Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 19

“Look I'm sorry, I know what I said was wrong. I was just angry.” My voice sounded drained and tired.

“Where are you?” Theo's voice came through the phone. He didn’t sound angry, just concerned.

“I'm...ahh I'm in the park.”

“You can come back if you want, he has calmed down.”

“No, I think I will stay here for a bit longer. I'm looking for something.”

“Looking for what? Did you lose something?”

I laughed nervously, knowing I was about to admit my only friend is a stray dog. “I'm looking for a dog, actually.”

“Why?” asked Theo. I could hear the smile in voice.

“Because he used to sometimes stay with me when I lived in my car and the storage locker. I just miss him.”

“Really? I will keep a look out for your furry friend. If I see him, you can bring him back to the apartment. By the way turn around.” I turned around to see Theo walking across the grass towards me. I smiled when seeing him. No hint of any anger at my outburst earlier. He walked over and handed me the keys to the BMW. I looked at them before looking at him.

Getting up, I make my way the small courtyard. When I pull the curtain back, I see the stray waiting patiently by the door. I squealed in excitement at seeing my furry friend. Opening the door, I throw my arms around his big neck. Theo's amused expression watched me from the door. “Where did you find him?”

“At the storage locker. He was sulking and lonely. Bit of a big sook if ya ask me. But man, he is huge barely fit in the taxi.” I ruffled his fur, resting my head on his furry one. He licked my face and I stood up. “So, what you gonna name him?"

“I don't know, are dogs allowed here?”

“Yes, but there is strict policy on cats. No cats.”

“Well in that case, I have no idea. Come on, boy.” I tapped my leg trying to get the dog to follow. He did, walking through the apartment. He hopped up on the lounge, making himself comfortable.

Theo went and sat beside him patting his head. Remembering I brought dog food earlier, I went and got the can opener and pulled the can from the pantry. “So where is Tobias?"

“He is around probably still sulking about your argument earlier.”

I nodded trying to get the can opener to grip the can so I can open it. “What are you doing? What's that smell?” Theo called from his position on the lounge.

“I got him some dog food,” I managed to get the can completely open and poured it into a bowl. Theo was chuckling to himself on the lounge. “What?” I asked wondering what was so funny. He just shook his head and walked over. “Come on, boy,” I said placing the bowl on the ground. The stray walked over and spotted the bowl. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and started backing up growling. “It says it's beef. Dogs like beef, don't they?”

Theo got up and tried to drag him closer to the bowl by his shoulders. “Come on big boy, eat your slop. Doesn't it look wonderful?” he said. The dog snapped and snarled baring his teeth and growling, while Theo, chuckling to himself, tried to get him closer to the bow! of food. The dog suddenly sat, digging his claws into the floor, trying to escape Theo.

“I don't think he wants it. I will see if I can make him something.” The dog snapped at Theo's hand. Walking over, I smack him softly on the nose. “Bad dog, don't bite,” I tell him. The dog looked shocked and put his head down and whined.

“Aww come here, big fella,” Theo tells him and rubs his face, pulling on his cheeks. The stray growls, annoyed with Theo tugging on his face.

“Maybe you should leave him alone. He looks like he is getting cranky,” I tell Theo. This is the most laid back and the most I have ever seen Theo laugh around me.

“You know who he reminds me of? Tobias, you should name him Tobias,” he states, I laugh. Their temperament is similar.

“Somehow I don't think boss man will like it if I call a dog after him.”

“Well, I will leave you to it but will see you in the morning,” Theo said walking to the door, leaving me with the stray.

After Theo left, I went and found a steak hidden in the freezer. Chucking it on defrost in the microwave, I stood next to the counter. The stray laid at my feet when the microwave finished. I pulled it out and found a frypan. Turning on the gas stove, I placed the fry pan on it and started cooking the steak, after a few minutes it was done. I then cut it in half and placed it on two plates.

Grabbing both plates, I walked back to loungeroom placing one on the ground beside me. The stray dug in, eating the steak. I watched while I ate mine and flicked through channels until I found something that looked interesting. Not that I would be watching it, I just the liked the noise. The silence in the apartment was deafening. When I was finished, I took both plates to the kitchen and washed them. Leaving the dog in the in the loungeroom, I jumped in the shower.00000000

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