Selene Goddess of the Moon

Chapter 7 THE MALL


"Hey... please Old lady, don't die on me... please!!!"

"My child, I tried to make up for my sin by at least saving you, please have a life after this, drink my blood and become me, be the goddess of the Moon, and live your life, a little of my blood can make you a half-human who can live again in the daylight like what normal people do, find the dark book where all the information is written down there, the day will come the blood of goddess of the sun will be born, it will turn you back to human, find it, promised me, find it" Flashing back all the memory of the past still gives me the pain that I kept inside and reminds me of what I need to do and accomplish.

While dealing with my thoughts, Gust knocks.

"It's open"

I said staring at one corner.

"Hey, deep thoughts again?"

Gust asks.

"Nah! What is the status of Sunny?"

I ask Gust and obviously, change the topic again.

"Based on what I have read in the dark book, in this era sunny is already born"

Gust explains.

"So we need to find her now, create a team for that Gust"

I commanded him.

"Copy that, and hey, you can't do something stupid today you know we have our limits until midnight or maybe you can use your gift and finish the prayer" Gust said.

"I can't, there is still something I need to get to finish that"

I explain while drinking my wine poured with blood.

"What? I have read that all you need is to have a symbol or things that is important or have been part of your life I guess you already have it—"

Gust stops when he realized something so I just look at him and then smirk.

"Wait, is that, why you want Martha for David to get that thing aside from ending their reign?"

Gust exclaimed.

"Oh Gust, maybe you need to read the book more, it's been 300 century had passed yet you still not finish reading it"

I said then walk away to go to the bathroom.

"Oh come on Sen! Walking away again! Hmmph! It's really hard to be your assistant and you be the boss!"

Gust shouts at me and then slams the door, I laugh at his stupidity and cuteness.

I treat Gust as my little brother from the time I turned him, Gust let me use his surname to continue living and blending with the humans, my name and surname are already been considered dead by my husband and my child at the time we were killed.


They said that starting tomorrow I will start my work as a secretary and it should be today but then Gust said it is cancelled since Ms Selene can't go to work today, yes going back to "Ms Selene" again since she's going to be my boss now. They told me to take my off for this whole day since tomorrow will be a busy day for me, Ms. Selene has a meeting to attend so Gust handed me my credit card if ever I need to buy something, I decided to buy some formal clothes so I want to go to the mall with Jan.

"Really Martha you're going to bring me to the mall? Yehey!"

Jan smilingly asks.

"Yup, so you better fix it now so you'll be ready"

I respond.

This is what I have planned even before to treat Jan and buy clothes as well as Justin and other people who have helped me before.

After we both prepared, we head our way to the mall, and it was only 30 minutes when we get there.

When we get to the mall, I head my way to the bank to withdraw some money from the one that I deposit last time, I need to pay for Jan's tuition and give some to Justin since I already had an excuse where I get the money. When we enter the bank, I fall in line at window one and let Jan sit and wait.

When I finally get to the counter, I am shocked when a guy grabs me and hugs his arms to my neck and shouts Holdup!

My whole body was shaken, and I'm seeing Jan cry in fear.

He pulled me over to the main counter of the bank along with his two men, I guess they will take me hostage so that they can get money; they also grab Jan with me and the guard is already unconscious on the ground. "Please sir don't kill me, I am nobody, I don't have money, I am only living with my brother, he is the only family I have, please sir... sob*sob*"

I said begging for my life.

"Stop! I don't want to hear any of your noises or else I will kill this kid!"

He shouted at me which scares Jan.

"Hush... stops crying I am always here, I won't let anything bad happen to you okay"

I hushed Jan to lessen his fear and stop crying while I am still grabbed by my neck.

When they all get the money from the counter they pulled me out of the bank and shouted to everyone that if they will not give them a helicopter to escape they will kill me.

I noticed that there are already police and reporter surrounding us outside.

I felt tired from crying, my voice is now weak, I am praying now that someone will help us. All my life I choose to be strong, I strive to live even after what happened to me and my family, I can't accept that my life will just end like this, I still want to see my father alive.

My eyes were about to close as my body is getting weak due to fear when someone speaks using a megaphone.

"We will let you escape bringing all the money you got from the bank just spare the hostage!"

Said a familiar voice.

When I look at who's talking I am stunned to see Ms Selene?! She fearlessly walks toward us while holding the megaphone to negotiate with these bad guys, this is the first I saw her like this, she only wears a white shirt and ripped jeans, even in this situation and in that attire she still looks stunning!

All my fear is suddenly gone seeing her, I felt like I have a hero standing in front of me trying to save me, I must admit I admire her bravery, she is not fear talking and negotiate with them, and I hope they will agree with her. SELENE'S POV

I am not really a home person, I already forget how to be at home when my life changed, on my spare time I roamed around the city wearing a hoody to suppress my identity, but right now I know that it will be harmful to me to go out. After finishing checking all the reports of my other businesses, I sit on the couch and turn on the TV.

While watching, Gust calls me.

"Hey, check on the news, on channel 8, hurry"

Gust said then I change the channel to 8 and am surprised to see what's on the news.

"See, Martha was hostage by the bank robbers at our mall"

Gust said and was so worried about Martha.

I didn't answer Gust, my eyes were focused on the TV and looking closely at Martha's teary-eyed face, and I took my keys and then drop the call and then drive.

I know Gust was confused about what happened to me when I end the call and did not say anything but just drop the call; well I don't have time for that!

I drive fast going to the mall without thinking properly, even though I can't understand what I am doing and it was not my usual.

When I arrive at the mall the guards already recognize me despite my simple look.

"Where is the hostage-taking?"

I ask the guard and guide me to get there.

All people were gathered there to witness the hostage-taking; I suddenly grab the megaphone from the police and walk straight toward the bank robbers and Martha.

"We will let you escape bringing all the money you got from the bank just spare the hostage"

I said looking seriously at the bank robbers.

"And who are you, lady? We don't need you! We need the police who will give us what we want!"

The bank robber said.

"I am the owner of this mall, and I can assure you the escape that you want evens the helicopter that you requested, I will be the one to provide it!"

I said then get my phone and wave it to the bank robber for them to see that I am making an arrangement to get a helicopter; I make sure that they will hear what I am going to say. Thinking that the helicopter was the only thing they need the bank robber to speak again.

"So you are the owner huh, well then give us the helicopter and one million cash!"

He shouted at me and then smirks.

Hearing the other request makes me pissed, I can feel my blood getting hot and anytime soon my eyes will turn in to red if I will not control it if it is a normal day but it is a red sun today so my vampire abilities are shut down, still, it doesn't stop me to wanting them all to be killed by my hand!

While fighting with my emotion, I suddenly felt weird looking at Martha's poor situation, I just closed my eyes looked up and let out a deep breath then make up my decision.

I dialled Gust's number.

"Prepare a cash of one million now"

I said in a very serious voice.

"But Sen... Are you sure about this?"

Gust asked.

"Just get here and bring the cash"

I said.

Gust knows how serious my voice is now, the last time he saw me like this was when the issue about my family was the subject, and I almost killed all the people in my village before.

Gust hurriedly brings the cash here, standing next to me, I know he felt something different about me, he knows that I never get out unless I wear proper clothes and I never get emotionally attached to anyone and most importantly I never act and make a decision without even thinking it properly not until now.

Gust is staring at me following where my eyes are, and found that I am looking in Martha's direction, I know he will tease me about this later for sure!

"Here is the cash! Now free her get your money and leave my fucking mall!"

I simply said but the sound of my voice shows how mad I am that even Gust is now terrified for the first time hundreds of years ago.

The bank robbers exchanged Martha and the money, I handed the attached case while reaching my hand to Martha's shoulder when I already grab her, the bank robbers run fast towards the helipad of the mall, and I already command them to let them flee.

After grabbing Martha's shoulder she suddenly hugged me and cry out loud, I am shocked by that gesture, I can't even put my arms around her to hug her back, I gaze in Gust's direction and he act like he is not seeing it as I said, he will tease me about this later for sure!

"Thank you, Ms Selene. Thank you for saving us"

Martha said after hugging me.

I did not respond to her and just walk away, however, Gust run toward Martha and hug her tight.

"Hey Martha, I am sorry about this!"

Gust said.

"It's okay; I owe Ms Selene my life!"

Martha said while looking in my direction while I am interviewed by the media, I can still see her in my peripheral vision and also hear her.

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Then Martha's brother run towards her and hug her, Martha introduced him to Gust.

"I am sorry Jan, we aren't able to enjoy it because of what happened, I am sorry, it's almost late, I guess we need to go home"

Martha apologizes to her brother.

"It is okay Martha; the important is we are now safe"

Her brother said then hugs her.

"So sweet of you, alright, I will treat the both of you a dinner! And even if the mall will close, I will let the two of you do the shopping, how about that?"

Gust said then making a high five to the child.

"Hmmm, how about... Hmmm, Ms Selene? Is she going with us to the dinner?"

Martha said while pointing directly to me, I can listen to it but I am not in the mood to join.

"Alright, I will try to ask her"

Gust said then shouts at me.

"Sen, we will go for dinner, want to join us?"

Gust asks.

I just look at them then simply shake my head as a sign of no and mouthed them "next time" then walk towards the exit to go to my car.

When I am about to get into the car a group of men appeared at my back and punch my head which makes me weak I felt a hand lift me inside their getaway car.


I open my eyes and was shocked to see where I am, three-armed men standing in front of me, the one is talking on the phone and even getting a picture of me tied up to a chair, I can barely move since my feet are also tied. "Boss, we got her, now what do you want us to do with her?"

The man with a blue jacket said.

I am now trying my best to release my strengths but I failed since as of the moment I am weaker than a human.

The man on the phone faces me and said,

"It's a pity that you are pretty, but our boss said to kill you, so I am sorry pretty woman! Hahaha"

The three men laugh while talking and staring at me, the man with a blue jacket pulled out his gun then is about to shoot me when I suddenly asked them the last question.

"W-Wait... hmm... just want to ask what time it is now?"

I asked.

They were confused about my question but they answer me anyway since it was just a petty question and I am as dead later.

"It is 11:50 and soon it's time for your death!"

The man with the gun said then shoots me on my right leg which makes me close my eyes in pain then another shoot on my left arm; my blood is now dripping out which makes me weak as every minute passed.

The last shot almost killed me, it is direct to my neck, but I can still see that they untie me and my body dropped to the ground, I guess they find me dead this time so I need to bite it!

Making sure I am dead the other man kicks my waist but I keep myself unresponsive until the right time.

The man in the blue jacket take a picture of my dead body and send it to their boss, he dialled his phone to inform me that I am already dead.

Then midnight comes in...

A minute passed, and inside the abandoned old building in Manila, what people can only hear is a scream begging for their lives as my power flurries back within my veins.

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