, they start to feel entitled and start making urealistic demands. 

Who does he think he is? Respect him? Why would I do that? Isomply went to his party because I wanted to go out after a long period, not because he was important. I allowed him to corbe in without prior notice because I felt like he had given me a heads–up at the party, and now, he dared to speak of respect 

I owe you no respect, Alpha Maxwell. Quite frankly, you are starting to cross your boundaries here. I do not want to talk about Alpha Luxwell so mind your business and do just that or d be forced to include you in my payback, I hissed, and he cleared his throat. 

I’m sorry, Alpha Xander, I didn’t mean to annoy you. I was merely looking for harmony among every pack. You know the rumours about you.” 

“What rumours?” I cut him off rudely and he cleared his throat. He swallowed the lumps in his throats as his eyes met with my burning gaze and he looked away for a second. 

Alpha Xander, my point is- 

“Alpha Maxwell, I asked a question. What rumours?” I frowned, cutting him off once again. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and I dared him to say something stupid, but he merely let out a nervous smile, composing himself. 

“Pardon my manners, I do 

not mean any kind of disrespect, I just thought we could really- 

“There is no ‘we‘ Alpha Maxwell. I think you have overstayed your welcome. You should be on your way now,” I said and he 

hesitated for a while. 

“Alpha Xander ” 

“Do you want me to call the guards instead? Leave this instant or you’ll be forced to leave, I warned, and he finally learned his place. 

“My apologies, Alpha Xander” He stood up to take his leave and I hissed as soon as he left my study room. 

Does he think we are suddenly friends because I attended his birthday party? This is what I get for mixing with those low lives. 

Just then, Madam Rosalie walked in and once she noticed my mood, she hesitated for a while before commencing to say what she wanted to say. 

“Erm.. Alpha, should I come back?” She asked. 

“Go ahead. What is it?” 

“The seers are here to see you. Should I let them in? If it’s not the right timing, I can ask them to come back though,” she 



16:27 Sun, Aug 1 G 

Chapter 31 

“It’s fine. Let them in.” 

Rosalie went outside and ca 

back with two men in their mid–forties, maybe? They looked slightly older whe 

around their age and a woman who seemed to be in her late thiles or early forties. 

I wondered if they knew what they were here for. I won’t hesitate to throw them behind the cell if they have no answers to my questions. 

I looked between all thure of them and I wondered if they would really have answers to my questions 

They bowed to show their respect and I nodded in acknowledgement. Just then, Madam Rosalie broke the silence 

“Alpha, these three seers are the best in giving predictions and I am sure they will have answers to your questions the finished with a smile. 

“Good job,” I praised Madam Rosalie and she grinned. “Take all firee of them outside and let them in one after the other. Id like to discuss it privately with all three of them,” 1 announced and they all looked at each other. 



Sun, Aug 4 G 

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