Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 37: Feelings pt 1

Kadence pulled my hand and dragged me to the stair but slowed down to let me catch up to her. I didn't want to be dragged down three flights of stairs, so I was relieved when she slowed down. I followed her down to the end, be careful because the House-Wagon was still moving.

You know, for a pair of armored bugs, they should move fast. I watched the countryside zip by and then looked over to Kadence, who looked about to jump. I put a hand on his shoulder and shook my head; what was with her? She isn't the type to leap from a moving vehicle, so I didn't understand what made her so eager now?

"You are not scared, are you?"

Woah, what was that about? Who was this girl, and where was my shy and meek wife? I was about to argue with him, saying it was too dangerous, but then I stopped myself. Wait, what was I scared of again?

"Do you need me to transport you two?" Trem's voice called down the stairs from up top, but I had just remembered that I wasn't the same average human.

"Nah, we will be fine," I called back up to him.

I turned to Kadence, and she was looking at me with a half-smile, so I grinned back. I scooped her into my arms and leaped into the air. I heard a small scream escape Kadence before she could stop it as we soared into the air.

At the top of my jump, time slowed as I looked down into Kadence's eyes. I held her gaze even as we fell from the air, and I landed, cutting small groves from my feet digging int to stop me from sliding more. I smiled warmly at her and then leaned in to kiss her.

Kadence put her arms around my neck and pulled me in closer. The feeling of her soft kisses and arms that tightened to bring me closer almost made me lose my balance. Soon we pulled apart, and I let her down to stand.

We kissed again before Kadence led me to a large rock.contemporary romance

"So, what is it you wanted to show me?"

I was facing the wagons now, and it was cool to watch them roll by. People were waving out the windows at us as they passed, and we gave them a wave before Kadence turned to me to speak.

"Do you think this is a good idea?"

"What going to bother a dragon that doesn't like humans? Sounds like a pretty good plan to me, hehe."

Kadence pushed me and then frowned at me.

"Exactly, you are our leader, not someone we can replace! Why are you putting yourself in such a risky situation?"

"Who else is going to be able to do this, Kade? I will have you by my side, so I don't have to worry!"

"Of course, you should worry! How do you know I will be able to protect you? Will she even listen?"

"Stop being such a turd and over worrying! It will be, and you will protect me if it comes to it! I believe in you; now enough of this complaining about things that haven't even happened yet. Show me what you have been practicing!"

I walked up to her and kissed her on the lips. Then I attacked all over her face and her neck in a rapid succession of kisses. She tried to resist but broke into a giggle when I got to her neck. When I finally stopped, she was out of breath, and she straightened her hair and dress.

That act made her smile, and I was happy to see her relaxed a bit, but I could tell she was still worried. Kadence moved away from me until she was at least thirty feet from the rock where I was. I watch her the entire time, trying to think about how I could make her loosen up.

Kadence started to weave fire to create many weaves, but it was more or less the same as before. She was holding back still, and it looked like it took more to work to hold power back then just to let it flow. Kadence must always be worried about me and her magic, but I had shown her before that I could stop her magic, but now I felt different.

I stepped off the rock I was leaning on and started to take my shirt off. I was pretty sure the stuff was fireproof, but I didn't want to take a chance. Kadence was so absorbed in keeping control of the braids and keep them from going everywhere, and I could see the sweat beads starting to form on her forehead.

I tossed my shirt back on the rock and started to walk towards Kadence, the braids whirling around her. As I got closer, the braid started to brush me, and they felt like hair brushing my akin. As I got closer, I had to push the braids aside, and it wasn't until I stepped into her tunneled line of sight did she noticed me.

Suddenly she panicked and tried to stop the fire, but I grabbed her hand and shook my head no.

"You can see it, right?" I asked if I took a burning braid in my hand and showed her.

"I don't want to hurt you!"

"I'm the only person you can't hurt. Trust me; I wouldn't do this if I wasn't confident in myself or you. Let it go, don't hold back. LET ME SEE YOU BURN KADE!" I shouted the last part while stepping back.

Kadence nodded and relaxed. Instantly her black dress became a burst of flames! Then hundreds of cords of fire stretched for her dress; they flowed out like strands of hair. I pushed through the fiery ropes until I reached Kadence.

Her eyes were lit up, burning with the fiery intensity that I had seen at the bottom of the stairs. Kadence wasn't a shy girl worried about what other people thought. She was scared.

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