Selene Goddess of the Moon




Finalizing the transfer of shares and stocks, I go directly to A. G David Corporation.

Despite being able to do things easily, I want to get what I want in a more human way, the last thing I could do.

"Do you think Martha can handle that?"

Gust said for the second time around.

"That's why I want you to keep the monitoring, we will do things differently this time, we will do it in a humanly way, which is why I need Martha's innocence on this"

I explained and I guess he gets it.

"Well then I will monitor her anyway, good luck with Apollo"

Gust said then get into his car and drive away.

I am now standing in front of the Apollo David property.

With all the proper security protocols, I need to be scanned by their high technology machines which I am aware of that.

The assistant guided me to the main lobby to wait, while waiting you will see all the antiques and pictures of the ancient history of Apollo George David's ancestors, the first founder of the Elite society organization was his ancestor Tobias David.

It is still clear in my memory how I ended up killing the life of all the members of this organization including Tobias.

Now I need to get the power of the organization for a certain reason, an important thing that I need to recover.

Amid my thought, I sense the person coming toward me. "Natasha David"

I mumbled as I act like I don't know she is approaching.

"Hi Selene, what pleasure do we owe you coming here?"

Natasha asks with a smile looking slightly surprised.

"Oh, it seems you are not yet aware by your father, but let me enlighten you then, I am here for the takeover of 70% share and stocks of A. G David Corporation to put it under my name"

I said confidently while enjoying myself watching Natasha's disappointed face.

"Well, I guess you were right I am not yet informed, so how much does it cost you? I know millions dollars—"

I cut Natasha from talking.

"-70 Billion dollars Natasha"

I said that gives her a wide eye, after hearing what I said Natasha walk away from me and headed to her father's main office.

A little while passed, and the assistant guides me to Apollo's office as I enter I already sensing his annoyed feelings, and I am seriously smiling inside.

"I admire your confidence in coming here Selene after you threatened me last night"

Apollo said while standing near his window facing outside.

"An Apollo George David gets threatened? That is new Apollo"

I said while smiling confidently and then sitting at the chair in front of his table.

"Let's finish this Selene, you will get the 70% of the share and be the new chairman of the organization but on one condition, you will still report everything to me"

The pissed old man said, I just love his reaction right now, I hope Gust is seeing this!

"Let me remind you, Apollo, you are not my boss and I don't accept any condition, 70 Billion is so precious to agree with you and be your puppet"

I said while comfortably sitting in front of him.

The old man Apollo let out a sigh while controlling his anger towards me; I can sense that all over his system.

Then the takeover was being processed and starting today I am now the new chairwoman of the organization, all the confidential information of the member's stocks and their monkey businesses will round within my eyes! MARTHA'S POV

I am not sure what I am into, but since I am already committed, I guess I have no choice; I am now here at the hotel waiting for her assistant.

While in the lobby, a man with a handsome physique sit in front of me that looks familiar, as I stare at him, I knew it! He is the CEO of the mall I am working right now! Oh god, he is more handsome now that I can see his face up close. "Mr. Agustin?"

I ask wearing a smile; I must admit that I am excited to know him well.

"You know me?"

He asks with a full smile as well, oh my, I know my cheeks are now blushing.

"Hmmm, yes sir, you are the CEO of the mall where I work"

I said looking into his eyes.

"Wait, you are working at S. A. M Mall?"

He asks again wearing a surprised look.

"Yes sir, you visited there last time right?"

I said and I can see that he act like he tries to remember it.

"Ah yes, you were there at the meeting, I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet everyone"

He explains in a very polite way, somehow I feel comfortable since I am with Mr. Agustin or Gust; I didn't know he is just Ms. Selene's assistant.

We head to the parking lot and then let me get into his car.

"So... how are you, are you excited or scared?"

Gust asks while driving peacefully.

"I'll be okay, besides I felt much more comfortable being with you doing this job since I already know you than Ms. Selene which is pretty scary"

I said which makes me regret it in a second, I shouldn't say that! What if he will report me to Ms. Selene then Gust just burst into a laugh that surprised me.

"Are you scared of her?"

He suddenly asks while laughing.

"I am, she is a little intimidating to talk to, she won't take a no for an answer"

I said while thinking about her gesture towards me last time.

"Correct! Look at you now, she even makes you accept the job without even asking if you want it or not, amazing right"

He smilingly said while driving, I am not sure but he seems so amazed with his boss.

"Though she seems different, behind that beautiful face, it seems her eye hides all the pain inside her"

I seriously said looking outside the window, I don't know why I said that but it just comes out of my mouth without me thinking.

"Is that what you see in her?"

Gust asks again and this time he throws me a look.

"Yeah, every time I look in her eyes all I can see is pain, she is sad and lonely inside that makes me feel it within me"

I emotionally said which is I don't know why but I feel like I am seeing myself in her, hiding pain within our hearts.

"Hey, relax, she is just like that, Sen-I mean Ms. Selene is just indeed a quiet person"

Gust said which seems like he is so sure about it.

"Wait, is she still single? Or married? Does she have a child?"

I ask, that I yet to regret again being nosy damn!

"Yeah she's single and I don't think she will ever be ready to go into a relationship, but I am hoping for her happiness" Gust simply explains which made me realize, he knows her well, and they must be friends for a long time I guess. Having a nice small talk I didn't notice that we are already at the hotel where the client stays.

This time Gust seriously discusses with me what is I supposed to do after meeting the two Singaporean clients.

Since Gust told me that I am the only one who can enter the hotel and so I did, when I get to the room, I breathed out some air to calm myself before I knock. As the door opened, I saw two Singaporean nationals in front of me.


The guy wearing a blue shirt asks.

"Yes and regarding the deal we had on the phone I'm here now to get the contract and the painting along with the document"

I said while calming myself, seriously I am so nervous at this moment especially when they let me get in their room now. "Have a seat first Ms. Selene"

Said the other Singaporean guy wearing a red shirt and prepared a glass of water and offer it to me, then I quietly sit while waiting for them to get the painting. Suddenly the other guy wearing red brings out a large black bag that looks like a body bag; I get confused since it doesn't seem like a size of a painting.

I felt scared by the way they move next to me and so I keep a little distance and was about to go out of the room when suddenly I felt dizzy and passed out. SELENE ALVUERO-MONDRE CORP.


I successfully get what I want, I am now holding all the files I need that will give me the lead on where to find the important thing that I need to recover. Ring..... ring.....


I said as I answer the call.

"She is with the client now"

Gust said on the other line.

"Just monitor the place and make sure to inform me what is going on"

I commanded him.

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"Okay, and oh... Martha said something about you... she's quite a special Sen"

Gust said and even on the other line, I can see how he smiles while telling me those.

"Hmmm... We'll see about that"

I said then end the call; I lean my back with cross arms and seriously look outside the window.

"Special... hmm..."

I said to myself with a naughty smile wondering why she said that.


I woke up inside the body bag and I feel like I am having shortness of breath so I quietly open the bag as I saw a little space open.

I found out that I am inside of a vehicle an L300 truck, and the two Singaporean in front are the same person I talked to earlier.

My tears will fall anytime feeling scared, I don't know what supposed to do, I try to open the door but it is locked.

If only it was easy to open I will take the risk of jumping outside but I failed, then I am stunned when the truck stops and suddenly open the door.

"Aaahhhh... let me go!! I didn't do anything wrong to you people! Please! Let me go!"

I said while crying my heart out begging for them to let me go.

They didn't even hear me out, I don't know if they just don't understand me or what, but they tie up both my hand and feet, I don't know where are we but I guess it's an abandoned area.

"Please.... let me go! I am just doing my job by getting the documents, you can contact my boss, I am not rich I don't have money to give!"

I said as I pleaded but instead, the guy slap me that stop me from talking, I feel like anytime I will fall to the ground for what he did as it makes me feel a little dizzy, and I can feel blood forming at the side of my lips, then their phone rings "We got her boss"

The guy in the blue shirt said.

"Yes boss"

He responded again.

After talking to his boss, he suddenly points the gun at me, I just close my eyes and wait to die but his phone rings again.


He answers but it seems his reaction changes.

"You can double that if you want to get her"

He said, I don't know whom he is talking to but it seems they are discussing terms about me.

"It's a deal and makes sure you get here at 7 pm"

He said again then turns off the call, he commanded the other guy to release the tie of my hand but remain on his feet.

I believe they are expecting someone to be here so while waiting they start to play some board game and then look after me.

As I roamed my eyes, on the right side I saw a bunch of metal containers then a plan suddenly formed in my mind, I just need to know first what is inside those things and so I need to get rid of the tie in my feet.

"Hmmm.... h-hey... please help... I really need to pee"

I said and I smile wide when they finally understand me and untie the rope in my feet, I am about to walk towards the corner where I was supposed to pee when I saw the gun behind them unattended as they were busy playing. I choose to pee near the containers to find out what is inside and yes! It is kerosene!

The guy who is with me to watch out for me is busy with his phone and so I grab the chance to get anything so I can hit him in the head.

I hit him using the broken wood and he passed out.

I slowly walk towards the guy who still looking at the board game and snatch the gun behind him.

When he turned his eyes on me I pointed the gun at him but I have a much better idea for this asshole!

I shoot the few containers of kerosene and run for my life before it explodes, that is my chance to escape and I successfully did, running my ass away from the area.


"Sen, bad news and sorry but they took Martha somewhere though I follow them"

Gust said which I expected; I already know something is odd about this.

"Don't use your ability Gust; we will humanly deal with this, send me their details and the place where they are at"

I said then end the call.

I dialed the number that Gust sends me; it is the number of one of the Singaporean national guys.


The guy said on the other line.

"Give me the girl and I will pay you as much as you expected"

I said try to bargain with them.

"You can double that if you want to get her"

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading! The guy responded.

"I'll triple it, just make sure her safety and make her comfortable"

I said making a deal with him.

"It's a deal then but make sure you get here at 7 pm"

He said giving me what I need to do and then ending the call.

I quickly get in the car and prepare the money to get Martha.

While on the road I dialed Gust's number.

"Gust what is the status there?"

I ask Gust since he was supposed to be in the area now.

"Sen I heard an explosion coming from the inside, I need to see what happens"

He explains that seriously made me regret involving Martha in this!

"Make sure her safety Gust"

The only thing I can say for now is until I get there!


I move quickly using my vampire ability and found the two unconscious bodies of the kidnappers.

When I notice that they are awakening I quickly slit their throat before they know it. I look around but Martha is nowhere to be found and so I dialled Selene's number.

"Sen, Martha is not here, only the two kidnappers"

I said with a shaking voice, I felt worried about Martha.

"Calm down Gust, I bet you already finish the two guys... and... I think I know where Martha is"

She said that confuse me, how will she know where she is, unless...

"Where is she?"

I ask.

"In front of me"

Sen said to stop me and then end the call; I don't know if that is a good idea, I mean Martha must have been walking along the road after escaping the place.


I walk down the road looking tired and scared when suddenly it rains hard.

There are very few cars for which I can't even seek help so I continuously walk until I saw a white car and grab the opportunity to stop it and get help.

The car stopped and the driver alighted holding an umbrella but I am surprised to see..... Selene.

She faced me holding the umbrella, I don't know but I felt the heat of anger inside me towards her.

"Come on inside, let's go home"

She seriously said nothing happened which insults me even more, by her gesture, I get it! She knew it will happen and so she placed me instead of her to save her ass! Damn her!

She was about to go to her car when I pick a big stone and throw it at the front of the car, I can see it cracked a little.

Now the way she looks at me suddenly change after what I did but I don't give damn care!

"How could you! You are evil! You replaced me to be killed instead of you!"

I shouted in anger but she just walked toward me with her most silent and serious face.

"I never forced you; I asked you if you want to be me... now you know how to be like me"

She seriously said which make me hate her more! She reminds me of that evil woman Natasha!

"I thought you are different despite your wealth and power I thought you might be different than them who use their money to get what they want even if it takes hurting someone... but I am wrong you were just like them, like that evil woman Natasha David! Sob*sob* she killed my mother and ruined my family!"

I shouted in tears, all my emotions is now bursting out as I saw how her reaction changed upon hearing what I said and just remained quiet looking at me, silence surrounds us in the middle of the road under the cold rain pouring down then Gust arrive and alighted from his car looking confuse on us seeing how Selene and I just staring at each other.

"Hey, let's go, I will bring you home"

Gust said while carefully guiding me to his car I now felt the exhaustion of the whole day, all those things that I have been through the day, I just lean my back and try to rest.

I can see Selene didn't do a single move from where she stands.


"You are the like them, like that evil woman Natasha David! sob*sob* she killed my mother and ruined my family!"

Those words that keep repeating in my head while I am outside looking at her window, for the first time I am affected by mere human rants.

I can't believe that this tiny girl will be the one to show that kind of affection to me, I was never been treated like that ever since my life changed.

"Oh, Martha... now I know, how it feels to be like you... feels like a human again"

I said while staring closely at a sleeping Martha.

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