Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 145 Forty-Three

Evelyn's POV

My head was pounding, and I couldn't figure out why. The last thing I remember is turning to see April. The look on her face. I remember the look she gave me. Disgust and burning hatred. Why was she angry? I thought to myself as I opened my eyes, sweat coated my skin the fluorescent light blaring down on me making my eyes hurt. I could smell a strong coppery smell, feel something trickling down the side of my face, I go to reach up before panic kicks in. Why were my hands zipped tied to a chair? I pull on my restraints trying to put the pieces together, trying to remember but coming up blank. I know I was going to see Lana. I know I saw April but why was she so mad. My wrists start bleeding, the zip ties cutting into my flesh.

Looking around, I don't recognise anything, don't know where I am or how I got here. The floor was concrete and cold under my bare feet, my ankles were also zip tied to the wooden chair. The room smelt damp, and cold and I was facing a wall, craning my neck I try to look around to figure out where I was. Was this a nightmare, I was yet to wake up from? Nothing made sense, how did I get in this situation?

Argh I wish my head would stop hurting, it was pounding to its own beat, the more I moved, the more I could feel the warm trickling off blood, hear it dripping off me onto the ground my shirt drenched. Hearing a noise, I try to crane my neck to see who had entered. They were behind me in my blind spot, I could see their shadow on the wall ahead of me. Just standing there and goosebumps rose on my skin and shiver ran up my spine.

Suddenly the chair was turned, the wood creaking on the floor before I come face to face with April.


“Don't look so shocked, Evelyn, what did you expect to happen?” she asks, and my eyes fall to what is clutched in her hand, a baseball bat coated in blood.

“Where is Lana?” I ask, trying to remember why I am down here. Was she here?

“Lana is at the hospital.”

“Hospital? What did you do to her?” I ask, and I could see an evil glint in her eye. She looked deranged not at all the well together woman she usually was.

“I did nothing to her. You are the one that did something, you slut. You ruined my family. You are nothing but a homewrecking whore, seducing my husband,” she spat at me, I mean literally spat on me.

“I did not seduce your husband.” She slapped me. The force whipping my head to the side from the force, my skin stinging and my ears ringing.

“Two fucking years I watched him lay in a coma for what you did, all because he wouldn't leave me for you. You spiteful bitch, you burned our home down and nearly killed him,” she screamed, grabbing my throat with her hands, the bat falling to the ground with a thump. Her grip tightening as she crushed my windpipe. I struggled trying to loosen my hands. She was full of burning rage, her nails digging into my skin tearing through the flesh as I tried to breathe around her grip.

She suddenly let go before moving her hair out of her face and wiping her hands on her jeans. I gasped for air, sucking in each breath trying to fill my lungs.

“You thought you could have him, and when you couldnt you tried to kill him, tried to take him from me.” I shake my head at her words.

“He is alive? Is this what he told you?” I breathe, trying to catch my breath.

“You really thought you could kill him, a man as strong as him? He suffered from what you did. Burns to seventy percent of his body, two years he spent in a coma. Another two years and he still can't leave the hospital. You ruined him, you ruined me,” she screamed, and I flinched at her anger, her hands outstretched like she was going to strangle me again. She laughed at my reaction. She was enjoying my fear. Enjoying what she was doing to me.

“He lied. I never seduced him.”

“Whore, you think I will believe you over my own husband? No wonder no one wanted you, always the throw away child” She chuckled pacing. Nothing I say was going to make her believe me. Make her see him for what he is. She continued pacing muttering under her breath, pulling at her hair in frustration.

“April just let me leave, untie me. You will never have to see me again” I tell her, and she shakes her head.

“I tried, I tried to forgive you. I really did but it is too late now, I have to do this. I need to do this. You must die for what you did. But first you need to suffer” she says, stopping her pacing and looking around the room. My eyes following her, and my heart skips a beat when she stops in front of a wall full of different tools, what is she looking for? What happened to the woman who was kind and willing to help anyone? I was struggling to understand, how someone who used to be sweet and loving and understanding could now be so manic and cruel.

April grabs a hammer off the shelf, turing it in her hand as she walks toward me. I struggle against my restraints as she kneels down in front of me.

“What are you doing, April? You don't need to do this. I can explain if you would just listen,” I beg her as she brings the hammer down on my foot, my toes breaking. I scream but she doesn't stop. She repeatedly hits my foot till every toe is broken, and I am fairly sure so is the end of my foot, I could feel my foot swelling painfully. My screams echoing of the wall and my voice becoming hoarse as tears stream down my face. She stands up, looking down at what she did before rushing to the sink in the corner and throwing up. All I could do was try and breathe, breathe through the pain and sob.

April washes her face before grabbing the hammer off the sink basin. Panic coursing through me.

“He raped me. Derrick raped me. I didn't seduce your husband, April,” I try to tell her. But she just steps forward before punching me in the face. My head snapping back, and I hear the crunch of my nose breaking. Blood spurting from nose like a tap had been turned on.

“Liar, he told me you would say that. Said you would try tarnish my husband's name to save yourself from what you did? Was I not a good mother to you that you would hurt me so?”

“I am not lying, every god damn night for a year I had to endure him. Every night I wished you would walk through that door, wished that you would realise and save me from him, to make it stop,” I screamed at her, which only angered her more.

April face distorted in anger. “You're lying or you would have told me. Why didn’t you speak up then, Evelyn, huh?”

“Because he threatened Lana, because of who he was. I tried April. No one would believe me, why would they? You couldn't even see what was right under your nose the entire time.”

Her hands gripping my throat, my words dying out as I tried to breathe before the chair suddenly tips and she comes down on top of me.

“Liar fucking liar,” she kept screaming and I could feel the darkness taking over my vision just as she let go before standing and kicking my side. Choking on the breath I tried to take before she struggled to lift the chair back up under my weight. When she finally had me upright again. She strode over to the shelf with tools again and I groaned.

“Please no more, no more April, just let me go,” I cry.

“No, I will make you suffer the way he did.” My stomach dropped when she turned around.

“No one will recognise you when I am done,” she says walking toward me with a blow torch a sadistic look on her face, one of pure insanity.0000000

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