Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 36: Taking Council

What was that sigh of relief about? I looked back at Kadence as the women left the room. She was smiling and giving me a knowing smile. Was I the only person that didn't know what was going on?contemporary romance

"What's up? What was with all those sighs and your smile?"

"Well, everyone was just worried, that's all."

"Worried? What do you mean? Was I doing something wrong?"

"It's just that the capital is a huge place, and we are a pretty small group. You are talking about sending maybe one hundred of us to face a capital with an army of at least ten-thousand knights."

Well, that makes sense now. No matter how strong we were, the numbers didn't match up, and then that means they must have plans to help recruit more people to our cause. One thing was bothering me, though, were they going to let me lead us all to our deaths?

"Why is this the first time I hear about this?"


"Nevermind, I get it. Let's get up there; I guess we all have some things to get straight."

I turned to let Kadence change from her nightshirt and soft shorts that hugged her behind so well. Those were made with my instructions when I had asked Kara to make the girl's shorts. One thing I had gotten right, but now it was time to face the music; I guess I shouldn't have been so bullheaded and asked for some advice from my council.

After Kadence was changed, we headed up the stairs and onto the patio top deck.

There was a large group waiting for us, all the rest of my wives, along with Markeye, Mesh, Breth, and my Councilwomen. They stood from the table they had been seated at, talking. They each put a hand to their chest and nodded, even my wives, which surprised me.

I gave them the same gesture and came to sit at the head of the table with Kadence at my side. Everyone else sat back done, and then looked to me, waiting expectantly. I looked over each person before starting to speak.

"So, it seems my choice to rush the capital might have been done in haste, but that doesn't change my plan. I understand the need for more troops, so I am open to any ideas, but first, we need to clear up something."

I looked at each one of them again, this time connecting eyes with each one.

"I'm not perfect, and I will make bad choices. I know, shocker, right? That means you guys can't just stand by idly making no suggestions when I am about to lead us into ruin, get it? Don't wait; talk to Nuwari or Tescelle, and they will talk to me about it so we can fix a problem before it becomes unfixable."

The group was silent for a bit until Alex spoke up.

"Thank you, I am sorry that we didn't say anything further, but you seemed so determined. Most of us believed you would be able to do it even if it was just us, but there are those that are worried."

"That's fair, and that's why I want some ideas."

"We should send my brother back to my father and ask for him to send help," Kyra mentioned, speaking up.

"Will he go?"

"Oh, he will go! Don't worry about that."

That mischievous smile told me that it would happen, so I looked around the tables to try and get people to spit them out. Suddenly, Mesh spoke up.

"There is one place we could go, and we wouldn't have to divert from our path to the capital, but I'm not sure if it will work."

"I'm listening Mesh, let hear it."

"There is a dragon not far to the east, but she is quite temperamental. We might be able to recruit her. She hates humans."

I squinted at Mesh and his bright orange scaled body. Had his head got thicker? I was human. Would this not pose a problem? Mesh got the point from my look and continued to explain.

"She won't kill you right away if I'm with you, and Kadence should be able to protect you from her fire."

I looked to Kadence, who seemed just as surprised.

"You think I could stop a dragon's fire with my flames? Are you crazy?"

"Miss Kadence, don't under credit your self. You have extremely strong magic, and I have seen you practicing! I think you could match Marlogra."

"You have been practicing? How is it going? You have to show me after this!"

Kadence started to get red, and I stopped and switched the subject to Tescelle. I didn't want to embarrass her like that, and I hadn't been thinking. I was just excited about any development with her magic.

"Tescelle, you seemed like you had some ideas in my room; what were they?"

Tescelle looks up from some paper she had been studying.

"Oh? Yes! I was thinking we start sending runners to search out hiding groups of Beastfolk and bring them to us. If the plan is to stay on course, then this is our best option, I think."

"Yeah! That's a good idea, send them in groups of beast-kin of mixed race, so it doesn't look like they are recruiting for a certain race. These people need to be careful the world still isn't safe."

After we talked some more, but in the end, we decided that going to speak with Marlogra was our best choice to make it to the capital fast. I would need to bring a choice group with me, and I was going to have some more complaining wives, but that was to be expected. If I planned on taking the capital, I would need some help.

I stood up and gave Kadence my hand to get up, but she was distracted. She gave a start when I put a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to me, but she had a determined face. What was this about now?

Kadence stood up and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the stairs.

"Where are we going?!"

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