Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 64

No amount of pleading would make me forgive them this time; I wanted the truth. But even then, would it be the truth coming from them or just another lie, another excuse. We all sat awkwardly at dining table eating. Tobias and Theo's eyes never leaving me, when Caroline announced that they would be leaving, my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t want to be left alone with them. I didn't want to be around them. Seeing my panic, Caroline stood up placing a hand on my shoulder.

“1 will be back Tomorrow” she said.

“We have work Tomorrow, you will have to come to the office” Tobias spoke his eyes never leaving my face.

“I'm not going, you can go by yourself” I spat at him not even bothering to look at him. I heard him growl lowly but one look from his mother made him shut up.

“I will come over first thing okay” she said looking down at me. I could feel through the bond Theo and Tobias didn't want me anywhere they weren't. Well, they were going to have to suck it up. I have no intentions of spending more time than necessary with them. Caroline and Josiah eventually left, leaving me alone with my mates. When I couldn't handle their stares anymore or the awkward silence. I got up walked upstairs.

I grabbed my pyjamas and headed for the shower; I didn't care for their excuses. While showering Tobias and Theo walked in. I was currently washing my hair. I turned my back to them when I heard the door open.

“Let us explain Imogen” Theo spoke.

“Save it, I don't trust you and how am I supposed to know it isn't more lies? Seems to be the only thing you know how to do.”

I heard the door lock click and turned to see that Tobias had locked the bathroom door. I glared at him before turning around

“You will listen.” I rolled my eyes at his tone.

“Let's hear it then, get it over with so I can leave.” I was annoyed, I wasn't stepping one foot out of this shower, I knew they wanted to touch me and if they did, I would turn to putty in their hands because of a stupid mate bond I have no control over.

“I never lied when I said I killed her. We caught her in bed with Alaric. Alaric bolted when we found out. I grabbed her in anger when we realised, she had played us all along. What I didn’t know was that Theo had given her blood the night before and it was still her system. I thought I killed her, and Theo was too slow to react, to stop me. Only after I snapped her neck and body fell limp on the floor, did Theo realise what I had done. A few minutes later she woke and started laughing before walking out. She knew we couldn't touch her now without the council's permission, that was her plan all along. She wanted us to kill her so she could be with him. Alaric couldn't change her; his parents would never allow him to be with a non-supernatural. So, he had us do it.”

“Did you love her?” I asked.

“We thought we did. We refused to find another female until we saw you. I felt an instant pull to you. I ignored it but Theo couldn't. We agreed not to act on it. We didn't want to be involved with another human. But the mate bond just got stronger, the pull to you got stronger, to the point I couldn't ignore it anymore,” Tobias said. I shook my head they only want me because some invisible bond makes them.

“That's not true Imogen, we love you and not just because the bond. Don't think that,” Theo said with growl. I turned around to face them, my face devoid of emotion. I honestly didn't care for their reasons no more; you can only lie and treat someone like that for so long before they have enough. Before they find the end their rope and snap.

“Stay out of my head Theo, now I heard your excuse it doesn’t change anything. Now unlock the door” I said reaching out and grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. I see Theo try to grab my hand, but I pull back.

“Don’t touch me, your excuses don’t change anything, not anymore” My voice was level which even I was impressed by the lack of emotion behind my words. Theo didn't listen though, still trying to reach for me even after I walked towards the door, where Tobias was leaning on the door frame.

“You can't ignore us forever you know this Imogen; you can't ignore a mate bond we tried already; it will be no different for you,” Tobias said his face moving to mine as he blocked my exit. His breath fanning my face and his lips so close nearly made me forget everything. His close proximity and the heat radiating off his body overwhelming me. I shook my head trying to shake off the feeling. I heard him chuckle slightly knowing he was winning and that only angered me.

“Move Tobias now” I said putting my hand on his chest and trying to get him away. I ignored the sparks that were moving up my arm threatening to take over all my rational thoughts. He stepped to the side letting me past. I grabbed my handbag and clothes before walking towards the door.

“Where do you think you're going, Imogen?”

“Away from you, I am sleeping in the guest room,” I said, throwing the door open and walking out. I quickly got changed before climbing in the bed. I was exhausted but the bed felt cold and lonely without them and way to big, I was so used to Tobias's warmth, that I didn't realise I would actually miss it, miss the feeling of our legs getting tangled and the weight of their arms draped over me. I wriggled around a lot, but I wasn't giving in. That's what they wanted and after a few hours of rolling around trying to get comfortable, I finally managed to get some sleep.

I was awoken in what felt like only a couple hours later by the feel of cold hands running down my arms, making me shiver before I felt his cool lips on my cheek. I opened my eyes to find Theo staring down at me while sitting next to me on the bed. I rolled over trying to go back to sleep.

“You can't be mad at us forever, Hun, so I don't know why you're even trying.”

I ignored him and closed my eyes.

“We have to go work,” he said. I could tell he was hoping I wanted to go with them.

“Then go” I said not even trying to hide the anger, I felt towards them. I heard him sigh and the bed move as he got up. A few minutes later, I hear the front door open, and the sound of Theo's car being backed out of the garage before speeding along the dirt road. Sitting up, I wandered downstairs and turned the kettle on needing my caffeine fix.

I had just finished making my coffee when I remembered the test in my bag. My heart skipping a beat. Quickly chugging the coffee. I ran upstairs to retrieve my bag. I sat it on the island bench reading over the instructions. Seemed simple enough I just had to pee on the stick and wait. When it came time to do it though. I suddenly felt nervous, I picked the box up and stared at it before putting it down again. It's just a test Imogen, doesn't mean it will be positive. You're late because of stress. I kept telling myself though, I had this nagging feeling I was lying to myself. Glaring at the box, I snatched it up removing the stick from wrapper, I walked into the bathroom. I quickly peed then washed my hands leaving the pregnancy test on a hand towel.

I walked out and finished my coffee. My heart hammering in my chest at the three-minute wait. I kept looking at the clock and back towards the bathroom. Please be negative, I thought. This would be a disaster if I were pregnant. I only have two more days of living left.

When the time came, I walked over and picked up the test and nearly fainted. I felt bile rise up in my throat and ran for the toilet before being violently sick. My hands became clammy and sweat ran down my neck. I couldn't stop the tears from coming as sobs racked my body. I didn't know what to do, as I looked down at the test window which had two lines confirming, I was indeed pregnant. And if the estimation was correct, I was five weeks along.

I suddenly heard the front door open, Caroline's singsong voice coming to me. “Imogen?” She called. I quickly grabbed everything dumping it back in the box and throwing it in the trash just as she came around the corner. I walked out of the bathroom.

“You okay dear? You look a little pale” She asked looking at me. I nodded not trusting my voice.

“Tea?” I asked nervously. She nodded and I see her eyes dart behind me. Before she looked up at me questionably. I went to close the door when she stopped me.

“What's that?” she said pointing to the sink basin. I was positive, I threw everything out in my haste. She walked past me and picked up the pregnancy test that was resting on the basin. I was so busy trying to get rid of the box, I forgot about the test. She picked it up and I held my breath.

“You're pregnant.” She gasped looking at me. Her hands slightly shaking as she examined the test. I didn't know what to say she had the proof, she needed in her hand. I couldn't exactly deny it now.

Her next words shocked me and made my blood run cold.

“You can't tell them, Imogen,” she said, her voice sounded sad as she grabbed the trash bin out and started walking out, dumping the test in the bin.

“I will get rid of this,” she said. And for a second, I thought she meant the baby.

“What do you mean?” I asked suddenly feeling scared.

“They won't care that you're pregnant Imogen, they won't risk losing you.”

“You're not making sense, Caroline. I can't hide it from them,” I told her.

“Imogen you have two days before they change you, this won't stop them” she said coming to a stop and turning around to face me. I let her words sink in.

“They would still change me even if I am pregnant with their child?” I asked. She nodded her head. I never wanted to pregnant, but I also didn’t want to kill an innocent baby.

“You need to run; we need to get you out of here. I have lost enough to this life, so have you. I won't lose a chance at having a grandchild” she said her voice thick with emotion.000000

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