Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 92

Imogen’s POV

I knew the as soon as I drove down toward the house something was wrong; the lights flickering inside the house were a dead giveaway. Pulling up out the front, Theo had hold of Thaddeus, who was looking over Theo's shoulder at the car. Tobias was standing next to the power box, scratching his head, confused. Getting out of the car, I hid my amusement.

“What are you doing?” I asked, hopping out of the car. Theo was watching Tobias, and I could hear him flicking off the switches in the power box.

“Either we have an electrical problem, or the house is haunted,” Theo says. I can see Thaddeus's eyes glowing green, a mischievous grin on his face while he squealed and cackled. His eyes glowing with intelligence far beyond his years. When he sees me, he grasps air, holding out his arms, and I smile at him.

“You playing tricks on your daddies?” I whisper, taking him from Theo, who still hadn't paid attention to what I just said about Thaddeus. Theo walked over and looked at the power box with Tobias. I shook my head and walked up the porch steps.

“You can't go in there Imogen, stay out here. All the power is off, and the lights are still flickering, a fire could start” Tobias called out. I stopped, an amused grin on my face as I cocked my eyebrow at him. “Typical men aye, in one ear and out the other” I tell Thaddeus, who squeals loudly while eating his hand and slobbering all over it.

“It's ghost, it is the only explanation. I knew that oracle was conjuring up bad voodoo,” Theo said, throwing his hands up in the air. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. Snorted even at how ridiculous they were being. Deciding to play along, I turn to walk inside carrying Thaddeus and my grocery bag.

“Imogen, did you not hear us the place is possessed” Theo called out.

“Oh, I heard you alright, I can't believe you two are scared of a Casper the Friendly Ghost.”

“Hey ghosts are real. I lived in a haunted house once. I'm telling you Imogen Astral has brought some bad mumbo jumbo here” Theo calls out to me. I shake my head.

“Did you not pay attention, to anything I said earlier” They both looked at me like I grew two heads. Feeling through the bond, I could tell they had no idea what I was talking about.

“There is nothing wrong with the house, your son is doing it, you would know. If you bothered to look at him,” I said.

“You expect me to believe a baby is conjuring magic?” Tobias asked.

“Yep, he did it earlier but you two, were too busy blaming me for upsetting him and weren't listening” They both came to the porch looking up at me.

“Witches can't manifest magic, Imogen, till they are of age. He is two months old.”

“Correct, he is two months old, I know when my son was born. But he isn’t a normal witch baby, Tobias, he is a tribrid. I also know that he is growing rapidly. What two-month-old is as big as a one- year-old and can sit up and nearly crawl? He is growing faster and beyond his age. The oracle even said she couldn't predict what his future holds. Well now, we just got a glimpse” They still didn't believe me, seriously how thick could one be? As if on cue, Thaddeus started giggling, and the lights started flickering faster. That's when I realised his powers were manifesting from his emotions. He doesn't even realise what he is doing just can feel the funny feeling of his magic tickling him, well until the darkness around edges touches him like it did earlier.

I turn him around in my arms, so they could see for themselves. His eyes glowing fluorescent green, sparkling hypnotic eyes peering back at them. Tobias gasped, unable to believe his eyes. Theo was looking from the house to Thaddeus.

“I can't believe not one of you noticed his eyes” I could feel their shock through the bond.

“Well, when shit goes haywire in the house, my first priority was to get him out before the house combusted in flames” Theo retorts. I turn around, walking inside and going to the kitchen.

Making a bottle and putting the kettle on “I think it is time some little boy goes to bed. It is way past your bedtime little man” I tell him. Preparing his formula.

“So, what do we do?” asks Theo grabbing Thaddeus and holding him at arm's length. Thaddeus seemed to think it was quite funny.

“You're not scared of him, are you Theo?" I chuckle.

“Of course not, but it is a little creepy.”

“Not as creepy as his bloodsucking father,” I retort.

“Seriously though, this can't go on, this house is old. The wiring is ancient I don't think the place will hold if this keeps up” Tobias states. I had been thinking of it when I was driving. Trying to come up with a solution.

“Geez Tobias, I don't know. I didn’t exactly get an instruction book for a tribrid baby they were all out of them at the store. Not that you would read it anyway" I tell him.

“You're enjoying this, aren't you?” he says a smirk on his face as he leans back and places his hands behind his head.

“A little. I tried to tell you” Theo walks over and takes the bottle from my hands. Thaddeus drinks his bottle hungrily. It explains why he is constantly hungry. He would burn energy constantly and in return, making him feed more.

“I'm not sure, I have some idea's but not sure how it works exactly or the effect it will have on him. I will have to get Astral's opinion first. See what she thinks.”

“What are you thinking?” Tobias asked, leaning forward, and watching Theo rock Thaddeus to sleep, a concerned look on his face.

“Doing what my mother did, putting it in a talisman or amulet.” Tobias nodded his head.

“Could work. We will speak to Astral Tomorrow” Theo walks over to me and I see Thaddeus is asleep. I kiss his head before Tobias gets up, doing the same. Theo walks upstairs to put him in his crib.

When Theo comes back down, he starts making coffee.

“So, we are speaking to Astral then?” he asks.

“Yep, and I am going to tell her you said her magic is mumbo jumbo” I tell him chuckling to myself. He turns around, facing me. I prop myself up on the bench and he comes to stand in between my legs.

“I'm sorry about earlier,” he says pecking my lips. When he goes to turn away, I wrap my legs around his waist tugging him back before draping my arms over his shoulders. A seductive smile playing on his lips and his eyes darken at my actions.

Theo's lips going to my neck as he sucks and nips at my skin

“I suppose, I am making my own coffee then,” Tobias says, getting up and walking to the jug.

“He is such a good house husband” Mutters Theo, making Tobias scoff before shooting him a look.

“So, are we forgiven?” Theo asks, going back to nipping the skin of my neck. I feel his fingers playing with the buttons of my shirt. Watching Tobias over Theo's shoulder, I giggle as I watch him adjust the crotch of his pants. Clearly feeling Theo's arousal through the bond

“That depends”.

“On what?" Tobias asks, turning to face us and watch the scene playing out in front of him

“On what you're willing to do for my forgiveness” I watch Tobias eyes darken before he walks over kissing me over Theo's shoulder. I gasp when Theo's arousal floods into me as Tobias grabs him through his pants. Theo groans loudly at his touch.

I feel Theo's hands suddenly tugging on my shirt.

“You rip it Theo, you won't get laid for a week” I warn him sick of them destroying my clothes. He groans and Tobias snickers, stepping away from him. And pouring the hot water in the cups.

“Bed or lounge room?” Theo asks, thrusting his hips into me.

“Never mind the bedroom’s too far away, lounge it is,” he says picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder cave man style.

“What about the coffee?” Tobias says.

“Don’t be whinging, the coffee can wait. Just hurry up, before she changes her mind,” Theo tells him.0000OO

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