Selene Goddess of the Moon

Chapter 2 THE START


Selena finds her way to live peacefully with the humans, it's been almost one century had passed and she still looks the same, the 30-year-old face was the one thing that remains from her past. After the incident of the elite member massacre case which the people used to call it, Selena flew out of the country and live her life in a simple village in France. This time she became one of the great professors/doctors who have ever lived.

She manages to create lots of cures for certain illnesses that endangered all the people in the village.

Despite embracing her new life, Selena never stops looking for the person that the old lady told her about, the person with the blood of the goddess of the sun.

For the past century, she fails to find it, but she believes that it was not yet in this era and she will wait until this person will be born.

Selena receives different offers and suitors but she never had any feelings for anyone, as for her, the time when her family died is the time that her heart comes after.

Her wealth begins to the uproar as she has a lot of businesses and owned lands in different areas and countries.

Being famous in her field she was recognized as the woman of the year and begin to receive awards.

Although achievements and wealth are just beneath her, she still mourns over and over again the death of her husband and child.

On the other hand, Selena continues killing all the people who get in her way, the people who are dirt on society, those people who oppressed others and people who kill for money.

Since Selena became half-human again, she pleasures herself with a lot of coitus, doing one-night pleasure to any person she wants since she was able to control the person if she wants to.

It is becoming a habit since she already accepts the fact that she can no longer conceive she manages to do it anytime she wants to any man she likes, for those who get emotionally attached; she uses her ability to erase their memory. Along the way, she met Agustin, a socialite bachelor of this century, despite his handsome physique hiding his true nature that only Selena knows.

"So, you're Selena, just Selena?"

Agustin asks giving her a seductive look.

"And you are Agustin Mondre, the famous bachelor of the city"

Selena said while returning the seductive look of the guy in front of her.

"I am flattered you know my name Hermosa"

Agustin said while kissing Selena's hand.

"Such a sweet word for a good-looking man like you"

Another response from Selena while drinking her wine and Agustin just smiled at her and invite her to dance but Selena offers more.

She holds Agustin's hand and sweetly mouthed him to follow her.

Then Agustin takes a step following where Selena goes, at the end of the hall there is a hidden exit door where Selena enters.

Although it creeps him out, he manages to see where Selena goes, a dark small room with elegant tables and chairs, a pair of golden candles and a red silk-covered king-size bed.

Agustin swallow his throat and stepped toward Selena who is now lying on the bed when Agustin is near the edge of it he was surprised when Selena grab his hand and place him on the bed while Selene is pressing her body to him, Selena is now on top of him.

Agustin suddenly felt cold when Selena caress his jaw down to his neck.

Now Selena is holding Agustin's neck, at first, he feels fine with it but as the minutes go by it is getting tighter until he can now barely breathe.

He is shocked to see Selena's eyes turn red and her fangs begin to appear, he wants to shout but he can barely move since Selena is way stronger than him.

"You, you are the one who spread those illnesses to those women you have sex with"

Selena said in a very serious tone.

Agustin is so scared that he can't even start to talk but Selena loosened the grip of her hand from choking his neck.

"Ah.... ahm.... I-I'm sick... it was their fault.... those women in my family keep making me do what they want, they sold me to a different woman, most of them are the old ones, but they don't even know that I don't like it! It is disgusting! Inside me is shouting hard, yelling that I can't do it with a woman that I am different but they never listen until I got this illness and so I want my revenge, so just kill me now, I don't mind anymore"

Agustin said in tears looking straight into her eyes, Selena take off her hand to free him, she felt his grudge and hate that she has in her heart as well.

"You are going to die anytime soon, how about I am offering you a deal, will you listen?"

Selena said that is now sitting on the couch in cross arms and legs.

"Ahem... I am listening"

Agustin said while wiping his tears then Selena just give him a sweet smile.


"Hahaha! I have all the men you like but of course, it comes with a good price Santana"

"Fair enough Mitra here, now give me my man!"

Santana said after giving the money.

"Good! Now follow me and I will give you "


A loud sound of a broken door falls to the ground.

"Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! Help!!!"

People are now screaming when they saw Agustin who broke the thick large door of Mitra's Mansion.

"You insolent and rubbish child! What do you think you are doing?"

Mitra said in her very loud voice.

"It's simple Mitra, I am here... to... eat you alive!!!"

Agustin said with a wide smile on his face and before Mitra could respond, Agustin is already at her back and then quickly bites her neck.

Everyone was shocked by what he did to Mitra, people inside the mansion takes every way they can to escape and get out but suddenly Selena appeared in front of them and all the windows and doors are now closed. The two powerful being indulged themselves in their mouth-watering feast for dinner.


In the middle of the night of July 8, 2010, you will hear the whine and moan of the people suffering in pain inside the big laboratory that was hidden in the middle of the forest.

This laboratory was conducting human dissecting research, where they cut each and every piece of the person's veins, arteries and organs alive.

"Sen, five civilians are inside the lab, you only have 10 minutes to get them"

The assistant said.

"That is just enough Gust; prepare the car at the exact time"

Sen said.

She fixes her hood and then quickly enters the laboratory, by the guidance of her assistant, she manages to get in at the exact location where the five civilian stays. "Sen, what is the status now?"

Gust asks.

"Those fucking bastard who made these people their guinea pig"

Sen said in her strong and anguish voice then she manage to get out of the civilians and make them safe, having the rage of anger and madness inside her, she killed all the security and those people who manage the laboratory until she found the doctor's office who conducts the horrible activity to the innocent victim, then she walks towards the office and saw the doctors she has been looking for, hiding below the chairs and tables, Sen walks slowly towards them. You can only hear the sound of her boots, a creepy sound that you hear when a killer is only a step away to kill you.

Sen already notices the hem of the doctor's coat that is hiding on their tables so she starts sitting above it on cross legs.

"Doctors are the person who keeps people alive, do you all agree?"

Sen said while sitting relaxed at the table but no one tries to say something so she starts talking again.

"I am not a fan of waiting for doctors... how rude to make a woman wait who only wants to talk..."

Sen said in her seductive voice then slowly the three doctors came out from under the table where they hide.

When they saw the woman who is sitting pretty while facing them, they couldn't believe their eyes how beautiful the woman is.

"You are so young to threaten us, young lady!"

The first doctor said and he was about to continue what he is saying when Sen is already standing in front of him, his jaw almost drop seeing how fast she moves.

"Do you know what I really hate most Doc? Is when someone is calling me a lady!!!!"

Sen said while playing with his necktie until she grabs his head and crashed it with her bare hand which shocked the remaining two doctors, the second doctor almost pees his pants and the third cannot move an inch out of fear. "One down, two to go! Hahaha! Well, how about we play a game doc because this is really getting boring, how about hiding and seek?"

Sen said wearing a sarcastic smile while looking at the two doctors their faces lightened up with the idea of the game after hearing her suggestion, they want to take the opportunity to hide or escape.

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"I-I guess that is... that is a great idea!"

The second doctor said trying to control his fear.

"Okay, I am going to count to three and then hide until you can!"

Sen said then the two doctors quickly run for their lives.

"One... two... three! I am coming... coming doctors!"

Sen said acting like an insane predator.

The doctors are shaking while trying to find their spot to hide; they were wondering who is this evil woman with unbelievable strength and ability.

The third doctor hides near the employee's closet where all their things are placed it was more than two sections away from their office.

The same goes for the second doctor who hides in the cellar since he feels safe there than hiding in any corner of the laboratory.

Sen move fast from section to section and enjoyed the game she started.

Walking in the hallway of the lab, Sen already smelled where the mouse is hiding and at the exact spot of the CCTV camera, Sen broke the ceiling and pulled out the second doctor who is so shocked. "P-Please, please don't kill me, I was just forced to work here, I-I really don't like doing it, that is the truth"

The second doctor pleaded for his life.

"Uh-huh sure, but... the truth is... this is my favorite, killing some rat who pleads and to tell you what... mercy and pity words just died on me thousand years ago!"

Sen said then grab the doctor's head while facing her and with her stiffed and stretched arm, she crashed the doctor's head and the brain and all the organs inside are now scattered around the floor.

Now the third doctor is the last one on the list, he knows that the second doctor is already dead after listening to the earphone that was connected to them; he almost peed on his pants while his body is shaking in fear of hearing what Sen did to the second doctor.

Now Sen is entering the employee's closets.

"Yoo hoo... doctor... where are you... hahaha... know what doc, I want your opinion about this... I have this fascination about something and I loved doing it, they said it is not a good thing to do... but... ahhhh... hmmm... I am loving it doc... so, do you think I'm insane? Hahaha"

Sen said trying to tease the doctor where ever he is and she continue talking until reached where the third doctor is.

"Don't you want to come out doc? Come on... let us have a chit chat... oh... you're boring...!

How about... a little game... called... PICK A BOO...!!!"

Sen said then suddenly appears in front of the closet where the doctor is and pulled him out.

"Y-You're a crazy bitch... you are not a human!"

The doctor said in fear trying to let go of Sen's grip.

"Oh... I am not a crazy bitch... I'm insane... MONSTER!!!"

Sen said appearing in front of the doctor's face with glowing red eyes and pairs of fangs, Sen sucked every little amount of blood in the doctor's body until he was just bone and skin left. "Crazy asshole"

Sen said while wiping her lips, and then a smile formed on her face seeing what she's been looking for, the files she needed.

"Sen, all the civilians are already free, I have erased all their memories about what happened to them but where are you now?"

Gust asks into his earphone.

"Well... I am here at the place where no one can find...."

Sen said then turn off her earphone connected to Gust.



"Thank you all for coming, thank you!"

I said with a smile, a lot of visitors came when it was not even my 18th birthday since I am already 23; everyone is always present whenever my mom and dad send an invitation. "Hi, Marty! Happy Birthday!"

Megan my best friend greeted me.

"Come here Martha, I'm going to introduce you to Mr Alceron"

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Dad said who never stops introducing me to everyone.

So far this is the happiest birthday that I have had; it is perfect since my both parents are present this time unlike before when Dad was always busy minding his work in his laboratory which is located in Paris. The party is almost done when a woman with a formal pencil-cut dress enters the house, along with four masculine men.

I noticed Dad's reaction upon seeing the woman and I am sure it is not a good reaction at all!

"Dad... who is she?"

I ask him while sweats all over his face.

"Hi there Professor Alfaro, remember me?"

The woman said with a devilish smile.

"Ahm... who are you? I'm pretty sure you are not invited to my party"

I said in cross arms facing her.

"Oh hello there, you must be Martha, look at you, you've grown very pretty, and by the way, I am just seven years ahead of you so you don't need to be so formal dear,"

She said wearing those smiles that I started to hate!

"Hey Sweetie, you can go with your mom to your room, I just need to talk to them about work..."

Dad interrupted us and asks Mom to bring me to my room while my eyes remain staring at her.

The moment we get to my room, Mom holds my hand and we both agree on what Dad said and stay in my room for a while.

"Mom, what's going on, who is that woman?"

I ask upon entering my room but Mom seems hesitant to say a thing to me so I look at her straight in her eyes trying to convince her.

"She is Natasha David, Senior Apollo David's daughter, the chairman of David Laboratory and Technology,"

Mom said while looking so bothered.

"So what does she want to dad? He seems distracted seeing that woman"

I furiously ask.

"Look Sweetie, hmmm... your dad is really great in what he does, most of the company wants to get him and be part of them though, I know David wants more than that from him"

Mom worriedly said.

"And what is that?"

I ask again holding tight her hand.

"Your dad study human life... he is currently developing this medicine that can cure all the illness even viruses in the whole world and I know he is near to fulfil it"

Mom explains, and while having a conversation with mom, our maid knocks on the door to tell us that Natasha and her men forcedly grab my Dad to go with them and so I hurriedly go outside.

"Dad!!!! You Bitch, let go of my Dad!!!"

I shout and approach Natasha but her men suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Hey, kid... if I were you I will step aside or else you will regret it!"

She said fiercely looking into my eyes that somehow shook me a little but I did not mind what she said and held my Dad's arm to pull him back a loud gunshot suddenly surrounds the whole house and everyone was frightened. Then I saw my mom lying on the floor... she was shot in the head by Natasha, I was shaken all over my body seeing my mom showering herself with her blood.

"Mom... Mom... hmm... please don't leave me, Mom"

I pleaded in tears while hugging the dead body of my mother.

While crying hard, I saw Natasha make their way out of the house like nothing happen to bring my Dad, I run towards her and try to stop her by pulling her hair but her men stops me and forcedly put me inside the car while Dad is in another


Natasha sits beside me and holds my chin.

"You... starting today you will forget everything about your life and your father since you will no longer see him again, I am still nice Martha, and while I'm still am, better follow what I said, be gone, don't ever come back to this place because once we meet again I will surely end your life like what happens to your miserable Mother"

She said warning me wearing those scary eyes and away from our place, the car suddenly stops in nowhere, I don't even recognize where we are when Natasha just kicked me out of the car made me fall to the ground where I can barely move out of fear, and with all that happen suddenly I felt dizzy and passed out.

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