Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 65

I looked back at Caroline fear consuming every cell in my body paralysing me as she gazed back with tears in her eyes. “They must never know Imogen not until your baby is due. They find out they won't hesitate to change you.”

“Don’t they want kids though? It would be one of their kids. I don’t understand why they wouldn't be happy about this” My voice coming out just above a whisper. I was confused. If they loved me like they claim to, why would they hurt me in such a way?

Caroline seemed to hesitate for a minute unsure if she should answer.

“You're hiding something. What aren't you telling me, this is good thing I don’t see how they would think it was bad.”

“You have been given a deadline, Imogen. Three days. I may be able to push it out to four but that's delaying the inevitable, this is the only way” I had a feeling she wasn't telling me something, I knew it couldn't just be that. After spending so long at trying to hide in the shadows hoping for a human life, how could they turn down the thought of having a child.

“That's not it, you're hiding something. Either tell me the truth, Caroline, or I will ring them. I can't believe you would try to lie to me. I know we haven't known each other for long, but you know how I can't stand the lies and the secrets they keep. So please just be honest with me” I tell her feeling suddenly emotionally exhausted, everything would be easier if everyone, would just speak the truth instead this back forth yoyo effect they do trying to cover up their lies. It was really starting to bug me that every supernatural creature I have met has out right lied to me, time and time again, then they scratch their heads and wonder why I have trust issues go figure.

Caroline sighed. “I worry you may change your mind,” she said thoughtfully.

“If this is my only chance to have a child before my life ends believe me, I will take it,” I told her truthfully. She nodded and sat down on the stool at the island bench.

I sat across from her waiting for her to answer.

“You're human Imogen, we don't know which of my sons fathered this child” I was confused what's that got to do with anything we are all mates. I don’t think they would care who was the father biologically.

“Your point?” I asked trying to figure what she was trying to tell me. She looked away not meeting my gaze before she sighed.

“If the baby is werewolf, it will kill you, they won't take that chance,” she said her voice coming out shaky before she turned her eyes back to me.

“I don't understand, you said werewolf and human babies come out for the most part human, with only a few advanced abilities but not enough to distinguish between them.”

“Yes, that is true. But no human has ever survived giving birth to a werewolf baby. They may not be able to shift or anything, but in utero the baby will literally tears itself out of you.”

“How when they can't shift you said it yourself that werewolf babies born to human mothers, can't shift and don't carry on the traits of a werewolf”

“Yes, because after the child is born and the child grows the DNA that makes them a half breed slowly loses its essence if you like, in utero they are half Lycan DNA. It's not until the child hits about four when they lose majority of the Lycan DNA or venom if you will."

“And if it's a vampire baby?” I ask now hoping this child is actually Theo's and not Tobias's.

“Nothing you will crave blood during your pregnancy, but the child would be born like any other human baby and they will be human, it would weaken you because the baby will be feeding off you more than a normal child but won't kill you” She stated. This whole procreation shit was giving me headache. Everything was so confusing.

“They won't take that chance with you Imogen they find out you're pregnant they will change you without even considering what you want. I know my sons. They won't risk losing you.”

I nodded in agreeance and Caroline suddenly stood up.

“I will come back Tomorrow; I can't risk staying now. Your emotions have been heightened and they would be able to feel your distress. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they are on their way here already.”

“But what do I do?” I asked suddenly frightened.

“Don't give them any reason to expect anything we have discussed, I will bring a friend Tomorrow and we will come up with a plan, No one must know Imogen. I can’t even trust Josiah with this secret. Be careful with what you think around them. Theo will snoop if he becomes concerned, just keep them distracted until Tomorrow then you and I are leaving.”

“How do I keep them from reading my mind?” I asked incredulous. I suck at lying how was I going to keep them distracted till Tomorrow.

“You're their mate, Imogen. I don't think I need to tell you what will distract them.” I knew what she was talking about my face heated up with embarrassment.

She chuckled lightly at my embarrassment, before grabbing the rubbish bag and leaving. I heard the door click shut softly and I walked over to the window and watched her drive down the driveway towards the front gates.

It was only around twenty minutes later the front door opened again. I was sitting on the couch watching Netflix, thankful that they finally had the internet fixed here.

Tobias and Theo placed their Keys and wallets in the bowl on top of the mantel piece. I ignored them coming in trying to think of only the show, suddenly feeling nervous around them and the secret I was trying to keep from them. Tobias walked over with Theo and both stared down at me.

“You're back early” I stated. When they didn’t say anything.

“Did my mother come see you today?” Theo asked sniffing the air lightly. I could tell he could smell her scent. I nodded my answer to them. They both walked off when they realised that was the only answer they were going to get from me. I sighed feeling relieved.

“Theo came over a few minutes later and sat next to me on the lounge. He pulled me over to him and placed me on his lap. Wrapping his arms around my waist. I let him not wanting to give him any reason to invade my thoughts.

“What did my mother want?” he said speaking into the crook of my neck.

“Nothing she came over for coffee, she will be back Tomorrow she had to do something” I told him. I couldn't risk lying they would pick up straight away through the bond if I did. I just avoided telling them everything instead. Theo nodded.

I have a surprise for you,” he said.

“If it's that you have another wife, I don’t want to hear about it,” I tell him not evening trying to hide my anger from him. He sighed and shook his head.

“No, something else,” he said standing up and placing me on my feet just as Tobias walked out. I watched Tobias grab a set of keys off the mantel and walk towards the door.

“Come on,” he said tugging my hand, I followed. And walked outside. I noticed two cars out the front. Theo's car and the exact same model of Tobias's I destroyed the other day only in silver. Tobias tossed me the keys and I caught them. “It's yours,” he said.

I was a little annoyed. I can't be brought, and I know they were hoping for a different reaction from me.

“You don't like it?” Theo asked squeezing my fingers softly.

“No, it's nice.” I hesitated. “But I can’t be brought. This don't make up for anything, your actions do,” I said before walking back inside.

I heard them walk in behind me, slightly disappointed. “We know, but you needed another car. Your car is a death trap, and I am sure you don't want a car that carried bodies in it,” Tobias said behind me. I shivered at the mention of that night. Tobias moved closer touching my cheek when he saw I visibly tensed at the memory. I leant into his touch letting it relax me before pulling back.

“I'm hungry” I announced before walking off toward the kitchen. I rummaged in the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips and sitting on the stool. Tobias walked in with Theo and I felt lips on my neck. Sparks moving over my skin. I clenched my thighs together as the mate bond started doing its thing and making me aroused. I felt Theo chuckle slightly, feel his erection pressing into my back.

“Can you stop, it's so hard to concentrate on being mad when you do that, I'm not sleeping with you" I whined annoyed that they think they can just touch me and get what they want.

“Who said you would be sleeping” he whispered Theo's his voice like velvet below my ear. I huffed annoyed.

Tobias chuckled slightly on the other side of the bench before Theo moved away giving me back my space. He walked over and started making coffee. I watched the pair of them before witnessing Tobias reach down and grab Theo's ass, squeezing it. I clenched my thighs together before getting off my stool and walking out.

I could feel through the bond that their coffees were long forgotten. I tried to ignore them best I could, but I knew the entire loungeroom was starting fill with the scent of my arousal and that they knew what effect they were having on me. I watched them walk out and up the stairs. Tobias stopped halfway up and leant over the bannister. “We are having a shower if you want to join us,” he said. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what they were trying to do.

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