Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 39

I had just walked back to my desk from making a coffee. Sitting down, I seen my phone buzz and light up. I checked it and it was a message from Tom telling me to meet him in the carpark, where I used to park. I quickly replied and told him I would be out soon. I did think it was a little strange, that he wanted to meet me where there were no cameras. I know Theo and Tobias are hiding something and I was determined to find out what exactly that was.

Looking up toward both their offices, the doors were still shut. Surely, I could zip out really quick and them not notice, though I still had my doubts. Their hearing was extremely good, and I knew if I used the elevator, the dinging noise it made would alert them to me leaving.

Getting up, I slipped my heels off so they wouldn't hear them on the marble floors, clutching them in my hand. I all but ran on my tippy toes to the fire escape, closing the door as gently as possible behind me. I waited to hear if I could hear any movement or their office doors opening.

When I was sure, I was in the clear. I ran down the flights of stairs to the foyer. Before opening the door, I sat on the bottom step and put my shoes on, walking into the foyer and toward the doors that lead toward the carpark. I opened them and started running up the ramps towards my usual parking space.

When I got to the top carpark, Tom was standing against the barrier, that stops people from driving off the roof. He waved when he seen me and glanced around. I thought it was odd that he was so paranoid.

“Where are they?” he asked looking down the ramp.

“Still in their offices. What's going on, Tom? Why the sneaking around?”

He looked nervous and loosened the collar of his shirt. I had never seen Tom so worried and awkward before.

“How well do you know Tobias and Theo?” he asked. I thought it was a strange question to ask. I thought for a second, I am fairly sure I knew there darkest secret not that I could voice that to Tom. But the way he was looking at me I had a feeling he knew.

“I know them well enough Tom, what is this about. You told me to let them help me and now you're freaking out.”

“That was before I knew you were their Mate.” That word again, and Tom obviously knows what they are. I took a step back, this conversation I knew I wasn't going to like.

“What are you getting at, Tom?” I nervously glanced down the ramp, now paranoid myself they were going to jump out at us.

“Tobias is a werewolf Imogen and Theo.”

I cut him off. “I know what they are, Tom,” I said simply. Tom's eyebrows raised, a look of confusion on his face.

“They told you and you aren't running for the hills?” He looked at me like I was mad.

“Well, it doesn't change who they are, Tom. They are still good people.”

“Good people, Imogen? They aren“t even human,” he all but yelled.

“Shh keep it down, stop freaking out.”

“Do you have any idea the danger you are in when they try to mark you? Do you have any idea the sacrifice you will have to make?” Now I was confused. Sacrifice? What sacrifice?

Tom seeing the look on my face looked like he was about to pass out or throw up. I wasn't sure, but all the colour drained from his face. He suddenly stepped forward and swept my hair to the side.

“Shit, 1 am too late; I can't believe you let them mark you. You need to get out of here Imogen before the bond kicks in completely.” I pushed his hand away.

“How do you know so much? What you're saying isn't making any sense. Why would I run?"

Tom ran a hand over his balding head and loosened his shirt collar more, sweat was starting to bead on his brow. He looked panicked.

“My family has worked for them for generations. Don't you think it's weird that no one knows who owns this company? No one has any photos of them. No matter how big this company has grown and become recognised, it's because my family covers up for them, have for generations. My father did, his father and so on. We are bound to them from some old treaty as far as the public know the owners want to remain anonymous. But if you check the filing and all social media accounts, you never see photos of them. People would ask questions. People would find out what they are. So, every generation, and even my future generations will keep them covered. They move the company every few decades and come in as the grandson or sons to run it and my family follows and makes sure they go unnoticed to the public. That's how I know what they are.”

“But what's that got to do with me? I haven't got anything to do with it.”

“I know, but soon you won't have choice, Imogen. Soon my family will have to cover up for you too. They have marked you, you belong to them now.”

“Don't be ridiculous, Tom. I am my own person. Nobody owns me,” I said rolling my eyes annoyed with this conversation.

“Yeah, right now they don't, not till that bond kicks in.” He grabs my shoulders and looks me dead in the face. “You need to run. Get away from here while you can. Your relationship in the supernatural world is forbidden. No humans allowed.”

“I know this, but nobody knows except their parents that I even exist. Just spit it out, Tom. I have not got all day. What aren't you telling me"?

“Think about it. Imogen, you're the Forbidden Mate. There are only two options for you. They either kill you or...” He stopped, hesitating and looking down the ramp nervously. I too did, thinking I heard something, before turning back to Tom again.

“Or what, Tom?"

“They change you, Imogen. They have to change you, make you like them.”

I gasped and took a step back. “They wouldn't do that.” But I suddenly wasn't so sure. Them hiding me away and telling me to wait for the bond to kick in. Theo's words coming back to me.

“You won't want to leave when the bond kicks in.” I shuddered, now understanding what he meant, meaning I would choose to be changed. I didn't want to become like them, trapped. Forced to live forever. And how would they do that, change me?

I stumble backward the gravity of what he just told me pushing down on me. Fear consuming me. I don't want to be a monster. I don't want to live like that, always hiding in the shadows. Yeah, in stories it sounds good but real life? No, I didn't want that. I was content with being me. I didn’t want to change. I sure as hell wouldn't allow them to decide that for me.

“You need to leave, Imogen, before they either kill you or, well, kill you. The only way for you to become like them is to die or for Tobias to change you into what he is, which I heard is extremely painful.”

I step back, nodding. I didn't want this. I never asked for this, I sure as hell didn't want to turn into some furry oversized dog. Do they get fleas? My mind was rambling, not being able to cope with the information I just heard.

The noise Tom made pulled me from my rambling frantic mind. We were no longer alone. Theo come out of nowhere and grabbed Tom by the throat. I screamed at seeing my friend being choked, his face changing colour, his hands clawing at Theo's to get him to let go. My scream made him turn and look at me. I stepped back. The look on his face was demonic, his eyes were burning blood red, his fangs protruding, even his nails were now deadly points as they dug into Tom's neck. “Let him go, Theo, please,” I begged taking another step back. I need to run, but I couldn't knowing Tom was going die if I did.

“Please Theo, let him go,” I cried, tears falling down my face. I started sobbing hysterically. He was a monster. The thing of nightmares. The thing that went bump in the night. The promise of death and right now he was going to kill Tom. I couldn't watch this; I couldn't bear to watch his death.

“Run Imogen,” Tom choked out, his voice barely audible. I turned and ran.

“Imogen,” Theo snarled as I took off.

“I should fucking kill you for what you have done,” I heard him say behind me. I looked over my shoulder and Theo dropped him. He fell on his knees choking. I turned and kept running down the ramps.

I felt an arm go around my waist and I was pulled back against a warm chest. I kicked my legs and hit wherever I could, trying to escape his vice like grip on me.

“Settle down, Imogen,” Tobias's voice was angry. I didnt listen, just kept thrashing. I heard him growl before throwing me over his shoulder.

“Fucking kill him,” he growled out. I looked up and saw Theo walking back up the ramp towards Tom.

“No, no, please don't hurt him.” Theo stopped and looked back. “Please,” I begged. I stopped thrashing against Tobias, hoping Theo would walk back toward us. Theo kept walking up the ramp after a second. I started punching Tobias and hitting him wherever I could. “No, please no.” I thrashed wildly wanting to go to Tom.

“Imogen enough” Tobias growled out, I flinched at the venom in his words, it made my blood run cold. “You kill him, and I will never forgive you" Tobias didn't say anything at first. He started walking and I started thrashing again trying to escape.

“Please Tobias, don't be so cruel. He is my friend, he didn't do anything wrong,” I cried.

He kept walking till we reached his car. He opened the back door and tossed me in.

“It's too late, Imogen.” I didn’t understand what he meant at first. Until he walked around to the boot and opened it. Theo walked down the ramp, Tom's limp body in his arms. I screamed and opened the door and ran, only for Tobias to grab me again. He threw me on the backseat, and I started kicking him and reaching for the other door handle.

“Enough Imogen or I will put you in the boot with him.”"000000000000000

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