Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 53

“What? You're fucking married?” Tobias looked panicked. Theo finally realising what he said let go of my arms and staggered back. Merida looked on the verge of running and was visibly shaking.

“Let us explain. Please.”

“No, I want to leave now,” I screamed tears running down my face. Merida went to bail turning toward the front door. I called out to her.

“Merida wait.” I ran up the stairs and grabbed my handbag. I could hear Theo and Tobias yelling at each other. I didn't care, I wasn't going to be someone's mistress. Grabbing my phone off charge I walked back down the stairs, ignoring them both fighting in the lounge room. I could hear things getting broken. Merida stood frozen not moving her eyes watching the fight that had broken out in the lounge room. I touched her arm and she jumped.

“Let's go," I said she nodded but as soon as we turned to the door, Theo was standing in front of it.

“Leave Merida or I will make you.” His voice was ice cold. Merida paled and went to walk around him, his eyes never leaving her. I pushed Theo to the side. To follow after her.

“Not you, you're staying.”

“Like fuck I am. I won't be the other woman, Theo, now fucking move. What did you think you could be married and we would all live like one happy family? Fuck off.” I snapped. Merida opened the door and walked outside heading toward the car, she looked back at me fleetingly.

“Tobias, tell him to move or so help me god I will fucking reject the pair of you right now.”

Tobias moved to my side, his lip was bleeding and his shirt ripped.

“Let her go Theo, we need time to cool off. She will be safe with Merida,” Tobias said, his chest pushing into my back. I had to fight the urge to lean into him. This stupid mate bond was going to be the death of me. Theo glared at Tobias refusing to move. My face was drenched in tears, my hands shaking how could they do this to her, how could they do this to me.

“Move please,” I begged I just needed to get away from them, clear this constant fog taking over my brain that was them. “She's dead, Imogen. You don't have to worry about her.” Theo's eyes searching my face waiting for a reaction, but I didn't care that she was dead. The fact is they are or were married and didn't say anything, yet she was on Tobias's mind. How do you compete with that? “Move please” I repeated I looked to Tobias, he nodded at Theo and Theo stepped out of the way.

“She can't get far, Theo, just let her go.” Theo growled lowly. I darted past; Merida looked relieved when I walked out heading towards her white Subaru Liberty. I opened the passenger side sliding into the seat. Only when I tried to plug my seatbelt in, did I realise how badly my hands were shaking. Merida seeing me struggle with belt leant over and clipped it in for me.

“Thanks.” She nodded and quickly started the car doing a U-turn, she turned the car around and started heading down the driveway. I leant back on the seat closing my eyes.

When we were out of the driveway, Merida finally spoke.

“What do you want to do now that you have escaped?” she asked.

“I have no idea I just wanted to get away from them, I could really use a bloody drink though” She nodded her head, a smile playing on her lips.

“We could have a girl's night at mine, maybe later go out” I smiled that sounded nice. It was actually nice to be in another female's company. “That sounds awesome, but I don't have anything to wear out.”

“You're my size, you can borrow something. Let's head back to mine” We drove to the City before heading toward the apartment block. It was the same apartment block where my apartment was.

“You live here too?” She nodded before turning the car off, we got out and she tossed the keys at the valet, who caught them.

“Yep, this is actually the pack house.”

“Packhouse? I lived in apartment building full of werewolves?” No wonder they had strict policy on no cats. I chuckled remembering Theo tell me before getting angry for even thinking of the jerk. Her lips turned up slightly.

“Yep, come on I will see if any of the girls want to head out with us tonight.” As we entered the foyer the girl behind the desk, called out to Merida.

“Alicia hey, want to go out tonight with me and Imogen?”

The girl stood up, she had curly red hair and green eyes, and a smattering of freckles on her nose. She was quite pretty but in a delicate kind of way she looked innocent. But the grin that lit up her face, I could tell she was anything but innocent. Oh, this was going to be fun I could tell already as a devious smile lit up her face.

“Martin's?” Alicia asked. I had heard of it but had never been it was on the other side of the City and a huge nightclub.

Merida looked to me questionably letting me decide. “I have heard of it, so I'm down.” Alicia yipped and clapped her hands excitedly. “Let me get someone to cover the foyer. I will be up in a minute, it's time to party” she said shaking her ass. Merida and I laughed at her enthusiasm before walking over to the lift. We got in the elevator and Merida took me to the second floor, when the elevator door opened. I see Floyd and nearly walked into him as we stepped out.

Floyd smiled before doing a double take, realising who I was. “What is she doing here Merida does Tobias know?" He asked looking worriedly at her.

“Yes, he knows and we're going out.”

“Tobias won't like that, Merida,” he replied. Looking down at me.

“I don't care what Tobias or Theo like, we are going out.” Man were all werewolf men this overbearing and this god darn sexy?

I watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose his eyebrows furrowing.

“Where are you taking her?”

“Martins” Merida told him unfazed by his line of questioning. He opened his mouth gaping like a fish. We ignored him and turned, heading in the direction Merida was leading me.

“Wait” We both stopped and looked back at him. “If you're taking her, I'm coming, Tobias will bloody kill us if anything happens to her.”

“Fine be ready by nine, Beta,” she said Beta sarcastically. Why did I have a feeling Floyd might be the killer of fun.

When we got to the apartment, Merida opened the door and I stepped inside. Her apartment was the same as mine yet had a hippie feel to it, nothing I expected from the proper and prim lady, I see at the office. She even had tie dyed curtains, beaded curtains on all the doorways. Huge round rugs in all different colours on all the floors and giant bean bags instead of lounges.

“Make yourself at home” she said, and I did, feeling relaxed for the first time.

“What does Beta mean, I have read plenty of werewolf fantasy books yet never heard the term before.”

“Basically, it means second in charge, don't worry about Floyd though the man is strict, but he won't be to annoying tonight, well not once we get him drunk anyway.”

I chuckled. “Drink?” she asked Holding up a bottle of red wine. I looked at the time well technically it was evening already now, lunchtime wasn't too early to start drinking. I nodded and she walked over handing me a glass, I watched as she filled it. And I mean filled it, the glass was huge. I stared stunned, if we kept drinking like this there was no way I was actually going to be awake to leave tonight. I sipped it and Merida laughed.

“Come on let's find something for you to wear.”

We walked in her bedroom which was also decorated similar to the rest of the house. She rummaged through her wardrobe pulling different dresses out that were extremely revealing. Tobias would pitch a fit if I wore one of them.

“Which one?” Damn they were short; I wouldn't even be able to bend over without flashing something. I pointed to the black bodycon dress, and she held it up. “Yes, that will fit you nicely” She stated holding the dress against me, it barely reached mid-thigh. It certainly didn’t leave much to the imagination. Just as I went to try it on, there was a knock on the door.

“That will be Alicia” she said walking out of the room. I followed after her, Merida opened the door and Alicia stepped in with three other women around our ages. All were strikingly gorgeous one had brown hair cut into a pixie cut with big brown doe eyes and thick lashes and pouty lips. The other two both blonde and blue eyes they looked like sisters the resemblance between them was uncanny. The dark hair woman introduced everyone.

“You must me Imogen. I'm Tammy, this is Maya and Cara.”

“Hi” I said nervously, I was never one, for hanging out with other girls, to be honest I wasn't all that girly more, nerdy then girly. I felt awkward, out of place beside them.

“Come on, let's get lit.” Tammy said tugging on my hand and pulling me back towards the bedroom, on the way past she grabbed the bottle of wine that was sitting on the bench. Why did I have a funny feeling these girls were trouble but in a good kind of way. They did my hair and make- up before, I slid into the tight dress. Maya walked over and zipped me up. By the time everyone was ready, we still had an hour before we had to leave. Merida wore an off shoulder blue bodycon dress, and the other three might as well have been naked with the little dresses they wore that showed off more skin than I thought was possible.

Grabbing another bottle of wine, we sat on the bean bags, which with the amount of alcohol I already consumed, I knew I was going to need help up. I looked up when my phone started ringing in the kitchen dreading having to try and stand in these heels from the position, I was sitting on the bean bag. Merida looked at the screen. “It's Theo” she said. All eyes went to her. Before Maya held out her hand for the phone.

“Don't answer it, just ignore it” I said worried. She didn't listen instead answering it and putting on it on loudspeaker. Fuck my life I knew this wasn’t going to end well

“Imogen’s phone,” Maya said in her best secretarial voice. I had to muffle my laugh.

“Who is this? where is Imogen?”

“Oh, Imogen can't come to the phone right now. She is currently in the middle of a wild orgy,” Maya said giving me a wink. I shook my head at her.

“You better put Imogen on the phone right now,” I heard him yell.

“Jesus chill, Theo, it's Maya. I will chuck her on,” she said handing the phone to me. I rolled my eyes.

“What Theo?”

“Where are you, and why do I feel like you're drunk right now?”

“I am not drunk. Tipsy, but not drunk, and I am at Merida’s.” I heard him growl not wanting to here anymore, I hung up. I knew I would cop it later for hanging up on him. My phone instantly started ringing and I rejected the call.

“What did they do that has you so pissed off" Asked Cara sipping her wine.

“Bianca” Stated Merida for me. They all scrunched up their faces in disgust making me confused.

“Oh, the bitch of a wife” Said Tammy, I nodded. So, they all knew of this woman and by the sounds of it didn't like her.

“Don't let her worry you Imogen, you are way better. Besides, she is dead. They killed her.”

“Cara,” snapped Merida, giving her a stern look.

“What did I say?” Cara asked

Merida shook her head. I went to ask what they meant about them killing her but was cut off by Merida.

“Enough depressing talk lets finish getting ready before Floyd gets here” Cara made a gagging noise. “Why is that buzz kill coming” She whined, and I smiled at her pouting.

“Because he doesn't trust us to look after Immy over there,” said Alicia. I smirked at the nickname I barely knew these girls, but I could tell we were going to become good friends.

At the mention of his name, another knock sounded on the door. “And that would be the fun police” Stated Cara getting up and walking toward the door to open it.

“Ladies,” said Floyd walking in. The girls didn't look impressed, and I had to stop myself from laughing at the looks on their faces.

Floyd walked over holding his hand out, I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up. I stumbled slightly in the heels, but he steadied me. “How much has she already drank?” he said eyeing the girls. They looked away guiltily before Merida pointed towards the bench. I hadn't realised we went through the much wine, on the bench was six empty wine bottles. I knew I hadn't drank that much compared to them, but I never realised how much we had already drank between the six of us. He shook his head

“Ready to go?”

“Yep, let's do this.” The girls hollered. I walked over to Merida and she hooked her arm through mine leading me out of the apartment.0000

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