Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 48

I felt someone grab my arms pinning them above my head on the ground. I struggled to get away, kicking my legs trying to keep him from getting nearer. I felt his hands force my legs apart. I screamed and started hysterically crying when I felt his weight press onto me. I could feel his dick brush my thigh, making me struggle more. The man holding my arms was laughing. I knew what they wanted I just didn’t know why me. The man on top of me licked the side of my face, I cringed moving my head away from his revolting tongue, shaking my head. Hot tears running down my face as I struggled moving my lower body trying to get away from him. I bite down on his lips when tried to jam his filthy tongue in mouth, I could taste his blood in my mouth, he groaned before sitting up, his hand coming in contact with my cheek as slapped me across the face, my head whipping to side with the force and making my ears ring.

When suddenly his weight was gone. I heard a strangled scream and felt air blow straight over the top of me. The man released my arms and I scrambled into a sitting position when I felt the hands holding my arms leave my flesh. I looked around and all the men were looking around for their two friends, when I hear another scream then the sound of flesh being ripped apart. The person moved so quick all I seen was blur moving too fast for my eyes to see especially in the dark, before a man’s head fell next to me, his shocked eyes looking back at me.

I screamed and pushed it away with my foot. When I heard the rest of them start shifting, I moved backwards on my hands trying to get away, as they turned into werewolves, teeth bared, my back coming in contact with the car's rear wheel. I see the blur again and watch wolf after wolf drop to the ground. When I hear another wolf attack the person.

My scream resonating through the air as I see the person stop, as a wolf bites into his arm and flings him away from the other wolf he had by the throat. Theo hit the ground and rolled before jumping to his feet and lunging at the wolf his arms wrapping around its neck and head, tackling it to the ground. Another wolf turns toward me teeth bared, and I look around frantically before grabbing a rock.

Just as it started to stalk towards me, I felt fur brush my face and see dark fur, the black wolf which I recognised as Tobias growls loudly. It was a menacing sound, and my blood ran cold at the power behind it. He shielded me, blocking it when the wolf launched itself at us. Tobias bit into his neck, blood splattered all over my face when more wolves jumped into the fight ripping it apart till there was nothing left. Tobias not leaving my side.

Standing over the top of me like a shield. It was over in a few minutes. When I felt Tobias lick the side of my face, I run my shaking hands through his fur, pressing my head against his furry one. I stood up, using the car to help pull myself. My entire body felt like it was vibrating with the amount of fear and adrenaline running through me.

When I stood completely upright, I gasped at the sight before me. Body parts and dead bodies everywhere. Blood turning the dirt to mud around us. And three wolves a sandy coloured one with yellow eyes and two light grey ones with black eyes. They were huge but not as big as Tobias. I felt him brush against my leg before I see Theo walk out of the trees completely drenched in blood, wiping blood from his arms.

It literally looked like he had bathed in blood. There wasn't a clean piece on him, he was literally dripping blood on the ground. He walked towards me and I took a step back. The sight of him alone terrified me. His face was all distorted his fangs having not retracted. He looked like a demon from hell. He wiped his face, flicking blood onto the ground. His eyes turning to their normal hypnotising green.

Theo stopped and stared, I felt relief rush over me, only it wasn't mine. I knew the bond kicked in. I could even tell whose feelings it was I was feeling. I knew it was Theo's. He hesitantly took a step towards me, stopping unsure of whether or not to approach me. I could feel he just wanted to check I wasn't hurt. I heard the sickening sound of bones snapping as the Sandy-coloured wolf shook itself out before standing upright, only to reveal Merida. Completely naked her perky round breasts on display. Her blonde hairs drenched in blood. But the smile she wore on her face showed how happy she was to see me. And boy was I happy to see her. A little wierded out that she was a werewolf, but happy. My head was spinning at what just happened and started to throb where I hit it on the car's door.

“Hey Imogen,” she said. Theo took off his shirt handing it to her. Not once did he even look at her body, his eyes not leaving my stunned ones. I don't know how he didn’t look she was gorgeous even naked; I was having hard time taking my eyes off her.

She pulled his shirt over her head. “Eww, so gross” She cringed at the blood on the shirt that was sticking to her like a second skin and went to her thighs.

“What are you doing here?”

“Alpha called, said his mate needed to be found. You owe me fifty bucks, Derek,” she said nudging the wolf beside her with her knee. My eyebrows furrowed and I heard Tobias shifting behind me. His arms wrapping around my waist. His face going to my neck as he inhaled my scent. I took comfort in his touch sparks moving over my skin, I looked at Merida puzzled. She was clearly comfortable with nudity as she didn't even glance at Tobias standing naked next to me.

“Oh, we had a bet. I knew you were they're mate; this idiot is my brother Derek. He bet you weren't” she said.

“That one is Floyd, my Beta,” Tobias said pointing to the other grey wolf. Beta? What was a Beta? I thought confused but man was I glad they showed up. How did they find me though?


“I will explain later.” My entire body started to calm down with his closeness. The heat even dying down under his touch.

Merida walked over to my car and opened the door.

“Man, this car has had a rough life,” she said, getting in the driver's seat. I chuckled, yes it had I thought to myself. I wondered why she hated working under them if she was a werewolf to. Or was it just Theo who scared her.

Merida grabbed my bag out and tossed it to me. I went to catch it when suddenly Theo's hand caught it before I could grab it. I froze. His hand moving toward my face he cupped my cheek. As soon as his hands touched my skin, I relaxed into his hand leaning my head onto his hand.

Merida walked over and popped the boot, I glanced at her before I saw her walk over and pick up the head off the ground and chuck it in the boot like it was ball.

“You head back we will clean this mess, boss,” said another man coming up behind us. He had long blonde hair that sat on his shoulders and man was he hung like a horse; I couldn't take my eyes off his body. I felt my face heat up before, I felt cold hands go over my eyes. Was it just me or were all werewolves just born to look like gods?

“Pervert,” Theo whispered next to me, before removing his hand. The man was now standing with one of my shirts covering his manhood. I raised an eyebrow. He held the piece of fabric with one hand before holding out his other for me to shake, I quickly shook it.

“I'm Floyd.”

“Imogen” I said.

“Oh, I know who you are,” he said with a wink.

“How did you find me?” I asked turning to Theo. He stepped closer his chest pressing against mine. Leaning in, his lips brushed my neck before pressing softly to my mark. I shivered.

“Your mark. We will always find you while you bear our mark,” he whispered against my skin. For the first time I was actually happy they did mark me.

“kind of like a homing beacon, just doesn't give us exact location more a feeling of direction,” confirmed Tobias.

Well, I was glad it was correct then, I watched as Merida and Floyd dumped body parts in the trunk of my car.

“Who were they?”

“Rogues, you can't leave when you're in heat Imogen. It's too dangerous,” Tobias said behind me.

“Yeah, I could smell you miles before we found you,” Merida spoke up while picking up a bloodied leg and tossing it in the trunk.

“So, all werewolves could smell me?”

“No, mainly just males and me because I'm your mate,” answered Theo

“How come Merida could smell me then?”

I heard her chuckle, Theo growled softly, and she stopped, taking a step back.

“What, worried I am going to steal your mate, Theo?" I raised an eyebrow before it clicked.

“I'm lesbian, Imogen, that's why I can smell you.” Well then that definitely explains it then.

“Merida walked over and hugged me, Theo's bloodied shirt staining my already dirty dress.

“Take her home. I will stop by and see you tomorrow Imogen,” she said with a wink. I smiled, but then wondered how I was actually going to get home, if they were using my car for body disposal. Theo moves toward me and I knew instantly he was going to run with me. I gagged when he grabbed me, his skin sticky with blood, but his cool skin was soothing. I felt his hands go into my hair before he tucked my face into the side of his neck.

“Ready?” he asked.

“No” I heard him chuckle before I felt air brushing past me whipping my SKINAAARAAANANNANAA

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