Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 146 Forty-Four

Thaddeus POV

I fucked up; I knew I fucked up. I let my walls down. I fell asleep, as soon as I opened my eyes, I knew they would find me. I shouldn't have gone home, shouldn't have closed my eyes for those few seconds which turned into hours. I could feel them getting nearer. Looking at the clock, I see that it is 10 AM. I had to get moving, they wouldn't be far out. My mates would convince me to come back, and I couldn't risk her safety. She was safest away from me.

My life has been hell without them. I hadn't slept in month, and sitting down and resting was the mistake I made. Should have kept moving, stayed awake, then they wouldn't have found me. Chucking my clothes on, I head for the door. I knew I didn't have long before they got here. Time slipped away from me and I wasn't even sure how long I slept but I could feel how close they were.

Moving quickly, I started running. No direction in particular just away from them catching up. I could feel Orion getting closer, feel his emotion creeping into me. Flooding me forcing me to stop. I usually blocked them out. I couldn't handle their suffering. I knew it was hell for them as much as it was for me, but this was the right choice. Or so I thought when I felt her, felt them suffering along with me.

First it was unease creeping in from her. What was she doing that was making her unsure? Then it was fear, then pounding pain ripping through my skull forcing me to clutch my head. Something was wrong, something had happened. Then suddenly I couldn't feel her at all, she was gone. Looking around I had no idea where I was, stopping at a sign I read, I was in a town called Forse. Shit, I was 6 hours away from my parent's house. 6 hours away from her and that meant Ryland and Orion were just as far. Turning on my heel, I took off heading back the way I came my surrounding blurring into a sea of colour I was moving that fast. My heart pounding and dread consumed me. Why couldn't I feel her? Was she unconscious? Ryland and Orion would have left her in safe hands I know them, they love her just as much as I do. So why was she hurt? Why wasn't she safe?

Running, I dug my phone out slowing slightly as I rang my mother.

“Hello?” Her excited voice came through to me.

“Ma where is Evelyn? Put her on.”

“I can't here you, are you running?” she asks. I slow coming to a stop so she can hear. I could Ryland and Orion moving away, heading toward her. They must know where she is.

“Ma put Evelyn on the phone,” I tell her.

“Evelyn, she went into the city to meet Lana,” my mother says. My blood running cold.

“By herself?”

“Yes, Ryland said it was okay” I hang up. Dialling Evelyn's number.

“Hi, you've reached Evelyn Leave your number and I will get back to you” Her voicemail. Either it was off, or she had no reception. Running, I could feel myself catching up to Ryland, feel the pull of the mate bond pulling me towards his direction.

That's when I felt her wake, her panic coursing through me. My wrists hurting. I could feel everything she felt. My mate was in trouble, she was hurt. Finally catching up to Ryland at Leven when I see him in wolf form before he drops and so do I when pain starts radiating throughout my left foot. My foot throbbing and Ryland groans the pain forcing him to shift back.

Grabbing him, I slam him into the ground anger taking over me. “Where is she?”

“She went to the park to visit Lana, go Thaddeus find her” he says before screaming in agony. I could feel her pain but pushed it aside, her mind was consumed in pain. Letting him go I start running. Just hang on Evelyn I am not far now.

Evelyn's POV

Watching horrified as she walked towards me with the blow torch. I felt bile rise in my throat, nausea swirling within me at what she was about to do. She had lost the plot.

“Look your foot is bleeding. How about I cauterize it for you?” she mocks before holding the blue flame to my broken foot. I scream. At first it felt cold but then It like was melting my skin off. I thrash trying to get her to stop as she starts with my toes. My screams falling on deaf ears as she ignored me. I had never felt pain like it, not even catching fire hurt this badly. This was torture in every sense of the word. My skin literally melting under the intense heat.

She stops, checking out her handy work. I could smell my burning flesh. It filled the room. The stench was horrendous. She then stands up before walking upstairs, relief flooding me that she was leaving. I was drenched in blood and sweat, drenched in my own tears.

“NO, NO, NO,” I scream when I hear the door open and realise she is coming back. She walks down the stairs, a cruel smile on her face. She was carrying a knife.

“Burns are terrible, arent they? So painful,” she tells me. “I was planning on burning you to death, but I can't handle the smell. It is atrocious,” she says before grabbing a medical mask from her pocket and putting it on. She then ties her hair up getting it off her face before picking up the knife.

“She runs the back of the blade across my shoulder to the middle of my throat, pushing the point in slightly.

“You are a pretty little thing. Let's change that shall we?” she says her words muffled by the mask. She turns the blade before running it down my chest. I scream as it slices through my chest and across my breasts. She starts yanking on my shirt, tearing it away, jerking me forward the zip ties cutting into my wrist painfully when I felt one snap from the pressure of my wrist being on a weird angle from her tugging. She rips my shirt down the middle, the knife cutting into my skin as she continues yanking on me trying to remove my bra while holding it. This woman is sick, she is going to mutilate me.

Once my bra was undone, she grabs the knife and just as she goes to slice my breast. I grab the blade. I could feel it slicing through my palm and fingers, she seemed shocked before yanking the knife away before walking over and grabbing another zip tie. I frantically start yanking on my other wrist trying to free it when she comes back grabbing my hand and prying it away trying to restrain it. I can't let her do that, so I use the only thing I have, my head. I headbutt her and she stumbles back. Gold flecks dancing before my vision from the impact of our heads colliding. Pain shooting through my skull and she gets up. She screams and I can see her eyebrow is bleeding, blood running down the side of her face before it twists in anger and she screams tackling me and I couldn't do anything as the chair fell backwards, my head smacking the concrete with a loud crack making me see black for a few seconds. The air being knocked from my lungs as she comes down on top of me.

I didn’t even register the first few blows as she rained down punches on my face, I had lost feeling for a few seconds and I feared that I was going to die, I was pretty certain any more knocks to the head, I was going to be out. When suddenly I heard a loud noise upstairs, she stops looking at the roof. And I scream, hoping she can hear me. Lana must be home.

April instantly clamps her hand down on my mouth. I bite her hand letting out a scream when she jerks her hand away before she punches me in the mouth, my lips swelling, and I could taste my own blood. I watch her raise her fist again, when suddenly she was gone. Just vanished before I hear a loud crash and her body bounces of the wall before landing next to me unconscious on the floor when suddenly I see him. His fangs protruding and never in my life have I been so thankful to see someone. Orion coming into my line of vision. When suddenly I hear another crash so violent, I thought the roof was about to cave in.

“Down here,” Orion yells out to them and I hear fast moving footsteps before hearing a terrifying growl. Orion picks me up in the chair, placing it upright before snapping the cable ties. Looking over his shoulder, I see Thaddeus a murderous look on his face, his eyes trained on the unconscious April on the floor.

“You're okay now, we got you,” Orion says grabbing my face making me look at him. Everything was becoming fuzzy around the edges. My vision becoming tunnelled. Everything hurt yet all I could focus on was, that he they were here.

Orion bites into his wrist, and I don't even think about it just wrap my lips around his bite mark knowing his blood would offer relief, stop the pain. I could feel his hand rubbing the back of my head.

“Get her out of here,” Thaddeus yells at him as he stalks toward April. Orion grabs me, lifting me and I could feel my body healing, the pain slowing as I wrap my legs around his waist and Orion heads for the stairs. I see Thaddeus grab April before tossing her in the chair, having to catch it to steady it from the force he used. He was going to kill her and even after what she did, I didn’t want her to die, did she deserve death probably but that wasn't for me to decide. She was still my mother for a year, still Lana's mother.

“Please don't kill her,” I whisper, and Orion stops pulling back and staring at me as if I had lost my mind. Thaddeus head whipping in my direction a look of anger on his face directed at me

“Get her out of here Orion. I will deal with her and Ryland later,” he growls, and I see April stir before suddenly I feel a rush of air and smell fresh air. Opening my eyes, I see we are outside.0l

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