Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 49

My body relaxing against his skin, I could hear Tobias keeping up behind us. Hear the noise of his paws on the ground. He surprisingly stayed so; Tobias could keep up. I knew Theo was a lot faster than Tobias, but this time Tobias was able to keep pace. I felt like he was running for hours when we suddenly stopped on the end of the driveway. I lifted my head and saw Tobias shake out his fur before rising completely naked. Theo let me go and I slid down his body onto my feet.

I could just make out the house lights from where we stood. Tobias walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I am actually glad that this place was so secluded, we definitely would have raised some eyebrows if someone drove past. Walking hand in hand with one naked man and another soaked in blood. I'm sure it definitely would have raised some questions.

We walked for about five minutes before one of them spoke.

“Did you leave because of me” Asked Theo.

I didn’t answer now thinking, leaving was definitely the wrong choice. I could feel that Theo honestly believed he was the cause of all this. Truthfully, he was and the way they needed to keep me hidden away. When we made it to the house, I stopped looking up at it. This place actually felt like home or maybe it was their feeling toward it. But it didn't change the fact it was also my prison.

When I stopped, they did to?

“What is it?,” Tobias said looking at me.

“I dont want to be trapped here again; I also don't want to be forced to change.”

I heard Theo sigh. I could tell he didn't agree could feel it, the same as Tobias but they never voiced that out loud.

“Are you going to keep me here?” I watched as they looked at each other.

“Please, Imogen can we just go inside? we can talk about it later I promise,” Theo said. He sounded tired despite the fact he never slept.

“Not until you answer. I am not going in there if I can't live like a normal person, Theo” I said letting go of both their hands. I was surprised when I felt Tobias get angry, I expected it from Theo after the other day, but he seemed calm almost resigned with the fact, I won't be held prisoner anymore. Like he accepted it but Tobias on the other hand, I felt burning anger ripple through me. Making me angry feeding off his emotion.

“Please don't make me force you inside Imogen, not tonight I don’t want to argue about this” Before I could answer though, Theo shot him a look before turning to me.

“If we let you go back to work, will you stay” He asked. I nodded; I just didn't want to remain cooped up in this house twenty-four seven. Tobias growled at Theo but held his tongue and didn't argue back. I could tell that later this was going to turn into another argument between them.

After a few seconds of them glaring at each other, I walked between them and up the veranda stairs. I turned the handle and walked inside and collapsed on the lounge. I wasn't there long before I was scooped up and taken to the downstairs bathroom. The bathroom was similar to the one upstairs only difference was the floor tiles were black not grey and it didn't have a bath just one giant shower which was actually bigger than the one upstairs.

Theo started the shower, and I stripped my clothes off and stepped in. I noticed Tobias didn't come in and could feel he was still angry.

“Don’t worry about him, he will calm down,” Theo said pulling me under the stream of water. The entire shower floor was red with blood, some even congealed in his hair and he had to wash his hair three times to get it all out. The steam in the bathroom made the entire room smell of blood and mud, making me gag. Theo reached up above his head and opened the window since the exhaust fan wasn't doing much to rid the room of the pungent smell. Once he washed what he could see off, I grabbed the soap.

“Turn around” he did, and I ran the soap and loofah over his back, washing until he was no longer bloody. When I was done, I started washing myself, hissing every time the soap burned the grazes on my skin. When I washed my hair, I nearly jumped completely onto Theo.

“What is it?"

“I smacked my head on the door, when they ripped me out of the car” I told him. My head was burning. I touched it and there was huge lump. Theo pushed my hands away and examined it. "Yeah, ouch that looks painful, got a nice egg on your head and cut.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” I said sarcastically.

Tobias suddenly walked in a towel around his waist. He must have had a shower upstairs.

“What's wrong. Are you hurt?” he demanded

“No, I'm fine,” I said before getting out and wrapping a towel around me tightly.

“Imogen, I know your hurt, I can feel it.”

“Seriously Tobias I am fine. Promise” He eyes me for a few seconds but let me past. I climbed the stairs heading up to the bedroom. After finding out they only have to kill me to make me like them after I drink their blood, I wasn't willing to take the risk of them forcefully changing me and using a bump on the head as an excuse.

When I was putting my pyjamas on, I heard them walk in.

“Is that really what you think that we are trying to trick you into drinking our blood just so we can change you?" Theo asked. Pulling some pants off shelf above my head in the walk-in.

“Stay out of my head, Theo” It annoyed me slightly that he felt the need to invade my personal thoughts.

“I wouldn't do that, Imogen; I know you would hate me for it. I will let you make your own decisions. It's not worth losing you, not after tonight” Theo told me. I felt no deceit from him coming through the bond Tobias, however.

“Speak for yourself because I would. It needs to be done.” Exactly my point. I thought to myself. I may have let them bring me back, but I still don't trust them especially with how strong Tobias's feelings are coming through the bond. I could tell he was growing impatient with me not deciding.

“I won't let him; I promise, not tonight anyway,” Theo said giving Tobias a pointed look. Tobias growled lowly in his chest but said nothing. I could tell he wanted to yell at Theo and disagree.

“I won't,” Tobias confirmed.

“You won't what? Kill me tonight?” I asked. I saw him cringe at my words but nodded his head. I went to climb on the bed, when I felt Theo's arm snake around my waist pulling me against him. Sparks flew all over my body. I wondered if it will always feel like that or if I would eventually become desensitised to them after a while. Theo bit into his wrist and brought it to my lips. I watched Tobias and he was watching me, waiting to see what I would do. I hesitated until I felt Theo's lips next to my ear.

“I promised didn't I, I meant it Love I won't let him change you, not tonight” his husky voice made my stomach tighten before I opened my mouth, waiting for the initial gross taste of his blood. Only it never came. His blood filled my mouth and I moaned loudly. Before swallowing. I could already feel the bump on my head leave, my grazes healing and once I had no pain I suddenly stopped. Tobias adjusted his pants, and I could tell he had hard on.

I nearly ran when I saw him start to move towards me. But Theo's grip just tightened on my waist. Tobias hand went to my face and I trembled slightly a shudder running through me. Would he do it now, was he going to kill me? I cringed back from his touch when he placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb brushing my lip softly. And I relaxed when I felt that through the bond, he just wanted to touch me. I reached my arms out wrapping them around his neck, Theo let go and Tobias pulled me to him before picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly.

I giggled when I felt his stubble brush my neck when he dipped his head to inhale my scent. His stubble tickled when he felt that he was tickling me. He did it deliberately rubbing his chin on the side my neck, my body cringing away from it, my face rubbing on his trying to get his face away from my neck.

“Someone's ticklish” I heard him say.

“We better get to bed. I have work in the morning,” he stated. I went to ask if I was allowed to go but he spoke before I could say anything.

“Just wait till your heat is gone, I don't want no repeats of today please” I nodded instantly remembering the feel of that disgusting man’s tongue on my face. I shivered remembering it, it made me feel dirty despite the fact I just showered, like I could still feel him touching me.

I heard Theo grow! behind me making me look back at him. I could tell he was in my mind again snooping. Tobias placed me on the bed before climbing in himself. Sleep came fast I was completely exhausted. But the dreams of golden eyes haunted my dreams, the memories of the night before creeping in, even though I knew they were all dead, I just couldn't shake the feeling of their hands on me. The feel of their hands on my skin even their repulsive smell.

I woke startled, sweating profusely. My hair sticking to my face my heart hammering in my chest, I sat upright and flicked the lamp on. I was in bed alone. I looked toward the window it was still dark outside, maybe I wasn't asleep for as long as I thought. Confused I got up intending to get a drink to sooth my suddenly dry throat. I wondered where they went but figured they would be back. Maybe they went to work early. I thought but walking past my phone I pressed the power button, letting the screen light up which showed it was too early for work. It was only three am

Opening the door, I could just make out the sound of arguing. Angry whispers, I silently walked to the stairs and crept down them.

“If we don't let her decide, she won't forgive us, Tobias. Think about it please. We can speak to the council get her more time. Let her come to this decision on her own. I can't lose her, and neither can you" Theo pleaded for me. I could tell Tobias wasn't happy, I could hear a low growl coming from him. Before I heard Theo get up, I crept down the stairs a little further and looked over the banister before sitting down on the step. Theo walked over to Tobias placing his hands on the side of his face.

“Just give her more time.”

“Fine, but you can deal with your parents then,” Tobias said, not happy but agreeing. I relaxed knowing they were giving me more time. I went to get up and tell them I was there but stopped when I saw Theo lean his face closer and kiss Tobias. Tobias didn't react at first, still angry, but then a new sensation rolled over me, arousal as Tobias kissed him back forcefully. I heard Theo groan when Tobias deepened the kiss, Theo's hand going between them he grabbed Tobias's cock through his pants, making Tobias moan into his mouth. As he almost frantically started pulling off Theo's shirt. 000000

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