Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 38

Gentle cold hands woke me up, I shivered at his cold touch. “Dinner Babe, you should eat” I rolled over completely exhausted before snuggling back under the covers. Tobias placed his hand on my head before turning it over and feeling it with the back of his hand.

“Does she feel like she is burning up to you?” Theo touched my back and I flinched from the coldness before he too placed his hand on my forehead. “I'm not sure her skin always feels hot to me," he said.

“I'm fine 1 just need sleep” I grumbled rolling onto my stomach, trying to dive back into my slumber. Stupid men always trying to force feed me and keep me awake. Tobias flicked the light on, the light shining through the backs of my eyelids. I squeezed my eyes tighter before pulling my pillow over my head. “Yep, she is fine, just being a brat” Tobias spoke as he knelt on the bed beside me. In one swift movement he rolled me and picked me up.

“Hey what are you doing, I was trying to sleep” I groaned. He tossed me over his shoulder.

“Why you got to be such a knob for I was enjoying my sleep before you ruined it” He slapped my bare ass before walking out the door. I stretched my sore limbs stretching out like a stiff board on his shoulder, before relaxing and slumping over it again. I could feel his whiskers on my hip before he turned his face as he was walking down the stairs and bit the side of my butt.

I hissed and turned smacking him on the head as he descended down the stairs. Well, I am awake now, I thought before bracing my elbows digging them into his shoulder and propping my chin up, I knew they wouldn't feel comfortable to him. Theo was walking behind me, and I reached my arm to him. He gripped my fingers with his.

“Theo would have let me sleep, that why he’s my favourite” I stated sticking my tongue out at Theo. He winked at me, following behind us. “Well, I'm not Theo and I have something to show you, besides who goes to bed when it isn't even 8 o'clock yet.”

Tobias dumped me off the side of his shoulder, I squealed before landing on the lounge, the wind being knocked out of me. I landed with a soft thud. I grabbed the grey cushion and lobbed it at him. I heard him chuckle before walking into the kitchen followed by Theo.

“You coming?” Tobias sang out.

“Nope, I'm good here.”

“Imogen.” I rolled my eyes before climbing off the lounge. I followed them into the kitchen which was empty. I could see dinner plated up on the bench but no Theo or Tobias. I felt a cool breeze brush over my skin before I saw the curtains above the sink move. The door leading out to the back deck was ajar. I walked over to it and stuck my head outside.

On the deck was a rose bush. I stepped out and seen Theo and Tobias were walking down the steps onto the footpath. “Grab the rose bush.” I looked at the pot that had a white rose tree in it. They don’t honestly expect me to carry that do they? I wouldn't even be able to get my arms around the pot it sat in, let alone carry it with all its dirt.

“Yeah, sure thing, nothing like some night-time gardening” I walked over to the ceramic pot. The thorns looked sharp, but it had about thirty huge white roses on it. I tried to drag it toward the stairs. Once to the top step, I looked down the five steps trying to figure out how the hell, I was actually going to get down the stairs without either breaking the pot or getting pricked by it thorns. "You're kidding right?” I said before turning and finding Theo directly behind me watching me.

“What are you doing? Help!"

“I think I would rather enjoy the view of your panty-less ass trying to drag that over to us.”

I stood, putting my hands on my hips. “Help or I am going inside.” I bent down to drag it closer to the step so it was hanging over the edge slightly so I could get a good grip on it. When suddenly it was gone. Theo picked it up like it weighed nothing and walked along the concrete path over to Tobias, who was busy digging a hole between two red rose bushes in the huge garden. I stomped across the grass towards them.

“Get off the grass. You know how long it took me to get it like that?” Tobias yelled out to me, looking up from the hole he was digging.

“Didn't picture you to be a green thumb,” I told him, still treading on his precious grass. I stood next to him.

“That's because you barely know us, beside our secret,” he stated.

I thought for a second. He was right I didn't know much about them personally. I know a little about Theo and his love for reading and his family which I suppose is also Tobias's family. But other than that, not much really.

I looked for Theo, but he was gone again. “So, what are we doing out here?”

“We are letting your mother go, we know you're having trouble letting go. Which is understandable but we thought maybe you would like something in her memory, so she is released but still here with you" Said Theo coming up behind me, in his hands was my mother's urn. I reached for it and he placed her in my hands.

I didn’t speak, just nodded, my throat suddenly feeling clogged. I didn't know what I wanted to do with her, I knew she couldn't stay in the plastic container, but hated the thought of letting her go. This Idea of theirs I did like though. Tobias finished digging and stepped back.

I clutched my mother’s urn to my chest.” If you don’t want to, we can figure out something else.” I looked at Tobias, he almost seemed normal not so intimidating. I shook my head.

“No, this is good. Thank you.” He nodded before placing his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it. I undid the lid, my hands shaking slightly. Bending down, I poured her ashes into the hole; I felt my tears trying to brim but I shook my head and cleared my throat before stepping back.

That was all that was left of her. My amazing mother now just dust and a memory, I never want to forget. I hope I don't forget her smile, her warm welcoming eyes, the feel of her hands. I never wanted to forget those parts of her. Theo placed the rose bush in the hole and Tobias filled in the dirt. Now she was a rose, it was fitting. She was strong and durable like rose and just as beautiful as one. When they were done, they walked inside leaving me with the now planted rose bush. I looked up at the clear sky, the breeze caressing my skin. The moon shining brightly down us. “I miss you mum” I whispered.

I could feel my tears running down my cheek, I quickly wiped them away before closing my eyes forcing them stop, crying won't help me, and it certainly won't bring her back. I looked at the rose tree, touching the giant rose in front of me, gently to make sure I didn't break its petals. I then turned and Theo and Tobias were watching me from the deck. I walked towards them and back into the kitchen, like I didn't just let my hold on her, go.

I sat the table, Theo and Tobias had made homemade pizzas.

“Want me to heat it back up?” I shook my head and picked up a piece before biting a chunk off. I chewed it before swallowing it down. It tasted good even cold.

“Nope I'm good” I tell them.

“Are you okay?” Theo asked.

“Peachy” I grabbed another slice before walking out. I was good at masking my emotions and I hated showing them in front anyone, I hated the thought of them seeing me as weak. So, I put my walls up adding a few extra bricks and buried those feeling like a normal person. Well at least I think it is normal

Going to the lounge room, I flicked the TV on and put Underworld on. They came out and sat beside me. Only speaking when they realised the movie I picked.

“Seriously? you live with a vampire and a werewolf and you want to watch this garbage?” Tobias asked.

“It's a good movie.”

“It unrealistic.”

“You can't think it's that bad if you own it,” I retorted biting into my pizza slice.

Once I finished eating, I curled up on the lounge. I think I was only a quarter of the way through when I felt myself dozing off back to sleep.

The next morning, I awoke in the bed, Theo, and Tobias both gone. They left for work without me, and I knew they deliberately did it to keep me stuck here. Getting downstairs I sang out to both of them. No answer. Walking outside, I walked over to mum's rose bush. It was even prettier of a day, with its giant blooming buds. When I was walking back, I noticed the garage on the other side of the house. It was the only place I hadn't explored since coming here.

Walking over, I pushed up the roller door. My heart skipping a beat with excitement, as I seen Theo's Black BMW. I wonder where the keys are. I walked over and pulled on the handle and it opened. I searched all through it, looking for the keys. I couldn't find them anywhere, so gave up and closed the roller door and walked back inside. Deciding I was going to make some breakfast, I walked into the kitchen. I was making toast when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the car keys sitting in the fruit bowl. I grabbed them forgetting about my toast, I raced up stairs and grabbed my suit getting dressed in record time and throwing my hair in a high ponytail. I chucked on some lipstick and grabbed my heels from the cupboard before quickly going back out to the car. They were going to be so pissed when I rock up to work. They can’t blame me, it's their fault they left the keys where they could be found. So surely, they didn't expect me to wait all day here. I turned on the ignition and sped out and down the driveway.

The entire drive, I was constantly jamming on the brake not used to the speed, this car has compared to my little beast. Theo was definitely going to need new brake pads; on the plus side, I was only going to be twenty minutes late. Once I arrived, I walked into the foyer. Tom was talking to Tobias and to say he was surprised to see me was an understatement. Tobias and Tom looked like they were having a heated conversation when I stepped in. The conversation abruptly stopping when Tobias laid eyes on me. He walked towards me and Tom scurried off toward a corridor by the stairs. I definitely had to try and see him today, find out what the hell was going on.

Tobias walked over to me, the way he walked I thought he was going to slap me. He stopped just in front of me before grabbing my arm. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Thought it was pretty obvious considering, I showed up to work” His grip on my arm tightened and he started pulling me toward the elevator.

“How did you get here?” I held up Theo's car keys and he raised an eyebrow before snatching them out of my hand.

“I don't see what the problem is, Tobias. I only want to work.” The elevator doors opened, and he pushed me in before pushing the button and the doors closed. Once upstairs Tobias walked me to my desk. Theo hearing us come in walked out, shock on his face at seeing me.

“What are you doing here?”

“She found your keys, next time put them up,” Tobias said chucking them at him. He caught them and folded his arms annoyed.

“You better not have wrecked my car, Imogen.”

“Or what, you buy another one? Not like you can't afford it. You will probably need new brake pads though I wore those pretty out well on the way here” I said my face lighting up as he glared at me, before walking off.

“You don't leave the office, not today. You stay here till one of us can take you home.”

“Yes sir.” I saluted him. And he stormed of slamming his office door. I had no intentions of being confined to the office though. I planned on seeing Tom today, whether they liked it or not. I spent most of the day sending emails and printing off various documents and filing them. Theo and Tobias both kept coming out at different intervals checking I was still on this floor but didn't say much, I could tell they were going to give me hell when we got home.

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