Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 83: ...I Was Showing Off, And...

I turned to see a purple missile streaking at me, and I already knew who it was.

"Daughter?! What are you doing here...with Hyde?"

"Mother?! What happened to you? Is this what you meant?!"

Wendy craned her neck over to me, and I signed. 

"Yes, I did this, but now that we are here, there are some things we all need to talk about. Like how you are a dragon and such, I know this is all sudden, but if you would like to stay here, I need you to take the same oath and accept my power and leadership…"

I walked to stand in front of Wendy and got down on one knee; I might as well get this over and done with, and then we could move on. Maybe have more dragons on my side would make them seem normal and break some of this fear of them. I was sure that everyone was terrified, but they were all worried about nothing. 

"...I would also like to make you one of my wives."

"You scoundrel! Skipping the mother and going for the Daughter! Though I do not mind my current pairing, hehe has all provided me with many new experiences I had never experienced as a dragon. Wendroisa, I want these things for you, and I wholeheartedly approve of the Great Master as your mate. If for nothing, I would like you to enjoy the act of intercourse in a bed and not trying the precarious act of mating in the air, which leave many females scared."

"Alright, Marly, that's enough. Mesh, I can feel you standing behind me there, go and take your wife to get Kadence and a robe, and meet us on the top deck of the House-Wagon, okay?"

"Yes! Marly, let's go."

I felt the breeze as he was already launching into the air to do as I asked, but Marly step forward and kiss her Daughter on the top of her blue scaled head. Then she stepped back and floated into the air, not bothering to move her wings. I saw her leave, but my attention was stuck on Wendy, and she hadn't taken her eyes off me.

"Will I look like my mother?"

"That is an excellent question, but from the look on your face when you said that, you want it to be that way, right?"

"...Yeah, being a small dragon is about as bad as being human...but either side couldn't accept me, so maybe being more...human is the answer."

"I don't think there is a wrong or right answer to the question of what it all means. Join me, and together, I will show you the world in a different light. I need someone like you on my side; you saw how big I was. I think I might give Thungardra a run for his money."

"That was terrifying! It was like an entire island had appeared under me, but then you shrank fast; why?"

"Let's go back to my wagon, and we can talk more after you take my hand if you choose; you still haven't answered me."

"Oh! Sorry! Yes, of course, I will become your mate and take whatever oath you want! You are the largest dragon in the world, just no weird stuff, please. I have heard you humans have weird twisted minds."

"Hehe, I'll try to keep the weird stuff to a minimum! Follow me."

I used air to lift off the ground and then switched to fire once I was about ten feet off the ground. I blasted off, and Wendy followed; the wagon train was almost past us now, so we had to fly up to the front. I switched to air again to land on the large open wooden section of wood.

I would need to talk to Term before I left, I was surprised he hadn't evolved yet, but that might be my own fault. I had used him as my primary mode of transportation, and now I have barely seen him even in passing. Man, this shit was a big job to take care of everyone.

I felt something push at my side and turned to Wendy with a smile.

"Sorry, a lot of things on my plate right now. Back to your question about me shrinking down, Gripton was worried it might stir up trouble with the dragons, so I shrank back down."

"He wasn't wrong; I hadn't thought about it that way. Your pretty lucky to have someone like the god of this world helping you."

'HA! Do you hear that? You should be thankful to have me in here helping you.' -Gripton.

"Don't say things like that! It just all goes to his already swollen head!"

'HEY!' -Gripton. 

"You seem to have a good relationship with our god."

"It's rocky at best, but things are getting better, anyway!"

I had noticed my small growing crowd of apprehensive wives cluttered and coming closer to me with some scared looks on their faces. Jeezus.contemporary romance

"Hey! Get over here with that blanket; she won't bite. I have things that I want to do in the next two days, with the ones staying behind! Let's get a move on it!"

I was maybe a bit forceful with my words, but it got the women moving and more relaxed. All eight women were crowded around me now, waiting expectantly. I sighed and reached forward with my right hand, then paused and pushed my sunglasses...but they were gone...FUCK.

The thought struck me with panic as I ineffectually checked my body, but it was useless. Dammit! I'm so brainless sometimes; they were more than likely lying at the bottom of the mountain with all the other rubble from my theatrical take-off. Those had been an important gift from Kalita and the girls, really the first gift anyone had given me besides dad's gift cards, socks, underwear, and new hand wraps twice a year. 

I turned to Kalita and dropped my head.

"Hey, so...I lost the sunglasses you guy had made for me...I was showing off, and…"

Kalita and all the girls started laughing, leaving me very, very confused. What the hell? What are they laughing at me? I started to scowl, but that only made them laugh harder; crossing my arms didn't help. Finally, they got ahold of themselves, and Kalita explained while wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Hehe, we expected you to lose the first pair sooner than this. We had multiple pairs made just-in-case. I'm surprised you didn't see them all in your first drawer?"

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