Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 52

The next morning Theo went off to work, leaving me with Tobias. I told them I didn't need a babysitter, but they ignored me. I could tell they didn't trust me. I had no intentions of running again after what happened the last time. Sitting on the couch, Tobias came over handing me a hot cup of coffee.

“What's the plan today then?” I asked hoping he would have some idea of what we could do that doesn't revolve around the TV. This place was boring sometimes, especially with its lack of internet and there weren't many books left on the shelf I hadn't read, and I had no intentions of ready the dictionaries or geography books that remained on the shelf.

“I don't know, what do you want to do?” he asked rubbing my leg.

“Well, that's why I asked you. If I knew I would be doing it. What do you and Theo usually do out here?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing. Work, have sex, and that's about it.”

“And I thought my life was boring.” Maybe living in my car wasn't so bad after all. I pondered. At least I could walk down to the beach or to the park or something. There was nothing to do here unless I wandered around the bush which I won't be doing.

“Hey, we aren't boring, we did stuff just things you can't do.”

“Like what?" I instantly regretted asking. I could feel through the bond what he meant through the bond.

“Bianca,” he said. Bianca? Who the fuck was this Bianca and why was she out here?

“Who's Bianca?” I asked.

He stared at me blinking a couple of times. “What did you just say?”

“Only the name you just told me, so who is she? Who's Bianca?”

“Imogen, I didn't say her name out loud.” I was mystified, I could have sworn I heard him say the name Bianca. But if he didn't say this woman's name, why does it sound like he knows who I'm talking about?

“Who's Bianca?” I asked again hoping this time for an answer.

“No one you need to worry about, Imogen.”

“So, you did say it and you know who I am talking about?”

“I didn’t say it, you must have picked it up through the bond. I thought it, didn't say it, Imogen,” before walking out of the room. Who is this woman for him to have such a strong reaction to her name? I got up and followed him up the stairs. Just as I got to the top step, he shut the door and locking me out. I banged on it. “What the fuck Tobias, who is she?”

“Leave it be, she isn’t an issue now go away.” I felt nausea build up in my stomach, why was he acting like this. Does he love her is that why, who is she to him, to them? And why did he instantly think of her when I asked what they got up to?

I wasn't the only one and that realisation, made my blood run cold. I wasn't naive I knew they probably had been with other women before me. But why so defensive over this woman. I felt tears build up and I had to swallow down the lump that formed in my throat. I turned suddenly wanting to get away from him, I knew without a doubt this woman meant something and more than he was willing to tell me. I turned and walked down the stairs; I had a million questions running through my head. If I didn't find out who she was I knew It would eat away at me.

Opening the front door, I walked out toward the garden. There was no point in leaving they would track me down. Sitting next to my mother’s plant I cried. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Everything was moving too fast, my life moving out of my control and now they were keeping secrets from me. I don’t know how long I was out there for when suddenly Theo sat beside me. I wiped my eyes embarrassed to be seen crying. He placed his hand on my shoulder before pulling me to him and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I felt him kiss my head.

“Why are you here?”

“Tobias,” He simply stated. I shook my head and stood up.

“I want to go back to the apartment; I won't put up with you keeping secrets.”

“Secrets?” he asked, his eyes brows furrowing like he didn't understand. “Who's keeping secrets?”

“You and Tobias.” Theo looked up toward the top floor of the house standing at the window was Tobias watching us and listening in. I rolled my eyes; he hasn't got the balls to tell me so instead sends for Theo the bloody coward

“Take me back to the city,” I said sternly.

“Imogen you know we can't do that.” I shoved past him, walking back towards the house deciding to head to the shed I detoured the house. I could feel him following me. But I could also feel his confusion, well I am not explaining shit he can speak to his other mate. I opened the garage door. Only to find both cars not here. I slammed the roller door down. How was I going to leave with no car?

“I want to leave, let me leave.”

“Imogen you're being unreasonable, what happened?”

“I was talking to Tobias and he got angry because I mentioned her name that's it, now if he won't tell me who she is I want to leave.”

“Mentioned who's name?”

“Bianca.” I watched his reaction, he took a step back, so he knew who I was talking about as well.

“Where did you hear that name, Imogen?”

“I thought Tobias said it, but he reckons he only thought it, which makes no sense because I can't read people's minds like you can.”

While we were arguing I heard a car pull up, I walked to the front of the house praying for it to be anyone but their parents, someone who could give me a lift in town.

I felt Theo grab my arm, stopping me pulling me back.

“No, you're not leaving,”

“Get your fucking hands off me, Theo, I'm leaving unless I get fucking answers.”

I see Merida walk around the corner. She must have heard us yelling. She stopped, looking unsure for a second. I waved to her. I completely forgot she was coming over today, I honestly didn't think she would show actually, but man was I happy to see her.

“Hey Imogen, what's going on?” she asked nervously. I could tell she was wary of Theo keeping a good distance away from him and not really approaching us, I turned and walked toward her.

“Stay out of it Merida” Theo spat. Merida put her hands up and went to leave.

“Don't talk to her like that, wait up Merida” I called out to her before jogging after her.

Suddenly Theo was in front of me, his easy-going attitude completely gone, in its place the version of him that scared me. I stopped dead in my tracks. I crossed my arms across my chest refusing to be intimidated by him. Merida stopped and watched I could tell she looked panicked. Like she thought he was going to harm me. I stood my ground. Refusing to back down.

“Merida leave now" Theo screamed in a rage. Oh, hell no I am not putting up with this shit.

“No, Merida. Stay. I'm coming with you.” She hesitated unsure of what to do but I could tell she was scared of Theo, she looked between us and the direction of her car.

I knew any minute she was going to leave me behind. I moved and Theo copied me, side stepping and moving in front of me again.

“Unless you're going to tell me who she is, move.” My voice ice cold.

“No, you're staying here and that's final.”

I shoved past him, his hands snaking around my waist and lifting me off my feet from behind, he used his other arm to trap my arms across my chest holding tightly as he walked toward the house. When we approached the house, Tobias had finally come out, from hiding in the room. Theo walked up the steps while I continued to struggle.

“Either you tell me who this woman is to you or I leave,” I said to Tobias. Merida walked up the steps behind us, she kept her distance, but I was glad she hadn't tucked tail and run

Theo tried to take me up the steps, but I threw my head back, my head connecting with his nose. I heard the crunch of it breaking, and man did my head throb. I think I did more damage to myself, but it was effective he let me go and clutched his nose.

He was livid, his fangs protruded. He grabbed me shaking me by my arms, Tobias placed his hand on his arm. “Let her go now.” Theo stopped shaking me but didn't let go instead he pulled me closer, his nose nearly touching mine. His eyes staring into my fearful ones.

“You want to know who she is?" He screamed; his cool breath made me shiver.

“Theo, don't you fucking dare” Tobias told him gripping his arm tighter, I could see Merida behind him, her eyes wide and fearful. His eyes gleamed he wanted to upset me but what he said next didn't upset me it destroyed me.

“She's our fucking wife.” I felt like I had been punched in the gut, completely winded. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. My mouth suddenly losing all moisture. She was their wife.00

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