Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 91

Imogen’s POV

The next week passed by quickly, Astral came by a few times to teach me about my magic. To say it has been a learning experience is an understatement. My magic has no limits and is extremely hard to control once the darkness takes over. Astral has been teaching me how to regulate my breathing and self-hypnosis to calm myself. The darkness is there, I can feel it, but it doesn't taint me the way it did before. Astral seems to think it is because I have found my grounding place. Something to hang onto when I feel myself slipping away.

Even with learning control, Theo and Tobias don't give me any rest. Constantly watching and hovering, and it was starting to get on my nerves. We had been arguing heaps and no matter how much I tell them I am fine; they don't listen. They can both feel the darkness inside me, and it scares them. They should feel scared it is dark and twisted and all-consuming, but with Astral's help. I have it managed and under control. If anyone is struggling, it is Theo. The more he feeds off me, the more severe his mood swings have been.

Astral believes Theo might become addicted to my magic, the same way it affected me, changing him to his most primal urges. So, I haven't let him feed off me for two days now, which makes Tobias hover over me every time, I have Thaddeus and eventually I was going to snap. I have remained quiet over it, tried to ignore it and even bitten my tongue, but eventually it will become too much. I don't need them mothering me, suffocating me. I just need them to be there when I need them, and right now I feel smothered.

I was about to go to war with Bianca; I didn't want to be fighting them at home.

Astral and I had just come in from training she had been teaching me how to control the surrounding elements mainly air, ways to manipulate it and I was pretty good with it now and it felt comfortable. Not like the time we worked with fire, which was angrier and when I first started learning. We both nearly lost our eyebrows that first day, and I cinched Tobias's precious garden and burnt a hole in his perfectly manicured lawn.

Saying goodbye to Astral, I watched as she drove down the driveway before turning and heading inside. The moment I stepped inside I could hear Tobias and Theo arguing over something, Thaddeus was upstairs stirring so, I walked upstairs to check on him.

Opening the bedroom door, he was laying in his new crib watching his mobile go round.

“Hey precious boy,” I said, looking down at him. He smiles his big gummy grin and cooed back. Leaning in I pick him up, he looks around the room, he has become very alert and being a Tribrid baby he is growing faster than a normal human child. Sitting on the end of the bed, I feel his butt and realise his nappy is quite full. I can still hear Theo and Tobias arguing over something that happened at work. Apparently, Theo snapped at one of the workers and now they have quit. Apparently, the worker has threatened legal action against the company for workplace bullying.

Laying Thaddeus down, I notice his eyes look slightly different, something off about him. Pulling his onesie off, I watch closely, and his eyes flicker and I jump back, startled. His green eyes sparkling before they go completely black like he is possessed

“Tobias, Theo, come here” I call out slightly nervous about our son's behaviour. They don't hear me, too busy arguing. I roll my eyes at them.

“What? Your both too angry to listen so move.”

“No, you don't just get to walk out,” he said grasping my arm.

“Let go,” I scold. I was so sick of everything I do being judged and criticised by them. They weren't going to listen to me and maybe if I am gone, they will realise it wasn't me, if he does it again.

“No, explain yourself,” he demands. I shove past him, pushing him out of the way. He jerks me back and I finally snap. Turning around, I shove him back and he staggers before growling I see Tobias get up, moving away.

“Enough,” I scream at him and he goes to step toward me. I flick my wrist and I throw him backwards into the pantry door. Tobias is suddenly gone before coming back without Thaddeus. He goes to grab me.

“It's just the magic, Hun, calm down,” he says, feeling my anger through the bond. How do they not realise they are the problem, not my magic?

“It's not the fucking magic. It is the two of you. You're driving me insane. You won't hear me out and you are fucking smothering me. Stand down Tobias, I don't want to hurt you, but I fucking will to get my point across,” I say. Theo steps forward and I flick my wrist again, throwing him back into the pantry. I growl low and stand side on so I can see both of them. Tobias lunges at me, I lift my other hand before slapping it down, and Tobias hits the floor. I hold them both where they are, Tobias on the ground and Theo against the pantry. They struggle against their invisible restraints.

I feel the energy in the room and the lights flicker, my magic drawing on their energy. Electricity zapping loudly around me.

I feel the darkness trying to envelope me, feeding off their anger. I close my eyes, breathing and focusing, pushing the darkness back to the edges like Astral showed me. Regaining my composure, I open them.

“Let me up,” Tobias says through gritted teeth.

“No, you will listen” He goes silent, I watch his jaw clench and unclench.

“I did nothing, Thaddeus manifested magic, not me. I have control of myself and I am so sick of both of you hovering. I don't need a mother. I have one of those, well did. So, either step up and act like my mates again or step the fuck out. I won't keep putting up with you treating me like I am a ticking time bomb, I have control and if I feel off, I will let you know” I tell them.

“This is you in control?,” Theo says shaking his head.

I huff annoyed.

“Yes, if I wanted to hurt you, I could have, easily might I add. I have merely restrained you. Now I am going to get fucking nappies for our son, understood?” I ask, looking between the pair of them. They say nothing, but I see Tobias nod.

I release them, Theo falls to the floor with a soft thud. His eyes still crimson as he steps toward me, and I hold up my finger.

“Don't. You will see for yourselves I am not lying. I would never hurt our son and it is about time both of you realise that. I would kill myself long before I would ever harm a hair on that boy's head” Tobias looks down guiltily, but Theo steps forward again. But this time Tobias speaks and Theo halts.

“Let her go Theo, I think we all just need to calm down,” he says rubbing his temples. Thaddeus makes a noise and all three of us look up at the ceiling.

“I will go,” Tobias says walking out, heading up the stairs. I grab my keys again, heading toward the door. Theo sings out as I get to the door.

“My wallet is on the hallway stand, and can you buy more coffee,” he says coming up behind me. His eyes now their usual green and his aura has calmed to a more neutral colour. And they think I am the bipolar one. I chuckle at my thought, before grabbing his wallet and going to the car. Hopefully, this will be the end of our arguments now, I had bigger things to worry about with the challenge coming up in four days. I didn’t need the drama at home as well. And now I have another task added to the never- ending list of shit to stress about, and that is to find out what is going on with my baby boy.

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