Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 20

After a few minutes, I could hear a low whining coming from outside the bathroom door. Reaching out the shower door, I opened the bathroom door before turning back to rinse the shampoo that was now burning my eyes. Opening my stinging eyes, the dog was watching me through the shower screen.

“You know it is rude to stare,” I tell it. It cocks its big head to the side, not fazed by my comment. Feeling its eyes on me, I rush to get out. I don’t know why but sometimes his gaze makes me feel a little uneasy. It's almost humanlike. Wrapping the towel around me, I get out and dig through the draws finding an old shirt and a pair of panties. Slipping them on, I walk back out and find the bottle of tequila I was drinking the night before. Maybe I was developing a problem, but I couldn't sleep without it. The nightmares were terrible, reliving the night my mother passed over and over again. The alcohol helped make sleep come easier now. I went to pour it in a glass but seeing only a quarter of the glass bottle left, decided to just drink it straight from the bottle.

Tipping the bottle to my lips, the stray walked over his fur brushing against side. He sat at my feet staring up at me. I took a swig from the bottle, coughing from the intense burn it left in my throat. The cough would go after another mouthful. A few more and it would be like drinking water. Come to think of it, I needed to find another way to me sleep. I keep doing this, I may just become an alcoholic like my mother. The dog whined when I took another big mouthful. “What? Don't look at me with those judging eyes. You really do remind me of Tobias when you do that.” The dog pulled at my shirt with his mouth, tugging me out of the kitchen. Grabbing the bottle, I walked over and grabbed a blanket out of the linen cupboard before opening the doors leading outside in case the dog needed to pee during the night. Curling up on the lounge, the dog jumped up beside me.

Watching TV and drinking, after a while my eyelids started to get heavy. I knew sleep wasn't too far off. I couldn't be bothered to get up and sleep in the bed that was way too big for one person. Instead I stayed on the lounge with my furry hot water bottle. His head resting on my hip, eventually I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I awoke, and the dog was gone. I looked in every room but couldn't find him. He must have left. I hoped he would come back, but he didn’t return. Rushing around the house trying to find something clean to wear, I had ten minutes before Theo and Tobias would be knocking on my door. My head was pounding, and my eyesight was blurry. I could feel a migraine coming on. I was looking for some Panadol when the Tobias walked in followed by Theo. How did they get in, they didn't even knock?

“Good morning, Imogen. I hope you're decent,” Theo's voice sang out. I wasn't decent, I was still running around like chook with its head chopped off, trying to find some clothes. “I'll be out in a minute” I sang out from my bedroom. I really needed to do some washing. Digging through my oversized handbag, I tried to find Panadol anything to get rid of this bloody headache. After a few minutes, Tobias must of have got tired waiting because he burst through my bedroom door. I yelped and tried to cover my bare legs that were sticking out from under my shirt.

“How much longer?” he asked clearly annoyed.

He seemed to think for a second. “I suppose you're right dear. Don’t mind me, I just get worried about you.” I could tell he wanted to say something else, but Tobias popped his head back around the corner.

“Imogen, hurry up.”

“Shit, got to go, Tom,” I sang at as I scrambled to catch up with Tobias.

The elevator ride was tense once we got to the office. I raced around turning everything on and turning the phones on. Theo lingered following me around like a lost puppy. Not even he was game enough to piss Tobias off today. I could tell today was going to be a long day already, Tobias mood swings have been getting worse. I felt like we were constantly walking on eggshells at work. Outside the office he was tolerable, not that I ever seen him much.

At lunch time, I went into small kitchenette, needing another caffeine hit. While I was busy pouring the hot water, I felt a presence behind me. I knew instantly who it was. “What do you need, Theo?" I asked with my back turned to him. I felt him step closer, so close I could feel his chest move as he breathed against my back. Putting the jug down on the counter, I turned around, only to be entranced by his hypnotic green eyes. They burned brightly and I almost forgot to breathe, my mind becoming foggy as he moved even closer, his body pressing into mine. I gasped at his closeness, I could feel my breasts squashed against his hard-toned body, feel the lines of his abdomen as he pressed impossibly close.

Theo's hand moved up and he brushed a piece of hair that had escaped my bun behind my ear.

“What are you doing, Theo?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice low so Tobias wouldn't overhear and come yell me more today.

“Getting a reaction,” he whispered against my lips before he kissed me hard. His lips smashed into mine, cold yet demanding. I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip and my lips parted. Theo's tongue playing with mine, his hand reaching up and grabbing my breast through my dress. He squeezed hard enough that it burst the little fog bubble I was in, then I realised I was kissing not only one of my bosses but my other bosses’ partner. I tried to shove him back, but his lips just moved to my jaw, my body reacting to his lips on my skin. I could feel the thick fog clouding my mind again, taking over my body as I willingly gave in. Gripping my hips, Theo placed me on top the bench, pushing himself between my legs, I could feel his erection pushing into me.

His lips moving down kissing and sucking on the skin of my neck, my hands reached up into his hair. Theo's mouth hungrily devouring my skin, sending goosebumps everywhere his lips touched. The contrast of my now burning skin to his cold lips made me shiver. When he got to my collarbone, he pulled the top three buttons of my dress open kissing the top of my breasts. My thoughts lost in the feel of teeth nipping at my sensitive skin.

When I felt him bite on my breast, I squirmed, but I felt his tongue glide over his bite mark soothing the pain. When I looked over Theo's shoulder, I was pulled from my daze, when I noticed Tobias standing in the door, just calmly watching, leaning on the door frame with his arms folded across his chest like this was the most normal thing to stumble across in the office.

I jumped startled. Theo looking up, seeing my eyes locked on Tobias, stood back releasing me from whatever spell he put me under.

“About time you came looking for us.” Theo winked at me a cocky smile on his face. I was breathless and confused, looking between the two of them. Is this the reaction he wanted, a pissed off Tobias catching us being inappropriate in the kitchen? Theo just strode out of the room like nothing happened, like he hadn't just been caught making out with their secretary. Tobias just calmly stood there for a second before turning around and walking out, his fists clenched tightly. I knew Tobias's silence was deadly, like a ticking time bomb.

I quickly fixed my dress and tried to get my bearings. What the fuck just happened? I had no intention of doing anything. I knew it was wrong, yet my body reacted like I was possessed. Theo overwhelmed my senses completely, overriding my common sense. Jumping down from the bench. I quickly grabbed my coffee and went back to my desk.0

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