Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 82: FUCKING GONE!

"Oh, no!"

It really wasn't that big of a deal, I think, right? I was just a little bit of piss, right? The mortified look on the young dragon's face said a different story.

'Well, it looks like this one is my fault. Sorry, really, I think you should talk to Wendy about talking about your magical powers.' -Gripton.

'Well, as much as I love to hear you say you're sorry, what the fuck are you talking about? She peed a bit and got some on her…'

That's when I saw what the problem was, and I was shocked at what was happening. The scales of her...lower section where she had leaked on herself were deteriorating rapidly! Holy shit, dragon piss was high power acid! Now I understood what was going on.

"My...I'll never…"contemporary romance

I stepped forward quickly and put my right hand on her neck.

"This is my fault; I should have been more considerate. I am not from this world, and I had no idea something like this could happen."

"It's not you fau...owee!"

Wendy cringed in pain and her body tensed. Fuck you idiot Hyde! Acid! I was already shifted into a dragon, but I shifted back to a human; a dragon's clawed hand was not right for this magic. 

"What are you...eeee...doing! Don't, it will burn the sink off...ahhhhh, what are you doing?!"

I had just remembered one of the latest additions to my magic harem, Arrentia's healing abilities. I brought the image of healthy sparkling blues scales like I remembered and then place my hands on the wound. Instantly, the flesh started to spit the acid off itself and then started to heal, slowly pushing my hands back until only the sparkling scales could be seen like before. 

I moved my hands around a bit as she complained, but then I stopped and took my hand back quickly. Jeezus, no wonder she has been complaining; I had forgotten how this happened and was damn near, feeling a dragon up! I think I remember meme's about this back home. I stood up and turn back to Wendy casually like nothing had just happened. 

"Okay. Ready to go? You are as good as new, and we will agree to never ever ever ever talk about this, alright? Let's go."

I think it was the right choice, but the next minute would tell if my little act is enough to get her away from any thoughts of what isn't. Well, time for the best part, the bait. 

I started to put force into my steps, break black crystal as I started to pick up speed; it was about two hundred feet from the entrance where we were. I crunched down and really bent my knee, feeling the pressure build up as things slowed down and I pushed wind into my palms with the Deer-Kin's mothers magic, I couldn't remember her name, but I could see her face in my mind as one of the memories. 

The brief eternity ended end as I uncoiled my legs and released jet-engine air streams from my palms. The entire area around me for fifty feet crack and then caved down, falling to the lower mountain, but I was FUCKING GONE!

I was already turning into a dragon head first. Really I bet it looked super cool, but my eyes, cheeks, ears, and nose were all in a lot of pain, and I couldn't hear anything. The ridiculous take off speed had torn my mouth and damn near ripped my eye out of my head!

Honestly, if I hadn't just used that magic, I could have been in some serious trouble. Hyde, The Almighty deaf, dumb, blind, and disfigured king was a bit of a mouthful, but I lived, so I will learn. I had finally changed, and I moderated my size. I made it to the same as before the...that wish is not to be named even in thought.

I stopped and turned into the air, blue, a blue streak flew past me! Oh? She was fast, but how fast? It seemed like a challenge to me!

I turned and chased after her as she rose up into the air, flapping her wings, which was weird since Marly didn't flap her wing, and I got my flying without flapping from her. Though, seeing Wendy's beautiful form moving her wings as she rose into the clouds, I realized that it was worth the effort for how majestic I made her look, like those fucked up sexy ninety-degree heels women wear.

Okay, let's go! I raced after her into the cloud, but I decided to play a trick on Wendy. Once I was inside the clouds, I grew as large as I could, which was almost four times larger than her, and I flew until I spotted her up ahead, flying just above the cloud tops. I dipped back under and sped up to catch up to her, and then I activated Breth's size magic, 

Unlike Breth, my magic reserve had grown even greater after The Blood Lake, so I could hand this form for an extended period of time. I grew a lot bigger; there weren't decent numbers I could math out to make sense of just how big I was, but when I rose up under the unsuspecting Wendy, I heard her little dragonic squeal as she thumped on m massive back. I rose from the clouds like a massive floating island in the sky; I had to be over three hundred feet long.

'Stop Hyde, you're going to draw unwanted attention from the other dragons!' -Gripton.

'Fine! Fun sucker!'

I let Berth's magic go, but I was still four times her size, and, well, I didn't need to flap my wing. Again flapping the wings was like heels, hehe. I dropped down below the clouds; that was when Wendy hopped off me and started to fly on her own. 

As I dropped below, I could see the wagons; the trip was short since we raced, and I looked down on my people making their way along the road and let go of my dragon form. I switched to fire and flew down to the ground; I kept away from the wagons, and soon Wendy joined me, landing close. That when I heard the yells and turned to the wagons.

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