Selene Goddess of the Moon

Chapter 1 SELENA

In the year 1706 in Eastern Europe people were known to be polite and happy even if their life is not as wealthy as those of Westerners.

People's way of living is by doing mining for the men and taking care of the house chores for women

A single gemstone is worth many coins that can help a simple family have a better life.

Selena and Ambrogio, a newlywed couple that chooses to live in the 3rd section of the small village of Algura where they decided to start their family.

The past two years were a happy life for a couple especially when Selena is already pregnant.

A few months later when Selena delivered her baby, he is healthy and a very strong baby boy.

The baby grows and becomes a kid, a jolly and witty boy who always goes with Ambrogio his father when doing his mining job.

A couple never loses their hopes until Ambrogio gets even a single gem for their boy's future, so after a series of struggles and hardships, Ambrogio finds the green shiny gems that the Western called emerald.

They quickly bring the gem to the market to know how much it's worth and the shop owner presented them a seven hundred thousand worth of coins, which is more than what they expected, so then the couple exchanges the gem for the coins and then go back home bringing a piece of happy news to their son.

In the middle of the night, Ambrogio heard a footstep around their house so he picks up his axe and woke up Selena to hug their son and make sure he is safe then a loud bang at the door when the five corporal men enter their house. "You, you need to come with us along with your wife and child, we got a complaint about the gem you sell that you stole it at the church which is originally the gem of the April"

The Corporal said that shocked Ambrogio.

"No, that is not true! The gem was found in the mine! And he digs it!"

Selena said tried defending her husband.

"We will know about that, but the three of you need to come with us for an official investigation!"

The second corporal said with authority, so the family quietly obeys the command and goes silently with the corporals.

Along the way, Ambrogio notice that the road they are taking is not heading to the corporal headquarters but to the other way, at this point Ambrogio starts to feel that something is not right and tries to find a way to escape his family from the impending danger.

He pushes away the two corporals beside him and grabs Selena's arm holding their son but the corporals manage to run over them.

"Please.... whatever you want to do with us, just do it to me, please spare my wife and my child"

Ambrogio pleaded in tears but instead of listening to his plead the 3rd corporal grabbed Selena's hair and pull her away from Ambrogio and her son.

A not-so-distance apart, Selena is now lying on the ground while the 3rd corporal starts disgracing her, easily taking off her clothes and covers.

Ambrogio can't do something to help Selena since there is a gun pointing at their son's head, the other corporal kick and punch him in front of his child and his wife who has been raped by the other two corporals cannot any more move her body.

After a few minutes, Ambrogio who is lying on the ground with blood on his face can barely move, Selena despite feeling weak and exhausted as the four corporals disgraced her throughout the time, she managed to crawl back to Ambrogio and to his son that is continuously crying.

They believe that the corporals will let them go after what they did and already feel satisfied by raping her, but she was shocked when in front of her eyes the loud sound of the gun surrounds the whole place.

Her husband and child were gunshot by the 4th corporal that takes their life in just a minute.

Selena cannot contain her tears and even though it is hard for her to move she hurriedly ran towards her son and husband who are currently lying on the ground lifeless.

"aaaahhhhhh..... my baby...... Ambrogio!!!!..... aaahhhhh"

Selena shouted in tears while hugging them.

Since it was dawn, the 2nd corporal immediately shot Selena in her back, making her unconscious and seemingly dead.

Then the corporal leaves them behind.

With the ray of the sun touching her face, Selena manages to open her eyes and found herself inside the cave, she still not feeling well but tries to move and find her son and husband and then heard a voice of an old lady sitting beside her. "Better have a little more rest, my child"

The old Lady said looking merciful at her.

"Hmmm... w-where is my family?"

Selena said in her very weak voice looking straight at the old lady but she just holds her hand to express her condolences.

Selena understands the gesture and starts to cry hard, she cries and cries the whole day and the old lady never leaves her side.

The days pass and Selena's condition gets even better, the old lady brings her to the other side of the cave where Ambrogio and her son were buried, and tears fall from her eyes while kneeling on the ground in front of her family's grave. After spending a few hours at her family's grave the old lady invites her inside the cave to have a small talk.

"So what are you planning to do now child?"

The old lady asks but Selena is just sitting silently staring at one corner, she doesn't want to listen and talk so the old lady asks her again with another question.

"Do you want revenge?"

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The old lady asks and this time it caught Selena's attention.


Selena asks and the old lady gives a meaningful stare at her before she speaks.

"This world is full of mystery my child, there are things that are way unexplainable within our minds, but it is up to you what would you prefer to do, at the second mountain from here there is a narrow cave where you can find the blood of the cursed" The old Lady explains.

"I heard about that, but is it real or just a mere legend that my mother used to tell us for a nighttime story"

Selena said but the old lady just smiled at her and starts to speak again.

"Your mother must be so special, no wonder you are special too, the blood of the cursed is not a myth, nor a legend, it is real, but every power has an equivalent to the person who will drink it, it will either cause chaos to your life or make a better life out of your misery, but one thing is for sure every power we take has something in return so are you ready to pay for it?"

The old lady asks her but Selena is determined to take a step to avenge her family, she will take lives if it is needed.

She did not answer the old Lady but she knows that her determination reflects the gesture of her eyes so the old lady understands it. Selena travelled five days just to get to the second mountain; the cave is so narrow that you need to lower your head to get in. After she successfully enters the cave she found a little altar with a golden cup, she knew that it is already the blood she is looking for. Before she drinks the cup, the old Lady suddenly appears in front of her which seriously shocks her.

"I hope you are doing the right thing, my child, revenge cannot bring them back, and it will only cause so much more pain to you" The old lady said trying to remind her of the consequence.

"I don't care I like this pain I will live with it and die with it, nothing will stop me"

Selena's statement makes the old Lady disappear into thin air.

After drinking all the blood, her body starts shaking and then moves up and down throwing herself around the cave, she shouts in pain due to the heat that she felt which flows through her vein and to her system then suddenly, she passed out.

It has been one day passed when Selena woke up, she felt weird within her and notice that the color of her skin becomes pale but much brighter than before, her face becomes more stunning and her hair is much softer and silkier, she start walking and climbing up to get out of the cave but was stop when she gets burned after a series of sunlight touches her skin, she is now asking herself what is going on but later then realized that maybe it is the result of drinking the cursed blood, so she decided to stay for a while inside the cave.

When the sun goes down, Selena felt the need to eat so she try to find something she can eat like fruits and bread, she manage to go back to their house despite the memories it has, she try to eat the bread but it didn't taste good for her and as well as the fruits, they are all dull in taste for Selena, then suddenly, she smells something very nice, the smell is coming towards her house and then heard a familiar voice that made her hand formed a fist.

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"We need to get back a thousand coins they get, it should be inside the house, and we cannot fail!"

The familiar voice said and Selena's body starts shaking in anger as she knew who they are so when the two men enter the house, they were stunned to see a beautiful woman standing in front of them, they never even recognized Selena her appearance changed from her normal look.

The two men are the two corporals who killed her family so Selena finds a way to grab the neck of one of the corporals, she was amused by the strength she has, she can now even lift him in one hand just by holding him on his neck and when the other corporal was about to attack, Selena grabs him as well and lift him together with the other.

Staring at them filled with anger in her eyes, she can no longer control a sudden emotion inside her until she felt her gums pushing out two fangs while staring at the neck of the two corporals, she can smell their blood and it is addicting, she felt a need to drink it.

Like a hungry animal, Selena sucks all the blood from the two corporals until it kills them, they become dry with only bones and skin left.

After a few minutes, reality hits her, and she begins to realize what she has done, she is no longer different than an animal or even worst, a monster, so Selena begins to cry.

It takes an hour before she gained her composure and she decided to embrace the monster she became.

Then days turn to weeks, and Selena begins to track down the other corporals but they are a bit hard to find, so along the way, for her to live she manages to drink the blood of the people she encounters, those people whom she thinks deserve to die.

It takes several months before Selena masters her ability, she also realized that she is already immortal and that even hundred guns shoot her, her body can heal naturally, she also gains some wealth and now living a different life, she left the east and live in the west where all the luxury can be found.

Selena tries her best to be able to blend in with the high society people attending the elite member's meeting and there she found the two remaining corporals.

Out of anger, she did not hesitate to suddenly attack the 4th corporal in front of the people, she suck all his blood until he can no longer breathe, the crowd was stunned and was afraid of her, but little did she notice that the curtain behind her has been accidentally pulled down and the sun immediately strikes her skin, then the people start opening all the windows and Selena start shouting in pain, her skin is melting like a candle and before she explodes, the old lady appears in front of her then hug her tight.

When she is about to escape Selena a loud gunshot surrounds and the old lady's back has a shot that makes her fall to the floor.

Selena grabs the old lady trying to lift her out of the hall but she is very weak to make another move at the same speed she has due to the damage she gets from the sun.

"Hey, please old lady, don't die on me please"

Selena pleaded in tears.

"My child, I tried to make up for my sin by at least saving you, please have a life after this, drink my blood and become me, be the goddess of the Moon, and live your life, a little of my blood can make you a half-human who can live again in the daylight like what normal people do, find the dark book where all the information is written down there, the day will come the blood of goddess of the sun will be born, it will turn you back to human, find it, promised me, find it" The last words are said by the old lady before she turns into ashes.

Selena gained her strength after biting and drinking the old lady's blood and standing again in front of all the elites with the open windows, she knew that something inside her changed and that change makes her stronger than before, her speed is undeniably amusing and her eyes turn into red when she is turning and silver for normal days, she can now have the control of her fangs, and that moment on, she manages to kill every elite that is inside the hall.

After the horrific incident, Selena suddenly disappears and all she is left in the eyes and memory of the people she helped over the people she killed is a sad story of a mother and a wife who becomes the goddess of the moon with cursed blood.

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